Is it yet, or will it be possible to get a item like this in
Safari->Services : "Edit page source in TextMate"?
Jo <W:00°04'37" ; N:47°15'36">
I've started using tm_wait as my mutt editor, and have been working on
an email bundle to make editing mail easier in TextMate. I've finally
got automatic hard-wrapping working (I have a macro bound to <return>
that hands off the current paragraph to the 'par' wrapping utility; this
handles wrapping better than TM's "Reformat Paragraph" command). The
last thing I'd like to do to polish off the text-wrap is to set "Soft
wrap" on and adjust the wrap column whenever an email is opened.
Is there any way to do this? The soft wrap setting at least appears
to be stored on a per-window basis. I was thinking they would be
stashed in the file's metadata, but using the xattr tool (mentioned at
http://arstechnica.com/reviews/os/macosx-10.4.ars/7) shows that only
the caret location is saved. (Hmmm... I could use this to place the
cursor below the mail headers... but I digress.) I haven't seen mention
of "hooks" in TextMate for calling commands/macros, but maybe I just
haven't looked hard enough.
Suggestions are appreciated.
So I'm lying here, just staring at the ceiling tiles.
And I'm thinking about what to think about
I use Version 1.1b17 and have the re-indent-preference activated.
When I have a text like this:
and copy the 3rd line (the _hole_ line) and paste it between the 3rd and
4th line, I get:
Instead I would rather expect:
This doesn't happen, if the line before has no starting td-tag.
Another problem: If you put the cursor between the starting and ending
td-tag and press return, you'll get this:
(cursor here)
However, I would expect the ending td-tag to be indented.
Hi -
I've been using TextMate for a short while to do a variety of
software development tasks. My day job involves mainframe
development, including developing and maintaining REXX Execs. As I
didn't see that anyone had done this before me, I've created a theme
and syntax highlighting bundle for it. The syntax highlighting is
working quite well - I'd personally say that it's about 95% there. At
this point, I've come up with some questions regarding themes (mine
I've called the-not-terribly-original "Mainframe")...
1) If themes are to syntax highlighting (a language) in the way that
CSS is to HTML, then why is there not a way to specify in the
language definition a specific theme to use? I want to use my
Mainframe only when doing REXX stuff (so far), and other themes when
doing say C for instance.
2) It would be easier to create and maintain themes if they were on
the Window menu as the Bundle Editor is. Having it buried under
Preferences -> Fonts & Colors is IMO odd.
3) Unlike a language definition which I could cut 'n' paste or even
cut 'n' email, where do user created themes reside? and how could I
export/import or cut 'n' paste one?
Brian Caldwell
Hi List,
I'm pretty sure this has come up before.
What's the best way of using TextMate to edit a remote project via
ftp or sftp? The OS X finder's ftp disk seems to be read-only, so
that's no good.
Any distilled wisdom?
I'm new to the list, so pardon me if this has been asked and answered
already, but a cursory review of the archives didn't yield anything.
I've got a TextMate project file that covers a directory that has a
couple thousand files in it. Now, I don't necessarily need to edit
all these files, but they're in the tree, and I didn't think adding
the parent directory of that tree to the project would have any ill
effects. But, TextMate seems to be affected by this, since upon
opening this project, it consumes 100 MB of RAM. And, every time
focus is taken and restored to TextMate, I get to watch the beach
ball for 10-20 seconds (I assume so it can review the filesystem to
see if anything needs to be updated).
Are these known performance issues? Is there anything I can do about
it? I've tried setting up a project that only contains the
directories of files that I actually need to edit and it seems to be
much happier with that. But honestly, is there any reason why it
should be so slow with large projects?
Okay. I'm working on some syntax-highlighting and such for a language
which, effectively, has no strings. Or rather, no quoted strings:
everything is a string or a list or whatever, depending on its
The problem? One of the most irritating things is when I type a ' or a
", it adds a doubled one there. I want to disable that for just one
language... but not all... because when i'm doing Python or C++
programming, I quite like that feature.
Is there anyway to do that?
Hi there,
When I hit Control-Shift-L to wrap my selection into an (A href=...)
TextMate takes a beachball timeout of 40 (fourty!) seconds, and when
it returns the href-part is empty.
What's up, is it just me?
If so, is there another easy way to make links?
For reminders, I'm using tm 1.1b17, and this is the snippet content:
> <a href="${1:`
> # if the clipboard contains a single line, let's use that
> if [[ $(pbpaste|wc -l) -eq 0 ]]
> then pbpaste|sed 's/&/&/g'
> else echo http://site.com/
> fi
> `}">${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:Link text...}</a>
Looks fine to me, assuming there's a real shell behind. For
discussion let's say my clipboard contains two lines of code, i.e. it
isn't huge.
Hi folks
I really don't know how this works, so I can only describe it: Some
revisions ago I figured out how I could add my own syntax coloring
for a specific language by typing ctrl+shift+p. Like this, I could
add a special syntax coloring for bold text in my markdown files to
see bold text more easily. When I pushed ctrl+shift+p while the
cursor was on a word sandwiched between two asterisks like **so**, I
got the scope for this as a tooltip: markup.bold.markdown. I added a
new element in my theme in the preferences and set the scope to
markup.bold.markdown. It worked perfectly. All text marked up as
**bold** in my markdown files got formatted the way I defined it. --
To get to the point: Some revisions ago, this suddenly stopped
working. It still works for the markup.italic.markdown scope though.
Maybe somebody knows how to fix this? Thanks!!
btw. I'm using Version 1.1b17 (452) with the latest bundles.
I tried to write an applescript that opens the source code of the
frontmost Safari window in TextMate (that what happens when you press
Cmd-Alt-U in Safari, but with TM instead of the internal viewer). So,
I asked in the IRC how to open a file in TextMate via Applescript. I
was told that TM does not support Applescript and I should curl the
source and open that via open -a instead.
Well, this would work, but for my simple purpose, it could be done
easier; I mean, we got the source already in Safari, so why start a
curl download?
After some try and error, I found out that the command line tool tm
is all I need:
-- Script start --
tell application "Safari"
set mySource to the source of document 1 as string
end tell
do shell script ("echo " & quoted form of mySource & " | /usr/local/
bin/tm -a")
-- Script end --
tm must be installed in /usr/local/bin to work in this script. This
echos the source code into a file in /tmp and opens it in TM. I
binded it to my Hotkey-App and open it via Cmd-Alt-U in Safari. Works