Yay, for Allan, and everyone involved. i really do believe this is totally deserved, i LOVE this App. so glad i bought it, even though i don't have much use for it these days, apart form adding my "<a href="http://axman6.homeip.net/blog/"><img src="http://axman6.homeip.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/weblogo-al7.png" alt="Axman6" style="border: 0px;"/></a>" signature (hope that works :s) to things, with an 'Al.' tab-trigger. but whenever i have to do any work on my site, I'm very thankful for the Awesome TextMate.
Thanks again Allan
Cya, Al.
On Aug 8, 2006, at 11:52 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:
... winning the Apple Design Award for Best Developer Tool!
Daring Fireball reports that there was "raucous applause when this [award] was announced."