desperate looking for a way of a more relaxed way of searching a string inside another, we need not to take into the account not only the case
s = "Abc" if s =~ /abc/i then …
but also if you have forgotten an accent, etc:
s = "áBc" if s =~ /abc/i then …also should match!
Changing the encoding to the simplest one: ASCII, does not work since iconv, nor ruby force_encoding() work and gives you errors in case you try to convert "á" to "a"
MacOS does the work but it is not the appropriate way here…
Any help will be welcome.
- juanfc
On Aug 20, 2009, at 6:37 PM, Juan Falgueras wrote:
desperate looking for a way of a more relaxed way of searching a string inside another, we need not to take into the account not only the case
s = "Abc" if s =~ /abc/i then …
but also if you have forgotten an accent, etc:
s = "áBc" if s =~ /abc/i then …also should match!
Changing the encoding to the simplest one: ASCII, does not work since iconv, nor ruby force_encoding() work and gives you errors in case you try to convert "á" to "a"
This might be one option for you:
$ irb -KU -r iconv
s = "áBc"
=> "áBc"
Iconv.conv("ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE", "UTF-8",
s).downcase.delete("^a-z") =~ /abc/ => 0
I hope that helps.
James Edward Gray II