Yesterday i released a new version of the GetBundle with some small
And i posted a page on my blog where you can download it:
Also i want those of you having a Intel mac to help me out, i need a
universial binary of svn that works on both.
Sebastian Gräßl
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I've made a new app for
use with TextMate. It is open source and described here:
Is is still early days and has many rough edges, but I think it's
useful. I'm releasing early - we'll see if I have enough time to
release often. :)
The app is a command line app, odbeditor. It acts like the 'mate'
command line program, but has a few advantages (and some
disadvantages too :)
usage: odbedit [-h] [-e editor] [-s saveScript] [-c closeScript]
filename [filename ...]
- It can be run from a remote shell. This means that you can ssh
into your box and start TextMate remotely. (Yes, there are uses for
this - it is the main reason I wrote the thing :)
- It can call out to other scripts when the program is saved or
closed (so you could scp the file somewhere, just to pull a random
example out of the air.)
- It will work with any ODB Suite editor (i.e. any editor that
works with those FTP programs like Cyberduck.)
Be well,
Will :-}
In my projects I have many 'todo.txt' and 'readme.txt' files.
I cannot from the title be sure which file I am looking at.
It would help if I could see where its located in the project
by just looking at the window title.
Thanks :-)
Simon Strandgaard
The root item in the project drawer, is wasting valuable screen space.
all the sub-items is indented by ~20 pixels.
20 columns * ~700 rows = 14000 pixels wasted.
The name of the root-item can be seen in the window title, so its
redundant to have it in the project drawer as well.
Well I could just hide the project drawer...
Thanks :-)
Simon Strandgaard
...and I'm pretty confident it doesn't get to the "view." Not much
activity to report: it brings up the html window which says
"Compiling LaTeX...." and then it thinks for a little while and then
textmate quits entirely.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
(I'm restoring my machine, so this is my restored home folder with a
reinstall of TextMate, if that might be the source of the errors
You can always command-click the window title. However I agree it
would be nice to see the filepath, maybe make this an option in the
Until then, you can always set up a key command, here's what I did
(using growlnotify)
/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -n "/Applications/TextMate" -I "/
Applications/TextMate.app" -t "$TM_FILEPATH" -m "Is the current path
sorry, this is an oldie. but it didn't reach the list, and i just got
around to setting up a throwaway list address.
> I'd love to see three new items in the Automation submenus:
> Replay Macro > Replay [name of last macro selected]
> Insert Snippet -> Insert [name of last snippet selected]
> Run Command -> Run [name of last command selected]
+1 (or plus 20 if i have more than 1 vote)
this would be really handy (i know this, because i've used it,
heavily, in photoshop).
i'd write it myself, but i don't see a place to hook it in.
> I'm thinking the best solution might be to set up passwordless
> authentication via SSH and set the remote computer details in the
> script?
That's the way to go. You can run a command on a remote server like
ssh user(a)host.com 'echo "I'm on the server!!!" '
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 2256-1022
in the earlier days of textmate, i was able to send to
textmate(a)lists.macromates.com with a bogus address (trying to avoid
that doesn't work anymore.
for the sake of those who read the archives, can you document the
access restrictions to the mailing list?
either in a reply, or even better, on the community page.
would be nice to have a way to send without being subscribed, if you
can think of one. a bogus subscription address that's allowed. or a
magic text cookie of some sort in the body of the message (probably
shouldn't be 'viagra' =).
unrelated, thank you:
>> a fix for the 'path of document' that's in the dictionary would work.
> FYI this has been near the top of my to-do for some time now
great. and congratulations on your major award.
> You are not running this as a normal TextMate command?
no. from the shell.
this is what he wants.
i've got some handy alias.
alias cdf='cd "$(osascript ~/bin/scripts/cdf.scpt)"' # cd to current
finder dir
alias cdb='cd "$(osascript ~/bin/scripts/cdb.scpt)"' # cd to current
textwrangler dir
...and so on.
i really want one for textmate, but i've found no way to do it. not
having one for textmate is really throwing a kink in my shell
workflow. i'm just about to write an applescript to change to
textmate, system-event some obscure key combo, and switch back to
terminal. please don't make me kludge.
a fix for the 'path of document' that's in the dictionary would work.
or, if it's easier to implement, have mate --pwd return textmate's
current directory.
the mate --run-arbitrary-bit-of-a-bundle thing that's been discussed
would do the trick, too. i suspect that's way in the future, though.
best editor ever, thanks.
-- this doesn't work:
tell application "TextMate"
set p to path of document 1 of window 1
POSIX path of p
-- nothing
end tell