Just so you know:
Today I noticed TM didn't send the file back to Fugu anymore on save.
(It can be weird when you think you saved files when, in fact, you
After reinstalling TM, rebooting, repairing permission, etc., I
remembered I had enabled "atomic save" earlier.
This was the problem, everything back to normal when it's unchecked.
I don't know if the problem is in Fugu or TM.
Shouldn't TM falls back to normal writes?
Anyway, here is a log entry in case it helps:
2005-02-09 03:51:15.255 TextMate[555] initWithOptions: {
auxiliaryFileInfo = {
customPath = "sftp://fatal@";
fsref = <NSAppleEventDescriptor:
2005-02-09 03:51:19.086 Fugu[528] coerceToDescriptorType typeFileURL
2005-02-09 03:51:20.822 Fugu[528] Couldn't coerce descriptor to typeFSS
I know, it's late here. Must sleep! ;)
The "Find in Project..." feature has been acting oddly when searching
for strings with "special" characters in them. I have the "Regular
Expression" box unchecked and the "Ignore Case" box checked.
I have a project with ~100 files in it. About 75 of those contain the
variable $ROOT_DIR. When I do a "Find in Project..." and search for
$ROOT_DIR I get three results back. I really can't figure out what is
special about the three that are returned. Is the "$" causing a
problem? I would think that if you are not using regular expressions
that all special characters would be automatically escaped.
That's my first problem. Here's the second:
I then tried "*\$ROOT_DIR*" with the regular expression box checked
just to see what would happen. I realize that this doesn't make much
sense as a regular expression. I know next to nothing about them.
TextMate proceeded to give me the spinning beach ball for about five
minutes. My system became unresponsive. TextMate eventually bombed.
I opened TextMate again and repeated the search. Same results.
Should there be error checking on the regular expression before it is
executed to prevent things like this?
Hi all,
I couldn't help but chime in here.
As noted, Yummy FTP supports remote editing via SFTP and FTP, and supports TextMate
directly using the ODB editor suite. It will also make a transfer completion sound of your
Yummy FTP also allows additional editors to be defined other than the standard TexMate/
BBEdit/etc. Additional editors can be selected by using the Edit With option, so this might be
what you're looking for in order to edit with jEdit, for example.
We've also recently implemented the ability to specify remote editors per file name extension,
but that is only in the beta we're working on right now. This will allow you to just double-
click a file and edit it with the remote editor you have previously chosen.
Of course, Yummy FTP isn't free but $25 isn't too painful :-)
Sorry for the advertisement. I hope the information is helpful.
Best regards,
Jason Downing
Yummy Software
Software so good you could eat it. Yum!
That is a basic Apple concept, like cmd+left/right to go to the
beginning/end of a line. Try dragging an active selection in Mail.app,
if you hold opt while dragging it copies instead of moves.
My brain can't let go of the instinct to drag text. Is there a way to
make it work?
Thank you,
--==<< R i c h a r d B r o n o s k y >>==--
What is atomic saving?
How can I tell TextMate to save as soon as it loses focus? Due to I compile
some Xcode apps inside Xcode, and use textmate to do all my editing and I
keep forgeting to hit Command-S. (unless someone has a more effient way)
Thanks :)
Hello. I'm a new TextMate user, still trying to get the hang of using
an automation heavy editor. I've run into a few questions as I'm
getting use to the program and even managed to answer most of them
myself, with a little playing around. One is still tripping me up
though, so I thought I would ask.
I have Smart Typing turned on and am trying to figure out if I like it.
Most of the time, it's fine, but there are times when I don't want the
pair, like the apostrophes in this sentence. Is there any way to get
it not the add the closing marker for a single keystroke?
James Edward Gray II
Here's a suggestion that came to me this morning. How about applying
the wonderful logic in the file chooser to commands and macros? I was
thinking of it being very much like Quicksilver for TextMate commands.
I love it that the number of Bundles for TextMate is growing so
quickly! What I don't like is that there is very little structure to
the allocation of keyboard shortcuts. Its very quickly becoming
emacs-like in the number of option-command-control-foo key-combos one
must remember. I know they are all there in the menu system, but I
prefer to not use the mouse very much when I'm writing and programming.
One thing I always like about emacs, was that I could type Meta-x and
type in the the beginning of a command, hit space for auto-complete,
maybe a couple more characters, and I would have the command I was
looking for. I used this technique for a whole host of commands that I
used fairly often, but not often enough to remember the keyboard
shortcut. I think you could easily go one better by applying your
matching algorithm to macros and commands. Another thing that I liked
was that emacs was self-teaching in that it would often tell me the
keystroke needed to activate the command I just typed, so that after
seeing it a bunch of times I would just start to remember.
Brad Miller, PhD
Assistant Professor
Luther College
jabber: bnmnetp(a)jabber.org
Woah, quick response! Thanks.
I would like to be able to preview latex equations as I'm writing. I
really like writing latex, but can't wrap my mind around all the
brackets in latex equations. There is a service called "equation
service". In the text editor, you highlight the text you would like
previewed and call the equation service. It cuts the highlighted text
into the clipboard, turns it into a pdf, and then copies this into the
clipboard and pastes it into your document. The result is that you
see a typset equation rather than a mess of latex code. When it
creates the pdf, it stores the latex code you orignially typed in the
pdf. This way, equation service can be recalled on the pdf preview,
this time replacing it with the orignal latex code so you can edit it.
Under emacs this functionality is provided by an addon called
preview-latex which is brilliant (
http://preview-latex.sourceforge.net/ ). However, I'm fed up with
emacs and would like to try a cocoa based editor, as they are way more
easily applescripted.
The webpage for equation service is
- Rob
P.S. (I may have imagined PDF Replacement Services. The equation
service home page talks of a program either supporing or not "text ->
PDF services". I have looked on apples developer site and found no
reference of this.)
Hi Allan,
I know, you probably have to do other things concerning
TM development but I have one thing which I would like to
see because it now very often annoyed me:
Opening a Folder via the Open-Menu.
It happens very often that I want so open several files at
once but the only way to do this is to mark them all in the
open-dialog via Command-A, but then I can't browse the sub-folders.
So my request is that I can fire up the open-dialog via
Command-O (like ATM) and then also can select folders
and start a new project this way.
Torsten Becker
(novaa on freenode)
I know this is probably on Allan's To Do list, and was mentioned not
too long ago by others, but I haven't found the actual implementation
discussed anywhere. So here goes my 2 cent worth of ideas.
I think the ideal implementation of this feature is just like the Apple
implementation in the Apple Menu's - Recent Items. The applications (=
projects) and the files (= TM single non-project files opened) are
separated as sub-menus of the menu item. Nice, clean and easy to use.
The settings for the number of items stored in each sub-menu should
then be set in the Preferences window, something along the line of what
is in System Preferences - Appearance -> Number of Recent Items:
For the past month or so I've been working with 3 projects opened at
all times. Then over the weekend I closed them down and looked through
some new code from a friend. As a result, I now have to 'go hunting'
for the .tmproj files through the Finder. I know, it doesn't stop me
from working, but this is just some basic 'spit & polish' to correct a
minor workflow problem in an otherwise fantastic app.
Kind regards,
"TextMate, coding with an incredible sense of joy and ease"
- www.macromates.com -