I'm getting my mailing lists all mixed up. In case this hasn't been announced here, yet:
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Snyder, David F" dsnyder@txstate.edu To: "mactex@tug.org" mactex@tug.org
The Skim wiki has a recently updated (today) page on how to integrate Skim with synctex and some popular editors. Begin here: http://skim-app.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/TeX_and_PDF_Synchronization#T eX-PDF_Synchronization
Also: I've tested the new MacTex beta with TextMate+Skim+synctex (with pdflatex, xelatex, and latex (with and without the latexmk.pl script)) and it all works well on my research articles and exam files. Synctex seems to do a slightly better job than pdfsync, in this setup.
Hope this helps, Will