wondering whether I'm misunderstanding the script Generate References from the wonderful Markdown2Book. my problem of building markdown.references while using the scripts that came with this nice tool is maybe best described with the sample I found here:
In my idea I could just: - download this sample called `manual` - start up a new project - put all files from the folder `manual` in it
and start writing and it would create a reference for pages I would add. For example adding a page: 040_my_test
would create a markdown.reference if I start referring to this page like [see][myTest] and run the script `Generate`.
Or would I need to put: [myTest]: 040_my_test.html in the markdown.reference file myself? If I do it that way it works but I do need to add the `040_` in front? Is this the correct way to do this? Or should the `Generate` script choose the titles of a page as a reference itself.
tia, Gert