Hello all,
I use TextMate to create PDFs with LaTeX. I've configured TextMate to
use pdflatex as the compile engine (TM_LATEX_COMPILER=pdflatex and the
default engine in the LaTeX preferences is pdflatex too). That works
Today I had to use for some reason the package epsfig and TextMate ran
everytime latex instead of pdflatex. Finally I forced the use of
pdflatex with the "%!TEX TS-program = pdflatex" directive in the tex
Is there an explanation for that behaviour and maybe a solution for
that? (I found 3 postings here which are somehow related to that
problem, but because I'm not an expert, I didn't get the clue, which
might be in there.)
Thanks for your attention
Juergen Arndt
Hi all
I was recently working on a LaTeX project, when suddenly I got this
message at the start of the log window:
"There was a problem reading the preferences file, continuing with
After it, I get one run with zero errors. I don't think the problem
lies in my tex-file, since it used to work fine before. I tried
repairing permissions and tried updating my bundles which was to no
avail. Anybody out there experiencing the same. I'm using the newest
build (1436) of Textmate and check out the whole trunk including all
bundles and support folders via svn to /Library/Application\ Support/
TextMate. I'm currently at the newest checkout 8446. I can change the
settings in my LaTeX preferences and they stick, so why can't the
typeset engine read my preferences?
Thanks for any help
The comments defined via TM_COMMENT_START I use with 'command' /
but how do I comment/uncomment using the pattern defined in
TM_COMMENT_START_2 ? I tried all key combinations I could imagine and
googled, no luck.
Roberto Saccon
I am having a strange problem with Typeset & View that makes no sense
to me. It works fine in simple documents with the same preamble, but
not on a longer one. The document typesets as it should, but the
focus does not change to Skim. I get the following error:
sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `(' sh: -c: line 0:
`dvips QuantumCalculus.dvi -o QuantumCalculus.ps' sh: -c: line 0:
syntax error near unexpected token `(' sh: -c: line 0: `ps2pdf
QuantumCalculus.ps' sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token
`(' sh: -c: line 0: `/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/Resources/
displayline 177 "QuantumCalculus.pdf" /Users/jenny/Desktop/Pending/
A fatal error occured, log file is in QuantumCalculus.log
I have tried changing the viewer, but the error message is essentially
the same. The focus remains in TextMate, the typeset document is
correct, and there are no errors in the log file.
I created a new version of the same document by pasting in small
section after section to find the problem. It typeset perfectly each
time, all the way through to the end. The two files are identical and
one works, the other doesn't. Naturally, I began using the second,
but after a dozen or so uses of Typeset & View, it gave me the same
error message as above.
Thanks for the help,
I cant work out the regex in the c bundle
but basically i need to be able to get function definitions that look
like this into the symbol list.
void test(int *a,
int b)
can anyone help ?
It seems like the mootools bundle wrongly scopes variables named the
same as methods in mootools' classes as methods.
(make sure you use a theme like Blackboard which highlights js)
As you can see the map variable is highlighted, and wrongly scoped
like support.class.array.js.mootools.
Unfortunately I'm still very new to TextMate language grammars and
not very confident with mootols, so I'm not sure I'm in a position to
file a patch. The way to fix this thought, I presume would be to look
for a leading '.'(dot) instead of word boundary for all class
methods. Something like:
match = '(?<=\.)(map|forEach|...)\b';
The mootools bundle is Joe Maller, is he still around here available
to fix?
Peter Haza
I just uploaded the new version 0.906
"$TMTOOLS" help me
added: show bundleMenu
Regarding to the Ctrl+Esc issue:
For all those of you who don't want to edit a keybindings.dict or to
abandon to some 'global' Ctrl+Esc events,
now you can easily create a normal TM command with
"$TMTOOLS" show bundleMenu
bound to any key-combo;
input = none;
output = show tool tip
to invoke the gear menu. Of course, Ctrl+Esc doesn't work if this
combo is used by other applications.
If there is someone who really need the Ctrl+Esc combo to open the
gear menu regardless of other applications, I believe this should
work (if you have installed QuickSilver and TMTOOLS 0.906):
write a bash script with the following content:
~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/PlugIns/TMTools.tmplugin/
Contents/Resources/tm_tools show bundleMenu
Note: please verify the path to tm_tools!
save it as - let's say -
Note: be sure you set the "execute bit"!
open QuickSilver Trigger pane
go to 'Custom Triggers'
and add a new trigger by looking for the just created bash script
name "TM_show_bundleMenu" for an item; action = "Run [...]"; and set
the target to "dummy"
assign to the just created trigger the hot-key Ctrl+Esc and for
activation 'On Press'; scope to "TextMate"
close the QuickSilver window
try the hot-key Ctrl+Esc in TM
I tried it out, and it works, even if I have Apple Remote running.
I don't know whether this was reported before.
The following Ruby Script has a misbehaviour (please consider [1] and
[2] as markers :):
puts "Here's 1 +[1] 1: #{ 1 +[2] 1}"
If the Caret is at position [1], Apple-R runs the program inside the
ruby interpreter. If the Caret is at position [2], the default Run-
command (Build in X-Code is used).
This is because #{...} is scoped as embedded Ruby source, which is
explicitely filtered for the Run-Command. I didn't patch it, as I
don't know which way to go (changing the scope or changing the scope
selector for the command). But I hope the bundle maintainer can sort
that out in a second :).
I'm trying to define a scope for LaTeX subscript/superscript.
The language I have defined is as follows:
{ scopeName = 'text.tex.latex.guido';
fileTypes = ( 'tex' );
patterns = (
{ name = 'sscript.math.tex';
match = '(?<!\\)(?:_|\^)\{.*\}';
{ include = 'text.tex.latex'; },
{ include = 'text.tex.math'; },
The above language seems to work properly in LaTeX math and LaTeX
math environnments. However, the scope is not recognised in plain TeX
math, that is in cases like $X_{as}$ shift-ctrl-P does not show the
newly defined scope in the tooltip.
I have tried different includes to no avail.
All the best
Dr Guido Governatori
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia
Phone: +61-(0)7-336 52907
Fax: +61-(0)7-336 54999