I'm getting this error in GTDAlt, I don't know why:
/tmp/temp_textmate.Ti4Kga:2:in `require': No such file to load --
date (LoadError)
from /tmp/temp_textmate.Ti4Kga:2
I haven't changed my ruby setup, I haven't changed my TextMate setup.
This is annoying.
Did that happen to anyone before?
When I switch from HTML to PHP files, TM doesn't switch the syntax
highlighting automatically anymore... If I select it from the
language menu I get my syntax coloring, but then switching back to
HTML, it doesn't revert back to HTML highlighting... I constantly
have to manually switch the language from PHP to HTML...
I tried to look into the bundle and PHP doesn't have a "filetypes"
but I don't think it's supposed to anyway right?
Plus I thought the HTML bundle included the PHP one no? Or did that
revert back to separate languages in the bundle editor?
Thanks for any suggestion
- Yann
Yann Bettremieux
Multimedia Producer
m i n i m a l d e s i g n
244 Fifth Avenue
Suite P233
New York, NY 10001-7604
tel / fax: 212.931.8525
email: yann(a)minimaldesign.net
site: http://minimaldesign.net/
Somehow that recent patch to allow to set the date in Wordpress
actually made things worse: Now every time I post the same entry that
date moves back by 5 hours... The date header is show like this:
Date: 2006-08-04 15:15:54 -0500
and if I post that entry again it changes to:
Date: 2006-08-04 10:15:54 -0500
Wordpress is set to show times as UTC -0500.
In a html document the <style> tag seems to be included in the scope
of source.css.embedded.html whereas surely it isn't css at all, only
the contents between the tag are css.
Is there an easy way for me to fix this?
Hello List (first time poster),
I continue to receive this error when attempting to fetch posts from a
WordPress blog at 'thenormalfamily.net'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:546:in `do_rpc': HTTP-Error: 302
Found (RuntimeError)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:420:in `call2'
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:410:in `call'
Support/lib/metaweblog.rb:31:in `getRecentPosts'
Support/lib/blogging.rb:545:in `fetch'
:in `call_with_progress'
Support/lib/blogging.rb:544:in `fetch'
from /tmp/temp_textmate.x9FaQW:3
The confusing part is that I'm having no problem retrieving posts from other
WP blogs with the exact same configuration.
I have gone to the extent of reinstalling the blog from the DB on up. I've
tried to clean my keychain of any references to this domain.
The entry in blogging.txt looks like this:
The Normal Family http://admin@thenormalfamily.net/wp/xmlrpc.php
There are other entries in the file with the same format that work fine.
Can someone help me decipher the error message?
Dan J.
Daniel Jewett
First congratulations to Allan on a well deserved award... :)
Now, have you guys seen the XCode 3.0 screenshot showing the new
"ribbon scope highlighter" ?
I think it's pretty nifty, don't you think Allan ? (hint hint hint :D)
Luc Heinrich - luc(a)honk-honk.com - http://www.honk-honk.com
Thanks for the previous help. I'm a little chagrined that they
seemed obvious questions. I had looked for answers... honest. :)
Anyway, I've got another use case that I could use some help with. I
often ssh into another unix box, and occasionally need to edit a file
while I'm there. With bbedit, I had a script that would ssh back
into my mac and then open the remote file on the unix box. I'm
trying to replicate that with TextMate. The closest I've found in
the mailing list is this:
My version is as follows. On the remote box I have a script called
#! /bin/sh
# Make sure we have the full path to the file
if echo $1 | egrep ^/ - > /dev/null ; then
path=$1 ;
path=`pwd`/$1 ;
echo Opening $path on ${SSH_CLIENT%% *}
ssh willu@${SSH_CLIENT%% *} remoteOpen ${USER} ${HOST} "$path"
On my Mac I have this script called 'remoteOpen':
remBase=`basename $remPath`
remDir=`dirname $remPath`
tempDir=`mktemp -d` || exit 1
echo "${remLoc}" > ${tempDir}/remLoc
scp -Bpq "${remLoc}" "${localfile}" && cp "${localfile}" $
{localBackup} && osasc
ript -e "tell app \"Terminal\" to do shell script \"mate -w $
if ! cmp -s "${localfile}" ${localBackup} ; then
scp -Bpq "${localfile}" "${remLoc}"
rm -rf ${tempDir}
I then have the following command for use within TextMate (instead of
the normal 'save'):
Save the current file then:
if [[ ${TM_FILEPATH} == */scp:* ]] ; then
# this is an scp file
# it has been saved by the time we get here
# now just extract its remote name and scp it back
localDir=`dirname $TM_FILEPATH`
remLoc=`cat ${localDir}/remLoc`
scp -Bpq "$TM_FILEPATH" "${remLoc}" && cp "$TM_FILEPATH" "$
This setup saves a backup of the remote version locally. If the
local copy gets saved with the special command while you're editing,
and the data is scp'd back to the other host, then the backup is
updated. Otherwise, the difference is detected and the data is scp'd
back to the remote box when the window is closed.
Current issues:
i) Most importantly, the 'mate' command doesn't work from a remote
shell. This leads to the whole osascript workaround. Unfortunately,
while Terminal is running a script it just queues up all the input to
its other windows and waits for the script to end. This makes the
current setup significantly less useful than the same setup using
bbedit (where the 'bbedit' command does work from a remote terminal).
ii) It would be nice if there was a way to tell textmate 'run this
script when you write to that file'. Basically, make the 'mate'
command have an equivalent to the ODB Editor Suite of Apple Events.
I imagine some extra options like this:
--title WindowTitle Start editing the new file with this window
title instead of the file name as window title
--onsave scriptPath When the file is saved, this script is run
with the path to the file as an argument
--onclose scriptPath When the file is closed (or Save As... is
used to detach from the original file), this script is run with the
path of the file as an argument
and perhaps a final option:
--on-reopen scriptPath Data This is a command line option that
takes two arguments. If this file re-opened from the 'Open Recent >'
menu then the script 'scriptPath' is run with 'Data' as an argument
to get the path of the file to open.
This set of options would allow third parties to implement the
much-requested 'sftp' feature, as well as any other file access
method they wanted to.
Will :-}
P.S. I know - just use transmit or Cyberduck. The problem is that
they require me to connect from the mac. I could modify my
'remoteOpen' script to use them instead of scp, and that would solve
the 'detecting save' problem (point ii), but it wouldn't solve the
worst problem, point i.
I'd like to be able to set the scope of triple quoted string in a
python file to be html. I'd also like to be able to do it on a per
project basis (but entirely if necessary).
I'm doing lots of TurboGears programming at the moment and the only
time I use triple quoted strings is for html fragments, so it would be
great if they formatted as html and all the html snippets worked in
Does anyone have any ideas how I can do it?
After thomas aylotts update to the CSS bundle, I've tried to run the
update bundles command from the GetBundle, but nothing happens. I
tried updating the Textmate supports, and then it chewed a bit then
spat out lots of text saying what stuff got updated, but when I try
to update bundles, nothing seems to happen.
My escape key doesn't do autocompletion anymore. If I choose the menu
option for it, that works, and it shows the escape character next to
it. I've checked that the escape key works (it closes the Find window
for example).
Does anyone have any ideas how I can make it work again?