I'm in the habit of writing my method definitions without parentheses
around the argument list, like:
def initialize name, id, *args
# ...
TextMate doesn't recognize the arguments, so the jump-to-method and
the symbols drop-down can get confusing... and the arguments aren't
colored correctly in the editor window. I'm not sure how to fix this,
or submit my modifications to the SVN repository. Could someone point
me in the right direction?
I love the way
(I miss an automatic way of reformatting C/C++ code inside TM… but
that is another story)
I have changed the output to build directly an html window in TM:
The problem is, when I copy/paste the code to include it in Mail, for
example, empty or short lines ending in space make funny things,
leaving blanks after the numbers…
Is there any solution.
I have the PHP bundle in `/Library/Application Support/TextMate/
I have my personal bundle in `~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/
Both bundles contain preferences for comments that are scoped for
"source.php". My understanding is that the preferences in my personal
bundle should be taking precedence because that bundle is in my home
directory and thus "more local". This is what seems to happen on my
work machine (still running Tiger) with a similar configuration and
this is how things appeared to work on my laptop pre-Leopard. But now,
TextMate seems to be taking the preferences from the PHP bundle
instead of mine. If I remove the PHP bundle from /Library and let the
one in TextMate.app take over, it still seems to take precedence over
the preferences in my home directory.
Any ideas?
Rob McBroom
Dear mailing list members,
I'm writing my master thesis at the moment and writing it in TextMate
with the Latex bundle is awesome! But one thing is driving me crazy:
When I write "` as beginning quotation mark and hit the space key, the
finishing quotation mark is '" and not "' as it should be.
It would be very nice if someone would fix this in the next release, for
all those graduating students out there.
I just installed websvn up on the ole bundleforge.
You can now browse, subscribe to rss changelogs & download tarballs of
any and all Bundles from 6 bundle collections.
If you know of a bundle repo that should be added to the list, please
let me know.
This is an "alpha" version because this isn't exactly what I had
intended to do with BundleForge in the longrun. However, this is
better than nothing.
—Thomas Aylott – subtleGradient—
> Sorry to describe the changes I made rather than giving a bunch of
> patches but the normal bundle development model just won't work for
> me. I change a bunch of stuff for my personal use (like some of the
> hacks above) so I need to keep the ~/Library/Application Support/
> Textmate directory for my own personal modifications. If someone
> could tell me an easy way to produce a diff of the changes I've made
> here with the actual bundle maybe I could be more helpful.
> Anyway thanks to the author(s) of the latex bundle for all the work
> they've put in so far. Hopefully this was helpful an not just
> useless bitching.
> Peter
I don't know if this has been addressed already, but I have another
two concern since I last updated my bundles:
1) Inside a non-maths scope, adding an underscore still produces "_{}"
rather than just "_". For example:
adding "_" with the caret after "resonance" produces
which pdflatex doesn't seem to like very much. The same is true for
captions, sections, subsection, ... Would it be possible to change the
scope of the "_" command to math only?
2) A similar issue arises when I add powers in math mode using "^".
This correctly produces "^{}" and places the caret inside the
brackets. Pressing _any_ key now however adds another iteration of the
command, like so: "^{^{}}". I am using a German keyboard, so to get a
"^", I have to press the key above tab and then hit space. This might
be related to the problem I have.
Several days (weeks?) ago an update was pushed that has given me quite a
few problems.
Essentially it breaks the Ruby library paths:
This is the error coming from Cmd-R with the ruby bundle.
`require': no such file to load -- dialog (LoadError)
from /Library/Application
The Textmate build is 1436.
What do I need to set to get my functionality back?
Hi --
I'm trying to develop a new language syntax for project management, note
taking and task management around GTD. I've been using Markdown but
would like to integrate some of the task features of the GTD2 bundle as
well as some project reporting scripts. Rather than develop this as a
completely distinct language, I'd like to simply extend the Markdown
bundle, based on special casing more specific syntactic matches of
existing Markdown syntax. For example, where Markdown recognizes:
- my colleague
as an unordered list, I'd like to extend it to recognize:
- @call my colleague
as a todo item, with a phone call context. This allows specialized todo
items to be spread throughout a project document, then extracted, rolled
up, etc using reporting scripts.
This is my first attempt at bundle development, so I'm trying to figure
the cleanest way to do this type of language extension. I've read the
various docs and blog entries on language syntax and contexts, as well
as http://wiki.macromates.com/Main/Howtos#bundleExtension, which is on
target but lacks some detail. In particular:
1. How do you override or specialize certain syntactic patterns from a
base language? The language docs show how to use "include" to reference
a whole separate grammar, but I think what I'm looking for is to
override only a single grammar rule. In the above example, should I copy
the "unordered list" pattern from the Markdown plist file and use a
modified version in the new language file? Or is there a way to
"subclass" the syntax w/out this copy-paste model by including only the
one rule?
2. Are there restrictions on the file suffixes for this new language?
Should the new language share the same file suffix as the original, or
come up with a different one?
Any pointers to sample code or even bundles that already do this type of
extension would be greatly appreciated.
Also here is a short patch to latexutils so it doesn't choke if it
can't find a file (say when doing label completion and can't find an
inputted file).
Really I should also fix the find_file code but not now.