On 4. May 2007, at 15:56, Simon Gregory wrote:
if find_app >/dev/null «bundle identifier of iTerm»; then echo 'We got iTerm installed!' fi
I'm assuming that the «bundle identifier of iTerm» is the value from this key found in iTerm.app/Contents/Info.plist
<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>iTerm</string>
Yes, unfortunately that bundle identifier is in the wrong format. It should be something like: “com.«company».iTerm”.
It will likely work though. Alternatively you can do: find_app iTerm.app (then it looks using the app name instead of the bundle identifier, normally the former would be more ambiguous).
One thing, would iTerm need to have been run once in order for the system to register it's presence?
If it is in /Applications and possibly ~/Applications, the system will automatically register the application (at boot time) -- maybe some other locations are also magic.
But at least running the app, will ensure the system has it in the index.