I looked on the mailing list history and couldn't find much about this... so here goes
Is there any way to emulate the balance tags command in BBEdit? If your selection is between brackets or between tag pairs, balance tags selects the brackets and everything within it with a shortcut.
for textmate We might be able to emulate that function and improve on it. The command would extend the selection to select the entire scope at the insertion point. Hitting it again would select the next scope up the chain. If it's easier maybe we could just have it select everything with foldingStartMarker and foldingStopMarkers.
Is this something that I could do with a command, or is it something that would require a change to the programming?
I figure the data has to be in there somewhere in order to color the scope. I have no idea what it would take to like command-double-click on a scope to select the whole thing or some such thing.
On 14/09/2005, at 19.52, thomas Aylott wrote:
Is there any way to emulate the balance tags command in BBEdit? If your selection is between brackets or between tag pairs, balance tags selects the brackets and everything within it with a shortcut.
Cmd-shift-B does that for the (asymmetric) characters set as smart typing pairs.
for textmate We might be able to emulate that function and improve on it. The command would extend the selection to select the entire scope at the insertion point. Hitting it again would select the next scope up the chain.
Yes, I've wanted to change the cmd-shift-B to select parent scope, since e.g. @"obj-c strings" and similar really needs to be “parsed” to be selected.
Is this something that I could do with a command, or is it something that would require a change to the programming?
I figure the data has to be in there somewhere in order to color the scope. I have no idea what it would take to like command-double-click on a scope to select the whole thing or some such thing.
You can't currently reach scopes from commands. I do have some vague plans about opening it up, e.g. doing queries and such -- but it'll have to wait a little.