Does anyone other than me find it strange that the Ruby syntax doesn't even handle basic stuff like keyword operators? Don't get me wrong, it's one of the most touched language syntaxes out there. It finally just got folding the other day :-/
Anyway. I added a few things to Mats Experimental Ruby & Rails Ruby language syntax[1] and made my own version of it[2] Mostly just cosmetic stuff.
I also updated my Brilliance Black theme[3] to color the new stuff i added.
I had been waiting for language injection, but i just couldn't stand all the gray anymore. Eventually i'm going to add a Ruby.bracketed language to add nested group coloring and junk ala javascript bracketed[4]
To actually use this new Ruby Experimental Extra syntax[2] you'll need to already have Mats Experimental Ruby & Rails Ruby language syntax[1] installed.
Well anyway, enjoy.
If anyone has any objections with my adding this stuff to the official ruby syntax, speak now.
[1] [2] 20subtleGradient.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Ruby%20Experimental% 20Extra.tmLanguage [3] In the official TextMate repo [4]
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient
Go forth and add I say! I'd just be happy to have some sort of collected bundle for "if you trust Thomas, install all this crap". (and then later on I can change to brilliance dull theme hehe)