I’ m trying to clean the .nav, .snm, .mtc and .gz files which appear when i compile a latex document. I read that i have to modify the testate.py file but I don’t find it. Could you help me?
System : OSX 10.9.1
Texmate 2.0-alpha.9503
Best regards
PS : (sorry for the bad english)
Professeur de Physique
Responsable de l'interclassement
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes
11 allée de Beaulieu CS 50837
35708 Rennes cedex 7, France
Université Européenne de Bretagne
Tel 33 (0)2 23 23 80 53
In TM2, the behavior of command-i is unexpected, and I believe different than in TM1.
Minimal example: Language grammar is LaTeX, cursor is at the pipe (|) in the following text, and I press command-i.
one | two
Expected result: one \emph{|} two
with cursor at pipe
Actual result: one\emph{ }|two
with cursor at pipe
Thanks, and I apologize if there’s a legitimate reason for this result which I don’t know about!
Christopher Eliot
Brooklyn, NY
Along a thread similar to Kai Wood's comments on installing an external
bundle, I am trying to get the bundle for Julia working. To this end I have
now created the Pristine\ Copy subdir in ~/Library/Application Support/Avian/.
Then I created the subdir Bundles and then used the script:
sudo cp -r Julia.tmbundle ~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/Pristine\
to copy the julia-supplied bundle to hopefully the right place. I then
restarted TM2 but did not see Julia on the bundles list. So I looked on the
Bundles list and Julia does not appear. However, when I go to Bundles->
Edit Bundles I see julia mentioned. Selecting that I only see an entry for
Language Grammars. The check for Enable This Item is already in place.
So, can you guys please help me get the Julia bundle usable?
Thanks very much.
I work on a few projects with symlinked directories and right now the lack of symlink support is the biggest thing keeping me on Textmate 1.
Symlinked files don’t show up in the Go To File (⌘+T) command, which makes one of my favorite features useless on some projects for me.
I know the FAQ also says that expanding symlinks currently doesn’t work in the File Browser- just curious if there’s an update for that? I tend to open files via ⌘+T and immediately ⌃⌘+R to reveal the file in the File Browser (would love for that to be automatic when you open a file).
When opening a document in a project that already has several tabs open, I find it very unpredictable where the new tab will go. It appears somewhere in the middle of the other tabs, and seems to disturb their order. Moreover, if I open a document whose tab is already open, it moves within the order of tabs.
All of that seems wrong and confusing, and makes it hard to keep track of which tab is which (because the order keeps changing so there is no positional memory). I would like to see the rule be:
* A document that is not already open, opens as the *first* tab. (I would really like it to be last, but that does not seem feasible because there might be too many tabs for the window, and it is pointless to hide the new tab off to the right.)
* A document that *is* already open, simply selects that tab, without changing the order of existing tabs.
matt neuburg, phd = matt(a)tidbits.com, http://www.apeth.net/matt/
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 7! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920031017.do
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TidBITS, Mac news and reviews since 1990, http://www.tidbits.com
Hi everyone,
Today I felt the need to be able to select text between quotes, and
managed to dig up this old message from 2009
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Oliver Taylor <olivertaylor at me.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 7:17 PM, MDX-LE<dj9027 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > How do I Select all the characters between double quotes? When I use Ctrl+Alt+B when the cursor is somewhere inside the double quotes, it selects all the characters inside the quotes AND the quotes themselves.
> >
> > Can I change this so that I can restrict selection within the quotes without the quotes?
> If you create a macro or command with the same shortcut you'll override the menu item.
> I've attached a macro that might do what you want, but you may have to customize it.
I've attached an improved version of this macro that works for either
single or double quotes, including when single quotes are within a
double quoted string and vice-versa (though it still won't handle
escaped quotes properly).
If you have any suggestions for further improvements let me know!
Since I updated to Textmate 2 I have a problem with folding code: whenever I unfold a piece of code (by clicking on the triangle), the code unfolds but the triangle disappears. This way I need to highlight the section and click fold again, instead of just clicking the triangle again to fold it. This was not the case under Textmate 1 and led to me never using Textmate 2 as it's such a crucial functionality for me. I hope you can tell me what I may be doing wrong or resolve it if it's a bug!
What happened to the great little feature where you could ask to show/select in the file browser the file you are currently editing? It seems to be missing in action in TextMate 2.
This makes it very difficult (i.e. impossible) to know what file you are editing, especially when lots of tabs are open and there are lots of files in a big hierarchy in the file browser.
Of course if it is there but in some other guise, I'm happy to be corrected! Thx - m.
matt neuburg, phd = matt(a)tidbits.com, http://www.apeth.net/matt/
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 7! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920031017.do
iOS 7 Fundamentals! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032465.do
RubyFrontier! http://www.apeth.com/RubyFrontierDocs/default.html
TidBITS, Mac news and reviews since 1990, http://www.tidbits.com