Hello all,
I've noticed that when editing using the HTML bundle the Insert Closing Tag command (Opt+Cmd+.) inserts a closing tag but doesn't seem to match the indentation of the opening tag.
For example (all tabs are inserted by Textmate automatically):
<ul> {1 tab}<li> {2 tab}Lorem ipsum [now press Opt+Cmd+.] {2 tab}</li> [now press Opt+Cmd+. again] {2 tab}</ul>
In the above I think it should (or at least I would like) the final closing li tag to be set 1 tab in, to match the opening li tag, and the final closing ul to be set with no indent, to match the opening tag. I think it used to maintain the indent structure, but this might just be wishful thinking on my part.
Can the bundle be modified to do this?
Thanks in advance, Matthew
On 19/7/2006, at 2:05, Matthew Smith-Stubbs wrote:
I've noticed that when editing using the HTML bundle the Insert Closing Tag command (Opt+Cmd+.) inserts a closing tag but doesn't seem to match the indentation of the opening tag. [...] Can the bundle be modified to do this?
Not really. You can read my comments to one of the duplicates of this ticket [1] for more info.