I think this is the same problem I reported to support a month ago:
I've done some manual bisecting, and the problem starts with https://github.com/textmate/textmate/commit/a377b35bdebc63e62c64fb7ab778c2b0...
If I understand what's going on with the LINK line in those target files, with this commit, io now depends on OakFoundation, whereas OakFoundation always depended on io already, so now there's a dependency cycle.
I've definitely built TextMate since that commit (2016?!).
On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 12:45 AM, Ryan Schmidt textmate@ryandesign.com wrote:
On 26 Feb 2018, at 12:45, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
I think this is the same problem I reported to support a month ago:
The commit that introduced the cycle seems to be 75e8723e64c695e464dc78f5b9d84681b9b994da
So you can revert this, and it should work, but there’s a link to another thread that describes why this commit was required.
However, once you have the headers in place, you can build without the explicit dependency, so that can work as a short-term solution.
Perfect, thanks!
I didn't `git bisect` to find it, though I should have.
Was more curious that nobody else had this problem.
On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 11:53 PM, Allan Odgaard mailinglist@textmate.org wrote:
Any interest in trying out the Bazel build system? It's really fast (like ninja), and does not allow undeclared dependencies in C-language build rules by design.
On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 11:58 PM, jason jgavris@gmail.com wrote:
On 10 Mar 2018, at 20:10, jason wrote:
The ninja build system itself is a bit like make in that it’s just a low-level DSL to describe the dependency graph.
There is a script that generates the graph, which is heavily customized to the needs of TextMate (and myself). I have looked at other build systems, and I also took a quick look at Bazel, but I do not see an advantage in switching, as I would have to write a ton of custom code to bring it up to what the current system does, and for this, it’s actually best with a low-level build system rather than one that tries to handle everything, since there are no standards for how to manage multiple targets that can depend on each other, use each other’s header files, resources, etc., which means all the free stuff you get out of the box with these higher level build systems are often stuff that is just in the way when you have a complex project…
For the dependency cycle that ninja “did not detect”, I do actually have some (non-committed) code that improves on dependency detection which would have caught this, but it’s not just a simple “source depends on header” issue, but about link dependencies, which can be a little tricky, as you can’t assume that including a header file means you necessarily wants to link with the library to which the header belongs, for example some sources may include oak/debug.h but do not want to automatically link with my oak debug library, unless in debug mode, and iirc that was the primary reason I didn’t yet push the code that automatically figures out link dependencies.
On 12 Jun 2018, at 0:20, Allan Odgaard wrote:
For anyone interested in this stuff, I have updated the build process: https://github.com/textmate/textmate/commit/412e6798ca206b15cdc8f86a1387835a...
This should address the issues some have experienced during initial full build where a header is unavailable because that target has not yet been built yet.
More details in the commit message.
I can confirm, it works
1. Add "ns" to Frameworks/OakFoundation/target: "LINK += io text ns" 2. Run ./configure 3. Remove "ns" 4. Run ./configure 5. Run ninja TextMate
-- Sent from: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/textmate-users-f3.html
Indeed, that works. Can we get a proper patch into master for this?
On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 8:41 AM, pavel.evst pavel.evst@gmail.com wrote:
On 25 May 2018, at 20:07, jason wrote:
Indeed, that works. Can we get a proper patch into master for this?
This has now been pushed to master: https://github.com/textmate/textmate/commit/ae470335a234e336c3d0337f065e26b2...