Hello all,
I started using TextMate 1.1b4 and really like it so far. I'm just
beginning to learn about Ruby and TextMate is much better than BBEdit
with it.
I was looking around the Web for some example code, and saw on
someone's blog that they had colorized Ruby code examples with line
numbers. I emailed them to ask them how they did it, and they told me
they used Vim. They said in Vim, you open the file you want colorized
and type ":runtime! syntax/2html.vim". Vim will then split the window
with the original in the upper half and the colorized HTML version in
the bottom half. He then copies what he needs out of that and pastes
it into his blog entry. He says it will work with any language Vim
What I'm wanting to know is if there's a way to do something like this
in TextMate? Perhaps a command? I'm not familiar with the inner
workings or power toys in TextMate, so any help would be appreciated.
With the recent introduction of Apple's Pages software I have been
reading a slew of reviews that point out it's short-comings however
this has also prompted people to write in solutions for them. I have
discovered some very nice services (that will of course work in
Textmate as well) so I wanted to start a discussion on what services do
you use (perhaps not use do to stability issues) and can not live
Here is one that I think I will be using quite often:
Looking forward to some new toy : )
Eric C
I have not found any documentation on how folding works. From what I
can tell it is a combination of character pairs and indentation. I'm
have great stress trying to make sense of a PHP class which I did not
write. I cannot make sense of it in BBEdit which I have always used
for code. (I stumbled on TextMate today.) TM would help greatly with
it's folding feature, if I could properly fold functions. However the
class author used inconsistant indentation (for which he should be
tortured) which is causing folds to begin with the { of a function
declaration and the } of an if clause. I have checked using BBEdit's
Text>Balance feature (which is very cool and should be added to TM) and
the {'s and }'s are properly balanced. But, since the indentation
sucks, I can't fold.
Please correct the folding behavior.
Thank you,
--==<< R i c h a r d B r o n o s k y >>==--
For those of you who have not used it, BBEdit amid all bloat actually
has a few useful features. One extremely useful feature is the
"Balance" command. It simple creates a selection that extends from the
beginning of a markup tag (ie. "<div>"), brace (ie "{"), or bracket (ie
"[") to the closing markup tag, brace, or bracket. The most important
part is that it accurately accounts for nesting. This feature seems
expendable on perfected code, but it is a life saver when you have
several nested control structures and you have forgotten a closing
brace. It is also very useful when trying to make sense of
Microsoft-proofed HTML with several nested divs and no whitespace.
The balance command can be call from the "Text" menu item, or by double
clicking an opening or closing brace, bracket or the GT/LT of a markup
Please add this simple feature.
Thank you,
--==<< R i c h a r d B r o n o s k y >>==--
I noticed that my hand automatically went to the enter key on the
numeric key pad to start renaming a file in the drawer. I have a
feeling that I could probably map that key to the function although I
am not sure how to do it. Any Ideas?
The suggestion would be do have the above as a default behavior if it
can be done.
Eric C
I have arranged for an IRC channel to be set up for TextMate
discussions of any sort. I created it on freenode.net, which is usually
for open-source projects, but the requirements fit the purpose I had in
mind well enough.
A list of IRC servers for this network can be found here:
..and the channel is called, of course, #textmate
Hope to see some people there soon :-).
:: the Cottage of Lost Play.
:: http://cyanite.org
I have been writing feature requests to the mailing list. As an
application developer and project manager I have had to read, write,
revise, and follow hundreds of functionality specs. I write my
requests with functionality spec verbiage.
Is this a proper use of this mailing list?
Thank you,
--==<< R i c h a r d B r o n o s k y >>==--
When any selection is made, the left margin should gain a "begin fold"
icon similar to the ones that appear next to the start of a foldable
chunk of code. It would differ in appearance by replacing the dark
gray color with the highlight color. Clicking this icon would fold the
entire selection into a single fold. Unfolding the chunk of code would
reselect that chunk of code only if another selection did not exist.
Please add this feature.
Thank you,
--==<< R i c h a r d B r o n o s k y >>==--