According to Ben Jackson: To reset the database use open .tmproj You will be asked whether you really want to open that file for the first time with TextMate. Answer yes and you'll be set.
Where do I do this from? Home directory? There's no file named .tmproj.
On 26/06/2005, at 1.45, Ben Jackson wrote:
Where do I do this from? Home directory? There's no file named .tmproj.
Instead try this (from Terminal):
/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r /System/Library/ CoreServices /Applications /Developer/Applications
If you don't have the dev-tools installed, remove the last path. If you keep applications in other locations, add these -- it's not crucial, it just means that Finder won't learn about which document types these can open, before you've actually launched them.