For those of you who have not used it, BBEdit amid all bloat actually has a few useful features. One extremely useful feature is the "Balance" command. It simple creates a selection that extends from the beginning of a markup tag (ie. "<div>"), brace (ie "{"), or bracket (ie "[") to the closing markup tag, brace, or bracket. The most important part is that it accurately accounts for nesting. This feature seems expendable on perfected code, but it is a life saver when you have several nested control structures and you have forgotten a closing brace. It is also very useful when trying to make sense of Microsoft-proofed HTML with several nested divs and no whitespace.
The balance command can be call from the "Text" menu item, or by double clicking an opening or closing brace, bracket or the GT/LT of a markup tag.
Please add this simple feature.
Thank you,
--==<< R i c h a r d B r o n o s k y >>==--
For those of you who have not used it, BBEdit amid all bloat actually has a few useful features. One extremely useful feature is the "Balance" command. It simple creates a selection that extends from the beginning of a markup tag (ie. "<div>"), brace (ie "{"), or bracket (ie "[") to the closing markup tag, brace, or bracket. The most important part is that it accurately accounts for nesting. This feature seems expendable on perfected code, but it is a life saver when you have several nested control structures and you have forgotten a closing brace. It is also very useful when trying to make sense of Microsoft-proofed HTML with several nested divs and no whitespace.
This balance idea sounds really helpful. Today I ran across an HTML bug for an early version of IE that required me to delete all the spaces between tags and basically run a huge block of images together. This has been a royal pain to decipher. If there was an easy way to both highlight it and have it automatically balance out (add spaces and returns) and then re-compress it I would have done it about 10 times today.
Eric C