Forgive the spam, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the keyboard shortcut for the Edit in TextMate service is supposed to be -- the cmd+-^- symbol has no meaning to me, and I have yet to figure it out.
Any help would be much appreciated -- thanks. -jrk
On 20/10/2005, at 20.54, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley wrote:
Forgive the spam, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the keyboard shortcut for the Edit in TextMate service is supposed to be -- the cmd+-^- symbol has no meaning to me, and I have yet to figure it out.
It's the enter key, on the numeric keypad. On a laptop that's fn-return.
System Prefs -> International -> Input Menu allows enabling a Keyboard Viewer. Except for the escape glyph, all the glyps that I use, should be there.