Whenever I send a post to a Movable Type blog with »Status: Draft«,
the entry gets published instantly. Is there a workaround or bugfix
for this? It works fine with Wordpress.
Thank you in advance.
I've been playing around with the Blogging bundle the past few days,
because I recently updated my weblog app, SimpleLog[1], with full
XML-RPC API support. Most people will use MarsEdit and the like, but I
live in TextMate so I'd like to use it if possible. But I have some
weird problems.
The first, is that the blog setup suggests writing the endpoint URL as
http://username@site.com, but usernames for my weblog app are email
addresses, so this doesn't work (http://user@site.com@site.com
obviously won't work). Now, if you don't put the username and @ sign
in the setup, the Blogging bundle will ask you for your username when
connecting, but with a few problems:
1. It will say '--button1' in the field when it prompts you.
2. It won't remember your username and will keep asking you (it does,
however, remember you password).
Now, it does allow you to connect, and that's great. However, there is
an issue when posting/updating posts. While it does successfully post
and update, it also ALWAYS errors. The first line becomes:
2006-08-25 12:07:00.341 open[4844] No such file:
Now, the error is different depending on the user, setup, etc. But
it's something like this. In this case, garrett is my username
(obviously), and this_is_a_test_yep is the permalink for this post.
What's causing this?
I'd like to get everything working smoothly so I can promote this
functionality in SimpleLog. Help would be appreciated.
Also, on a side note--I'm sure this has been addressed, but it's a
little annoying to have to have a file open before being able to fetch
Thanks again,
[1]: http://simplelog.net
Hi there,
I can't get the Obj-C documentation (⌃H) to work.
I always get “No documentation found...”. Looking
in the Bundle Editor to see how it works, I think
the doc_references.txt is not correct anymore : the
paths in this file are different than in my
/Developer/ADC Reference Library directories...
I'm using Xcode 2.4
Thanks in advance :)
Are there any plans to add something like the Subethaedit online
collaboration features to Textmate? In the light of Leopard's apparent
focus on online collaboration, such things would be double-plus good!
(and it would limit the number of editors I need on my system!)
Could this HTML drag command for js files be included with TextMate?
echo "<script src=\"$TM_DROPPED_FILE\" type=\"text/javascript\"
the following code behaves a bit strange when in ruby mode:
def to_pdf
"Type" => "Pages",
"Kids" => @kids,
"Count" => @kids.size,
"Resources" => @resources,
"MediaBox" => @mediabox,
Just select all the text and indent it. The folding markers are at
lines 1,2 and 9 (odd number) and the 'end' is indented to the right.
What can I do?
I experience a reproducible crash with TextMate. I open a simple ruby file, for example this foo.rb:
def foo
puts "bar"
Then I press ctrl-R to run the program, close the 'run' window with
cmd-w. Then, in the main window with the ruby source, the lines on the
cursor get black. When I close this window with cmd-w, TextMate
What can I do?
When using version control, my commits outnumber my adds by an order
of magnitude or two. That being the case, why give "Add to repository"
top billing on these menus?
I've reordered the version control menus on my system roughly in
order of usage. Huffman would be proud - they all start with "Commit"
now. :-)
Diff with newest (HEAD)
Diff with previous revision (PREV)
Diff with working copy (BASE)
Diff with revision...
Add to repository
Check out revision
(everything else)
I have posted a couple of significant improvements to the GTD
Bundle. First I created an exclusion list, which allows you to
create a list but exclude it from your active task list. The other
improvement is an overhaul of the help system - it was way out of
date. Please feel free to let me know if you're using the GTD bundle
and have a suggestion. Thanks.
As previouslky annouced, here is My 1st question about TextMate 1.5.2
Watching at LateX video on TextMate site, I saw an interesting functionality : Bibliography completion.
I well know BibDesk, which I use daily. So, I launched BibDesk, opened a .bib file and went back to TextMate (as shown in the video) and nothing happened ?
Did I miss something ?
Thanks for help