Especially when using things like the Subversion bundle, these files
showing up in the 'Open Recent' makes the feature approach useless. Is
there any way that these files could be ignored for this?
Robert M. Zigweid rzigweid(a)
I'm starting to dig a little deeper and let TextMate do more for me.
Next stop, templates. While we're there, here are my questions about
1. Can I control where my cursor appears after the template is filled
2. In the project's New File dialog, the template list is in a
predefined order and the top ten items have key shortcuts. How can I
affect this listing, to get my templates were I want them?
James Edward Gray II
Thank you!
BTW I was dubious about the pen in the icon previously, but in my dock
it looks pretty good. (I've liked all the recent designs actually.)
The bundle is just gorgeous, especially for things like "svn blame".
It really shows the potential of the HTML output.
svn is extremely slow on my computer (and perhaps on yours). Is there
any way to either (1) put up a status bar (cocoadialog will do it)
and/or (2) make the thing run in the background or otherwise not
block TM from running?
I'm thinking (2) is impossible unless Allan reworks how commands are called.
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
I took my own stab at an icon this morning, after reading Apple's
Guidelines. It didn't turn out at nice as anything that's been
presented here already, but I decided to post it anyway in case it
gives someone with more talent than me any ideas.
In my defense, it looked a lot better when I was still playing with it
at large sizes in the ray tracer. :) You could almost read the code
and you could see the brushed metals. Ah well, it seemed like a good
idea at the time.
James Edward Gray II
I'm looking for something to replace Transmit, since TextMate won't
work as one of it's external editors. I need an ftp client that will
upload when TextMate Saves.
(Sorry, Allan I know you made suggestions via IRC, but I closed that
window. I think this topic deserves to be in the list archives
Thank you,
--==<< R i c h a r d B r o n o s k y >>==--
Wow, this icon quest is getting really exciting, but ever more
confusing, so I thought a simple poll between the two (???) top
contenders could be of general interest, and a lot less confusing as to
which one anyone is commenting on.
Yeah, I know I'm being a bit of an anorak, but can't help it, and I am
taking my medication daily ;-)
To register your vote, please do a reply with the name of your
preferred icon selected, and if you so wish add your reasons to why you
like it below the quoted text.
Any other comment belongs in a completely new thread. Please try to
keep it on point here. Thank you! ;-)
Icon A by Bartelme.
Icon B by Ethan.
My vote:
Icon A by Bartelme
Reason: I'm not entirely sure why, but I'm guessing it's something to
do with Bartelme's icon following the general "text editor" icon look,
and it is more in line with the 3D feel of the other Apple app icons in
the dock which I think is more appropriate and professional.
Kind regards,
"TextMate, coding with an incredible sense of joy and ease"
- -
Greetings all (from a relatively new BBEdit->TextMate convert)
Is there an easy way to insert a file/directory path into a TextMate window?
I can do it using the slightly ugly applescript hack below, "Insert Finder
Selection", but it'd be nice to drag-then-hit-command-while-dragging or some
Just for fun I've included a couple of Perl commands for reading in a file
"Perl Infile" (it's up to you what you do with it!) and for writing to a
file "Perl Outfile". They try to be a little bit helpful: if you've selected
text in TextMate the commands assume it's a filename and wrap around it,
otherwise CocoaDialog is pulled up and you must select a file. in "Outfile"
you can also select a directory: in this case it prompts for a filename to
write to. See Eric's earlier post about CocoaDialog (
You will need to change the $CD variable used in these scripts if you choose
to install it somewhere other than /Applications .
Insert Finder Selection:
Save: Nothing
set linefeed to "
tell application "Finder"
set x to the selection
if the length of x is 0 then
return ""
end if
set mylist to {}
repeat with i from 1 to the number of items in x
set y to item i of x as alias
set mylist to mylist & (POSIX path of y)
end repeat
end tell
Input: None
Output: Insert after selected text
Key Equivalent: command-option-ctrl F
Perl Infile
Save: Nothing
perl -e '
my $CD="/Applications/";
my $selection=$ENV{'TM_SELECTED_TEXT'};
my $file;
if ($selection){
($file=$selection)=~s/\s+$//; # kill any trailing space
my $rv=`$CD fileselect --text "Select a file" --no-newline --with-directory "$TMD"`;
chomp($file = $rv);
exit unless $file; # user cancelled
print <<HERE
my \$infile = "$file";
open IN , "\$infile" or die "Input error: \$infile\\n\$!";
while ( <IN> ) {
Input: None
Output: Replace selected text
Key Equivalent: command-option-ctrl I
Perl Outfile
Save: nothing
perl -e '
my $CD="/Applications/";
chomp(my $rv=`$CD fileselect --text "Select a file" --no-newline --select-directories --with-directory "$TMD"`);
if (-d $rv){ # dir selected: need to append name
my $out=`$CD standard-inputbox --text "$TMD" --informative-text "Enter the name of the file" --no-cancel`;
my ($name)=($out=~m/.*\n(.*)/m);
chomp(my $file = $rv);
exit unless $file; # user cancelled
print <<HERE
my \$outfile = "$file";
open OUT , ">\$outfile" or die "Outfile: \$outfile\\n\$!";
select OUT; # print to OUT filehandle by default
Input: None
Output: Replace selected text
Key Equivalent: command-option-ctrl O
During the last couple of weeks I have not been able to comepletely
follow all the stuff going on in this mailinglist. I completely missed
the introduction of the "view as HTML" feature. I noticed a couple of
references to it and have seen that some people use it now in their bundles.
However, when I wanted to get into it, I found that bundles are not
really documented. Could people perhaps put some documentation on the
wiki about their bundles?
But an even better way would be to have some help/description feature for
bundles within TM...Allan, what's your take on that?
"We apologize for the inconvenience"
(See "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy")
Beta 4 is out -- to those of you who got the beta 3 w/o bundles and
therefor installed these as user/local bundles, I'd recommend removing
these, since updated defaults won't show otherwise (but new defaults