Help needed. I have \usepackage{pdfsync} in my preambles, I set my viewer as TeXShop or Skim in TextMate's shell variables or for the project, but command-click gives no result.
Should add set other variables such as TM_LATEX_MASTER? and what value? Or edit the command "show in PDF Viewer"?
Thanks for the help. I just thought I had to go back to editing in TeXShop (because of the pdfsynching), but I couldn't bring myself to edit in TeXShop anymore, I'm already hooked on TextMate, after just a couple days...
--Gildas Hamel
On 7/3/07, Gildas Hamel wrote:
Help needed. I have \usepackage{pdfsync} in my preambles, I set my viewer as TeXShop or Skim in TextMate's shell variables or for the project, but command-click gives no result.
TeXShop can't do syncing with an external editor, and in Skim it's SHIFT-command-click to sync.
On Jul 3, 2007, at 7:03 PM, Gildas Hamel wrote:
Help needed. I have \usepackage{pdfsync} in my preambles, I set my viewer as TeXShop or Skim in TextMate's shell variables or for the project, but command-click gives no result.
In Skim you have to use cmd+shift+click (http://skim- and in TextMate ctrl+alt+cmd+o
Should add set other variables such as TM_LATEX_MASTER? and what value? Or edit the command "show in PDF Viewer"?
Do a SVN-checkout of the LaTeX-bundle ( textmate/manual/bundles#getting_more_bundles) then you do not have to modify the "show in PDF Viewer"-command.
Dear Robin and Niels, Thank you for the quick help and your patience with a newbie. Much appreciated. --gildas
Niels Kobschätzki wrote:
On Jul 3, 2007, at 7:03 PM, Gildas Hamel wrote:
Help needed. I have \usepackage{pdfsync} in my preambles, I set my viewer as TeXShop or Skim in TextMate's shell variables or for the project, but command-click gives no result.
In Skim you have to use cmd+shift+click ( and in TextMate ctrl+alt+cmd+o
Should add set other variables such as TM_LATEX_MASTER? and what value? Or edit the command "show in PDF Viewer"?
Do a SVN-checkout of the LaTeX-bundle ( then you do not have to modify the "show in PDF Viewer"-command.