Howdy. I'd like to be ability to change themes just like I change languages. Shortcut key for 1 or many. Scope based.
I'm developing themes for different kinds of things. Say i'm developing an ASP.NET page with html, javascript, css & embedded ASP. I'd like to define themes that show more detail in the language that I'm working in and wash out the colors of everything else. EG: select an HTML tag, hit cmd-opt-shift-option-numpad_5... shebang! asp, javascript & css fade & html tags pop! select embedded ruby within the string of an html attribute, cmd-opt- shift-option-numpad_5... sheboom! everything fades & embedded ruby pops!
OH, yeah!!!
PS: i'll be sharing more wacky themes soon-ish. If anyone has any suggestions for color palettes, please let me know. I'm itching for some code sweetness.
That's a pretty good idea, don't know if I'll like it in the ned but it sounds good! I hope you share all your theme work, I haven't found one I really like yet, and I suppose all I can suggest in terms of colour are white/grayish constant backgrounds and then not to bright in the other colours, boring perahps :)
On Sep 10, 2005, at 16:25 , thomas Aylott wrote:
Howdy. I'd like to be ability to change themes just like I change languages. Shortcut key for 1 or many. Scope based.
I'm developing themes for different kinds of things. Say i'm developing an ASP.NET page with html, javascript, css & embedded ASP. I'd like to define themes that show more detail in the language that I'm working in and wash out the colors of everything else. EG: select an HTML tag, hit cmd-opt-shift-option-numpad_5... shebang! asp, javascript & css fade & html tags pop! select embedded ruby within the string of an html attribute, cmd- opt-shift-option-numpad_5... sheboom! everything fades & embedded ruby pops!
OH, yeah!!!
PS: i'll be sharing more wacky themes soon-ish. If anyone has any suggestions for color palettes, please let me know. I'm itching for some code sweetness.
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On 10/09/2005, at 16.25, thomas Aylott wrote:
I'd like to be ability to change themes just like I change languages. Shortcut key for 1 or many. Scope based.
Adding key equivalent settings to the Change Theme List… sheet is on the to-do. I don't understand the thing about scope based?!? You want to only be able to switch to certain themes (using keys) in given scopes?
On Sep 10, 2005, at 2:04 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
You want to only be able to switch to certain themes (using keys) in given scopes?
I'd like to have the option. Just like commands, snippets, languages, etc...
Then you can have a single shortcut to activate all themes. Hit it in scope 'text.*' to activate all of them. Hit it in scope 'text.html string source.asp' to activate my embedded asp theme.
i forgot to say please.... sorry please :D
On 10/09/2005, at 22.36, thomas Aylott wrote:
You want to only be able to switch to certain themes (using keys) in given scopes?
I'd like to have the option. Just like commands, snippets, languages, etc...
Then you can have a single shortcut to activate all themes. Hit it in scope 'text.*' to activate all of them. Hit it in scope 'text.html string source.asp' to activate my embedded asp theme.
I like this idea -- though I'm not entirely sure if a scope selector belongs in key equivalent configuration of themes.
So what I propose is, starting with last revision I now name the themes .tmTheme (yes, should have done that from the start), and I'll be adding auto-import of themes (when double clicked) in 1-3 revisions. If the theme is “opened” and already installed, I'll make it switch to that theme.
This means you can then make regular commands which do: open ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Themes/mint.tmTheme
And you'll get the regular scope selector. If it turns out to be a hit, I'll rethink placing the scope selector in Fonts & Colors preferences :)
starting with last revision I now name the themes .tmTheme (yes, should have done that from the start), and I'll be adding auto- import of themes (when double clicked) in 1-3 revisions. If the theme is “opened” and already installed, I'll make it switch to that theme.
This means you can then make regular commands which do: open ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Themes/mint.tmTheme
And you'll get the regular scope selector. If it turns out to be a hit, I'll rethink placing the scope selector in Fonts & Colors preferences :)
That is ideal! Thanks.