On 15 Dec 2011, at 12:25, Allan Odgaard wrote:
As for the philosophy, which you questioned, you work with Git, LaTeX, and Dropbox which share the same philosophy: LaTeX use plain text files that all text editors understand and have done for 20+ years, Git works on a folder that all file browsers understand, Dropbox is just a folder that all applications understand.
That doesn't mean I have to use a workflow that is dictated by technologies from 20 years ago. I also no longer manage photos in folders by hand, even though I technically could. But managing and editing photos in Aperture is a lot faster and allows me to do things that were previously impossible.
In my alternate reality, instead of juggling with TextMate, GitX and FileMerge to recover the paragraph I've deleted, it'd be much easier to do all that efficiently in TextMate 2.
I don’t want you to spend time managing your project in TextMate and [...]
Please don't worry about me or other users »wasting our time«. We know enough to take it upon ourselves to decide how to collaborate with others. I for one haven't run into trouble stemming from me using projects. (I did run into problems, because I wasn't adding hard line breaks by hand in my code, though ;-)
And as long as using projects is *optional* as it is now, I don't see a problem for anyone. Why not let us have the cake and eat it, too?
As for precluding myself from future enhancements such as Versions: You are (technically) wrong here.
The point is not to have a feature, but to have a feature that people can find and use. (Apple's current implementation of how to browse versions is IMHO horrible since most people will not discover how to use them.)
whether you think my philopsophy is narrow-minded or less modern than Apple’s is not worth spending time discussing.
I am not interested in a philosophical discussion. The only reason I see it worth my time is to let you know that some TextMate users rely on projects and don't want to see it be cut. And that there is a case to be made to for keeping them. Or to at least make sure that you design TextMate 2 so that someone else can add a Project add-on later. That's all.