this seems to be the case since at least beta 5, and apparently still
present. Suddenly the numbering of the new, untitled documents begins
to jump, and so I'm at untitled 86, then it's 295, and it keeps on
skiping numbers. (the numbers here are examples only)
I don't really know what triggers it, but my usage pattern is really
simple: I mostly just load a lot of sketch projects from the terminal,
and every now and then create a new, non-project file.
I'm trying to figure out a way to do auto-importing for Java in
TextMate. I'm stuck at a couple of places and I would appreciate it if
someone who knows more about TM than I do could chime in with some
Essentially, what I'd like to be able to do is take a class name,
select it, and hit Ctrl-Meta-Bucky-I and have TM add the appropriate
import statement to the file. My naive implmentation would look
something like:
1. Get the project CLASSPATH from a project-level config file
2. Build a list of the jar files on the CLASSPATH and grep through
their contents to find matches.
3. If there's only one match, munge it appropriately and stick it in
the import section of the buffer
4. If there's more than one match, pop up a dialog and let the user
pick the appropriate fully-qualified class name, then stick in import
Does this seem to be a sensible way of approaching the problem? Is
there a way of sticking the import statement where it belongs? More
generally, is there any way to do arbitrary transformations on the
contents of the buffer as if it were a java AST, instead of a stream
of characters? I think that would probably be necessary to create
commands to do source-level refactorings.
Hi All,
In the project drawer, a right-click on a file icon opens a dialog
where one can find :
Treat Files with ".xxx" Extension as Text
Where does TM store this infos afterwards? Did not find anything in
"Application Support" nor in "Preferences"
The point is to have TM consider files with a variable extension as
text, like the ones I have to deal with : the extension is a 8-digit
number representing the date the document was edited (*.20041023 for
Can we use regular expression for this (like \d{8})?
Found nothing in the Wiki nor in Help.
Jo <W:00°04'37" ; N:47°15'36">
Subversion seems to work with TextMate only if the .tmproj file is
saved within a subversioned folder, or if a Subversioned folder has
been opened in TextMate without the project being saved.
Is anyone else experience this -- or am I not doing something wrong?
Just checking.
Hi, this is my fist post on this ML, i want to share some little
extensions that i've made to C Language Bundle.
Hope these helps
Name : Run
Activation : command-R
import os
file = os.environ['TM_FILEPATH']
path = os.path.split(file)
filename = path[1].split('.')
os.system("gcc -Os " + path[1] + " -o " + filename[0])
os.system("./" + filename[0])
Name : Run Project
Activation : command-shift-R
import os
file = os.environ['TM_PROJECT_FILEPATH']
path = os.path.split(file)
projectName = path[-1].split('.')
projectName = projectName[0]
os.system("make -k")
os.system("./" + projectName)
Name : Compile
Activation : command-B
import os
file = os.environ['TM_FILEPATH']
os.system("gcc -c -Os " + file);
Name : Compile Project
Activation : command-shift-B
make -k
Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB
must be retarded, but I can't figure out where the "apple+/" shortcut
for commenting is stored... I looked through the bundle editor but...
anyway, I'd like to change that shortcut which conflicts with
UnicodeChecker (
"HTML entities -> Unicode" conversion Service...
Any idea? Thanks! :)
m i n i m a l d e s i g n
244 Fifth Avenue - Suite P233
New York, NY 10001-7604
tel / fax: 212.931.8525
email: work(a)
I use the 'Open Recent' menu a lot (actually I have a plugin that
modifies the 'Open Recent' menu of TextMate, Xcode and some others to
retain 50 files instead of just 10).
Seems TextMate has a bug though: The 'Open Recent' menu only contains
files that were opened AND SAVED with TextMate. If I just open a
file, look at it, then close it, TextMate's 'Open Recent' menu will
NOT contain the file.
TextEdit's 'Open Recent' menu will also list files that just have
been 'viewed'.
Hi there...
Is there any way to avoid window clutter, by opening more than one
file using an ftp-client? BBEDIT handles this well by adding the
to the front window...
Hey all,
I'm new to the list but had a real quick question that's been driving me crazy.
Here's my initial salvo & response regarding this issue:
Pretty much, I've tried that. Hunted down answers on the #TextMate
channel and still haven't figured out how to get this working to my
little tab-space hearts desire.
As of now, I cannot get the Tab key to produce spaces, regardless, in
my Ruby files, even when the "Preferences > Editor uses spaces instead
of tabs" box is checked.
I had previously followed the advice from the link above (adding
softTabs, etc. entries in the Bundle Editor) but nothing I added made
any difference. The advice was also not clear on where exactly to add
the preference items in the existing Bundle preferences, or to create
new ones, or what.
Any help would be much obliged.
On a more positive note, I love TextMate. Like others, I'm new to OS
X and was turned on to TextMate / OS X by fellow Ruby on Rails