I just wanted to start using GTDalt but the iCal-sync just gives the
message that it will take a while and ends w/out any errors after a
few seconds. In iCal is now one additional calendar called GTDalt and
that's it, not one for each context specified in TM_GTD_CONTEXTS.
Does anyone have an idea how I can hunt down the failure or what I'm
doing wrong?
Hello list,
I thought I'd like to work through some
screencasts today. I was interested in
tm_dialog with the Interface Builder.
Now there are some problems in my environment.
First there was a problem that I use version 5
and I should have used version 6.
I've copied the tm_dialog from /Library/Application Support/...
into the Textmate.app/...
When I call tm_dialog test.nib/ with an very early version
out of the screencast it doesn't show an empty window?!
Could someone give me a hint?
Within a snippet, I am trying to prefix the $TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY
to a file name in applescript (but I am not sure how TM environment
variables & files are concatenated into the applescript world?).
In essence, the file textmatetostata.do is created (from
textmate) by default in the $TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY. The problem is
that when stata activates it cannot find it - since it opens in a
different directory by default.
What I am trying to do is as below: (but this is failing!)
echo "$query" > textmatetostata.do
osascript -e "tell application \"Stata\"
open POSIX file {$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY} & \"textmatetostata.do\"
end tell"
- thanks
i checked the list archives, and i didn't see a definite answer on
this one..
whenever i do a migration in rails, i get this error message:
bash: line 1: selected_theme: command not found cat: /Applications/
TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/css/webpreview.css: No
such file or directory
along with a broken image link..
anyone have any ideas?
photographer, journalist, visionary
I've found a problem with the syntax highlighting in the LaTeX bundle.
I use the Cobalt theme, and normally the argument of a citation
command such as `\citeauthor` appears in purple. However, I have the
following line in a document I am writing:
\section{\citeauthor{kager:1999}'s analysis}
The arguments to section commands normally show up gold-colored for
me, and "analysis" appropriately does so here. However, the
`kager:1999` part also does, which I believe is incorrect since it is
not part of the actual section title but rather a bibliography keyword
and thus should be purple.
Not a huge problem, but I wanted to point it out. I would fix it if I
had time to learn TextMate's grammar system -- as I said, I'm
currently writing a paper. :-)
OK, I seem to have answered my own question :-). In case it helps
anyone else, here are the steps I needed to take to get the Blogging
Bundle working with ExpressionEngine (1.5.1).
There are two problems with using the Blogging bundle with EE. The
first is that the blog id is not in the same format in the endpoint
URL as standard metaweblog endpoint urls. It looks something like
http://mydomain.com/pathtoEE/index.php?ACT=25&id=1, where id=x is the blog id.
The second is that the date format returned by XMLRPC isn't parsed
properly by the the ruby parser.rb (I'm using ruby 1.8.4), because it
has a Z on the end of the time string. So, to fix it, make the
following changes:
1. Edit /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/parser.rb (the path may be different
depending on where you installed Ruby), line 87 to read:
if str =~ /^(-?\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)Z?$/ then
Note the extra Z? near the end of the regular expression.
2. blogging.rb, line 167 onwards:
if @endpoint =~ /#(.+)/
@blog_id = $1
elsif @endpoint =~ /&id=(.+)/ # EE format of blog id in endpoint
@blog_id = $1
@blog_id = "0"
That seems to do the trick for me. It would be sensible to copy the
Blogging bundle and save the new one under a new name, and with a new
UUID in info.plist, I guess.
Hope that helps anyone else using EE.
My first enthusiasm got an immediate stopper. After switching the
language environment to English and installing the newest version of
R (2.40), I was able to calculate 100^2 using the R bundle command R
> Console > Execute Selection. Here is the result:
[1] 0
Now, I wanted to do the following calculation 1/1e-1 and thats the
Fehler: syntax error
Of course the same calculation leads to the correct result when done
in the R console. Does anybody on this list have an idea what
happened here? - Obviously I have not entirely got rid of the German
localization in R. But is this likely the problem? Now it appears to
be an error message generated by R rather than by AppleScript or
whatsoever. I am lost.
May be, I need to trash R entirely, which I thought I had. Or is
there an alternative way to go (without R). Which bundle should I
look up if I wanted to write my own bundle for doing very simple math
(I don't know anything about ruby etc)?
I recently sent an email to the MacTeX mailing list, in response to
someone's question about what each editor for LateX has going for
them. It is a long post talking about some of the major things in the
bundle, so I thought it might be of interest/useful to some people in
this list. Appended:
A lot of these things are documented in many places, so to begin with
I will add some links to resources, and then will talk about some of
the things it can do well, IMHO.
1. First and foremost, there are a number of screencasts I've done,
along with blog posts, a lot of them on the LaTeX bundle. They are here:
Also see here for more TextMate screencasts: http://macromates.com/
2. The online TextMate manual is a key resource of information. There
you can learn about:
1. snippets (http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/
snippets#snippets). These are easy to create yourself for common
repeatable code (and so much more).
2. project navigation (http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/
3. Find and Replace in multiple files (option regexp included)
4. Navigating within a single file (http://macromates.com/textmate/
5. Moving text (http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/
6. Setting up your preferred color arrangement via themes: (http://
Now I'll talk about the LaTeX-specific commands in TextMate. I will
not refer to their shortcuts, because you can set these to whatever
you like, though they do have some reasonable defaults. You can see
these commands using ctrl-esc and navigating into the LaTeX bundle.
The help file for the bundle is here, in markdown format: (http://
help.markdown). From within TextMate this can be accessed through the
Bundle's help command.
Hm, perhaps I should explain what Bundles are very briefly. There is
a core TextMate program, which offers the ability to extend it by
creating Bundles, which are collections of rules, commands and
preferences on how TextMate should act in particular languages. In
some sense a lot of the power of TextMate is in these bundles. The
bundles have a very open license (http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/
trunk/LICENSE), and are being maintained by a large group of
volunteers. The list of languages supported is quite extensive
(http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles/). The success of
TextMate is largely due to this power it provides to the bundle. It
is easy for people to add functionality to TextMate, in a similar way
as one would add functionality to emacs or vi, with the difference
that it is a lot easier for "newbies" to add functionality.
Ok, on to the bundle then. First of all, you don't need any
customizing to begin with. Dragging a LaTeX document onto the
TextMate icon should just open it with TextMate and set you to LaTeX
mode. To start a new document, you can use the Templates found under
the file menu, or you can start from a scratch file. The moment you
save the file with extension .tex, TextMate will recognize it as a
LaTeX file and color it accordingly.
1. Now first of all, creating environments. TextMate has a command
called "Insert Environment Based On Current Word", triggered by
command-{ (which is command-shift-[ in US keyboards, (command
key=apple key)). You can even use this without a word and it will
offer you a list of environments to insert. If you type in a word
first, then TM creates an environment based on this word. For
instance, typing "en" or "enum" and then the command trigger (cmd-{)
will insert:
and place the caret right after the \item thing. When you are done
with the first item, pressing Enter (fn-return on laptops) inserts a
newline and a new \item entry. Similar behavior for "it", "item" for
itemize etc. You can further customize this list to your heart's
content by using the "Edit Configuration File" command in the LaTeX
Bundle. For me a typical workflow these days is using the exam class.
The "words" "q", "p" and "sol", followed by command-{, produce the
"questions", "parts" and "solution" environments respectively.
2. There is a similar command for inserting common commands, called
"Insert Command Based On Current Word". This is triggered by
command-}, and functions in a similar way. for instance "l" becomes
"\lim_{}" with the caret inside the braces. Once you are done adding
things there, pressing tab takes you out of the braces.
3. The LaTeX bundle offers context-sensitive completion, via the
common "esc" key. For instance, when typing a command, it will
complete only with respect to commands, and not every word in the
text. It will use any commands you have introduced before, as well as
a stock list of commands. For instance typing "\dis" and pressing
escape converts it to "\displaystyle". Typing "\di" and pressing
escape multiple times cycles through all commands starting with \di.
On the other hand, if you are inside a \ref{}, then it completes with
respect to all keys found in \label{} commands within the current
document or any tex file included in your "root document" (called
master document in TM). Similarly, inside a \cite{} it will offer
completion with respect to all bibliography keys in your bib file and/
or any \bibitem's in your document. Also, option-esc will offer you a
popup of all completion matches, similar to the BibDesk completion
plugin that BibDesk offers (though I think that plugin is a lot
closer to XCode style completion, anyway...).
4. Image drag and drop. You can drag and drop any image into the
text, and an appropriate figure environment will be created, with the
accompanying \includegraphics command. By pressing modifier keys,
option or shift in this instance, you can adjust whether you want the
entire figure environment, or just a simple \begin{center}
\includegraphics...\end{center} thing, or the \includegraphics by
itself. And these can to some extend be customized.
5. Table conversion. You can create a table by first typing the
entries into rows, with columns separated by tabs, like so:
one two three
four five six
and select it and run a command, and it will become:
one & two & three\\
four & five & six\\
Similarly, you can create a new table with a prescribed number of
rows and columns.
6. Wrapping things. You can tell TextMate to wrap the current
selection in a command. Suppose for instance you just typed the
sentence "foo bar" and what to higlight it, so to include it in
\emph. In TextMate, you would select it by pressing opt-left arrow
twice, and then press ctrl-shift-w. This results in:
"\emph{foo bar}" with the emph selected, so that you can type another
command in its place. Pressing tab instead moves you past the
closing }. There is a similar functionality for wrapping the
selection in a begin-end environment pair.
7. Changing environments. Suppose you are inside a split environment,
and decide to change it to aligned. In TM, you would press ctrl-
option-E, and then just type in the environment name, and both \begin
and \end entries get fixed. Similarly, there is a command to toggle
the presence of a * in the environment, like turning {equation} to
{equation*} and back.
8. Project Outline command. I recently added this command. It offers
you an HTML, clickable outline of your project, much like a table of
contents. Clicking on any section title takes you to the
corresponding section.
9. Special Beamer setting. You can set the language grammar to LaTeX
Beamer, which causes some commands to have particular behavior
related to beamer. For instance, the commands inserting a new \item
also add an overlay specification to it.
10. You can quickly turn a list of of lines into an itemize or
enumerate environment, by selecting them and running the command ctrl-
11. This is a general feature of TextMate that I found worth
mentioning, it's very useful. It has a columnar editing mode, where
you can for instance select a bunch of lines and add the same text at
the beginning of each line. For instance with the three lines:
we could move the caret at the beginning of the first line, then
shift-down twice, and then press option for columnar insertion. Now
typing "\item " adds it to all three lines.
Ok, this is probably enough for now, but I would be happy to answer
any other questions you have about TextMate. And you can usually find
me in the irc channel, (irc://irc.freenode.net/#textmate). It is
populated almost all the time by extremely helpful and great people
(I would in fact say it is one of the great things TM has going for it).