I would think this might work:
tell application "TextMate" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "TextMate"
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item "Bundles"
tell menu 1
tell menu item "ActionScript"
tell menu 1
tell menu item "Test Movie"
perform action "AXPress"
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
But it seems to give no response. Anyone know how I might do this?
I'm not sure who this stephen fellow is (he's not listed in the wiki
[list of aliases][alias]), but he just committed an absolute monster of
a bundle to the subversion repository, in the form of a "C Library"
bundle consisting of 1299 snippets, each of which takes the name of a
function as a tab trigger, and then fills in a skeleton body for that
library function. I have a few notes about this.
[alias]: http://macromates.com/wiki/Main/Aliases
1. This doesn't really follow Allan's recently posted [style guide][sg]
for bundles, which clearly explains how bundles should be constructed.
Though, to be sure, that style guide needs to be a lot clearer about
what *not* to do. Of note: this bundle falls in the "what not to do"
2. There are a few recently added code completion commands which work
much better, don't require the user to remember the whole function name,
only require one menu item, instead of 1299, don't clog up menus (in
fact they can just be added to the language bundle instead of requiring
a specialized bundle just for snippets), and are pretty much better in
every way.
not their purpose, and if you do want to use them this way, you should
keep such monstrosities in your personal bundles, and not pollute the
subversion repository with them. If you absolutely positively must
distribute such things, please do it on your own server.
4. Yes, there are similar things in existing bundles, which should be
excised. This includes the OCamlCodeCompletion bundle, and the recently
added ColdFusion bundle. Hopefully something will be done about these soon.
5. I hope it becomes slightly easier to make generic completion commands
in the future, because at the moment, I'm not sure it can be done by a
complete newbie, and it's a useful enough feature that it would be nice
to give even new users such power. Allan is hopefully considering such
things for TextMate 2.0.
6. I'm going to remove this new bundle tomorrow if there isn't a very
compelling reason not to. If anyone wants to pitch in a code completion
bundle which does the same thing, only better, I'm sure the C coders who
use TextMate would be overjoyed. Hopefully it could be made in a
general enough fashion to read in arbitrary new header files (like the
ones included in the current «foo».c file, that is), and complete on
those functions, as well as functions in the usual C libraries (all the
stuff like malloc and printf etc. etc.)
Okay, I think that's all. Hope that didn't come off too strongly. I
don't mean to discourage contributions, but please ask around a bit
before checking in bundles with ~1300 items.
Jacob Rus
I'm looking for help implementing a few features for my screenwriting
The features I'm looking to implement are beyond my knowledge, but
I'm sure will be trivial to a ruby-master or something. So if you're
interested in helping me out, please drop me a line and I'll explain
what I want to do.
The reason I don't just ask you how to do these things is that I'm
afraid they might be too basic for this list.
I've always wondered about what kinds of questions are appropriate
for this list. I'm hesitant to ask basic code questions regarding
things I'm trying to do in TextMate but have nothing to do with
TextMare per-se; for example, a complex regexp problem one might have.
Clearly we don't want this list to become littered with help requests
for things that are not directly TextMate-related. But at the same
time, I would never have been able to create the bundle I have
without the patient explanations of so many of the people on this list.
So my question is, where is the line? I'd be curious to know what you
all think.
Didn't notice the filename completion until Thomas Aylott mentioned
it in a recent email. Thanks Thomas! One problem though. If I type `/
Users/` and hit control tab I am offered the following options in the
dialogue menu:
I thought the tilde would expand when the path was inserted, but it
didn't. And if I type `/Users/` followed by the first few letters of
the name of my home directory, all that the menu offers me is the
tilde which, again, doesn't expand when the path is inserted.
All the best, Mark
I got a new machine recently and one of the first things I installed
was obviously TextMate. This was before I had installed anything in
(or even created) `/usr/local`. I realized this when TextMate offered
to create the `mate` symlink in `/usr/bin`. No big deal. I declined,
created `/usr/local/bin`, and started TextMate again. It still wanted
to put the link in `/usr/bin` and `/usr/local/bin` didn't appear on
the drop-down list. So, I just choose "Other…" and specified a path.
Still no big deal. It's a one-time operation after all.
But yesterday, I tried to use the Subversion bundle for the first
time on the new machine and it couldn't find `svn`. I typed `echo
$PATH` and hit ⌃R and saw that `/usr/local/bin` hadn't made it to
this list either (while it does appear on another machine I've been
using for a while).
Now, I know I can fix these problems one at a time as they come up
(specify a path for `mate`, set a path in `$TM_SVN`, etc) but I'd
rather not do that. Plus there may be other ramifications that aren't
obvious and I won't know they need fixing. This applies to newly
created users as well, so it seems to be a global thing, but I can't
figure out where. I see nothing in `/Library` that would affect
TextMate and I know Allan has a rule about the app not modifying
itself in `/Applications`.
Does anyone know how to make TextMate generally/globally aware that `/
usr/local/bin` exists now (as though it existed the first time I ran
TextMate)? Thanks in advance.
Rob McBroom
I didn't "switch" to Apple... my OS did.
I am trying to use the blogging bundle with LiveJournal's XMLRPC interface.
I run through the setup process just fine, but then when I go to
"Fetch Post" , the bundle prompts me for my password correctly and
seems to be starting to connect just fine, but then blows up with the
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/parser.rb:154:in `fault': wrong
fault-structure: {"faultCode"=>"Client", "faultString"=>"Failed to
access class (metaWeblog): Can't locate metaWeblog.pm in @INC (@INC
contains:) at (eval 334)[/usr/share/perl5/SOAP/Lite.pm:2261] line
3.\n"} (RuntimeError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/parser.rb:562:in `tag_end'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb:26:in `parse'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/document.rb:171:in `parse_stream'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/parser.rb:722:in `parse'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/parser.rb:462:in `parseMethodResponse'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:410:in `call2'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:399:in `call'
from /Library/Application
from /Library/Application
from /Library/Application
from /Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/progress.rb:11:in `call_with_progress'
from /Library/Application
from /tmp/temp_textmate.wBuvVB:3
Do I need to install some special Perl module somewhere?
Chris Patti --- Y!: feoh -- AIM: chrisfeohpatti --- E-Mail: cpatti(a)gmail.com
"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of
zeal,well-meaning but without understanding."-- Justice Louis O. Brandeis
(Olmstead vs. United States)
⌘R seems to be broken for Perl scripts at the moment. After an svn
up in /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles attempts to run a
Perl script yield
/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Perl.tmbundle/Support/
PerlMate/perlmate.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- /
scriptmate (LoadError) from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/
Is it just me?
Andy Armstrong, hexten.net
I have a small question.
If I write a command which should do something with highlighted text
of my current document I can specify within the myCommand.tmCommand
the plist key 'inputFormat' as 'xml' (e.g. Create HTML from Document).
But now I want to write a script which should be called by the Web
Preview option 'Pipe text through'. Here I don't get the content of my
current document with xml markups for syntax highlighting.
Is there a way without changing TM's source code to receive these xml markups?
Many thanks in advance !!!!!!!!!! ;)
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
This is a test signed message because subtleGradient insisted I send
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If you aren't subtleGradient, you can ignore this.
Oh, and I'll try and remember to stop sending signed messages to the
list in the future.
Kevin Ballard