I just ran into a problem where after the recent update (version
1436), all of TM's shortcuts involving the ctrl key broke.
All of the emacs-like keybindings seem to still work, though.
I've tried resetting all of the preferences i could think of
including a new user account.
Hello everyone!
The next release of the GetBundle will offer multi-repository support
and a faster "Show Bundles in Repository/ies".
To collect information for this command i need from everyone who wants
to see his bundle appear there some information (is that a correct
english sentence?).
1) Where can i reach your repository
2) Make sure your Bundles have a nice info.plist with description of
the Bundle, Author name and an email address in ROT13 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROT13
<string>Sebastian Gräßl</string>
<string>A bundle to <a href="http://sg.validcode.at/stuff/textmate-getbundle-bundle
">retrieve more bundles</a> from the subversion repository at
If you don't have a svn-repository send me link to your zipped bundle
to download.
This will also be the first step to a centralized bundle source (not
PLEASE, send you mail directly to me, not as a reply to this thread
and be sure the subject starts with [TM Bundle]
>> On 10/30/07, mlondon <mlondon(a)sprynet.com> wrote:
>>> I would like to be able to FIND a string and move it up or down
>>> in the file.
>> Pipe the document through:
>> perl -ne 'BEGIN{$"=undef}push(@hold, $_) if /^NOTE/../^X-Palm/; print
>> unless @hold; if (/^X-Palm/) {pop @hold; print "$_@hold"; @hold=()}'
>> j.
Hi Jay,
Sorry but I am not a programmer, and I have absolutely no idea how to
do what you are telling me above.
Will this move the entire line, even if it is wrapped onto 4-5 lines?
How far up or down will it move it?
Would really appreciate if you could provide some instruction in
plain english.
Thank you,
I've just updated TextMate a couple of days ago to 1.5.7 from 1.5.6, and
am noticing what seems to be a bug when replacing text. Here's what
happens. If I'm in a Plain Text document, and specify to replace the
string X with the string Y, the first instance of X is first prepended
with Y, then all the Xs are replaced with Y.
This didn't happen with the previous versions of TextMate that I used,
starting with 1.5.4, I think. I'm using TextMate under X.4.10. Anyone
else seen this?
- Dushan Mitrovich
Hi Allan,
I have set most script- and text filetypes to be
opened with TextMate, and I guess it's the same
with a lot of fellow textmaters here. Is there a
simple official way to have these files recognized
as text type by quicklook, so that we can see the
content of the file instead of the purple icon?
In the preceding thread on the same issue a hack
was proposed, but maybe you (the Author) have
some interesting ideas on this and some plans for the
future. I think this would be a substantial
I am using build 1436 under Leopard. Whenever I run Typeset & View using the
LaTeX bundle, I get an error message saying "There was a problem reading the
preferences file, continuing with defaults", and the resulting pdf is
displayed in the Typeset & View window itself regardless of any settings in
my LaTeX preferences. Changing these preferences also has no effect. Now, I
tried removing my com.macromates.textmate.plist file, and was able to change
my pdf viewer setting in LaTeX preferences. This works fine, until I try to
change this setting again, at which I point get the same error as before.
Any ideas on what the cause may be?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Preferences-file-could-not-be-read%2C-might-be-relate…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
For the people who are not aware.
I took up the challenge and have now merged the Mono Bundle and the C
Sharp Bundle (from the E Editor) into the C# Bundle.
I have cleaned all the snippets and made them consistent and added a
few others as well as improving the language grammar.
I believe that the bundle is now more than usable. If you find any
problems, please let me know.
The new bundle can be found in the SVN repository under "trunk/Review/
I have a few ideas for commands and snippets to add, but would like to
give this opportunity for requests for new commands/snippets etc.
Matthew Winter
Hi Allan,
Thank you for the tip. That worked perfectly.
From: Allan Odgaard <throw-away-2(a)macromates.com>
Date: 2 November 2007 4:19:34 AM
To: TextMate users <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
Subject: Re: [TxMt] Quick Search bundle in Leopard
Reply-To: TextMate users <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
On 30 Oct 2007, at 23:24, Diego Barros wrote:
> Anyone that's using the Quick
> Search<http://www.datanoise.com/articles/2007/3/19/textmate-and-quick-searches
> >bundle
> under Leopard finding that it's now broken? I'm getting the following
> error as soon as I choose "Quick Search"
> /tmp/temp_textmate.xdnrYn:4:in `require': no such file to load --
>> /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/dialog
>> (LoadError) [...]
It would appear the bundle does a require 'dialog' -- we changed the
name of that library to ‘ui’ some time ago. So try to change it in
the bundle command (found via Bundles → Edit Commands… and finding
the bundle in question).
Hi all,
I'm looking to add a macro that will let me do something like
comment ->
and create an inline comment structure like:
| Constructor
The only trick is, is it possible to continue pre-pending additional |
everytime I hit a newline? so if my comment consists of more than one
line I can do
comment ->
| Constructor
| <-- added by macro
| <-- also added... etc
- sf
Is there any way to have automatic hard wrapping?
I usually write LaTeX (or other text based files) and keep the source
under version control with subversion (and exchange files with
colleagues). So often I use diff tools to check the differences
between version (mostly with FileMerge, which highlights the
differences), but with soft wrap I end up with very long lines and
one has to scroll to see the real differences in a line (or better
The wrap paragraph comand (^Q) does not work well with LaTeX (it will
and the reformat commnd of the LaTeX bundle does not work for me.
All the best
Dr Guido Governatori
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia
Phone: +61-(0)7-336 52907
Fax: +61-(0)7-336 54999