hello :)
I've a problem when I compile with the TextMate command, often I've a good result but when I compile the same document with texshop or with kile on ubuntu I 've some errors. Texhsop and Kile stops the compilation but not TextMate.... But the errors are real and I think that for the Textmate'command these errors are only warnings. Is it possible to modify this ?
Thanks Alain (sorry for my bad english)
On 7/9/07, Alain Matthes alain.matthes@mac.com wrote:
But the errors are real and I think that for the Textmate'command these errors are only warnings. Is it possible to modify this ?
You have to set the shell variable TM_LATEX_ERRLVL=2. (I don't know why the default is to ignore errors. It is strange.)