Regarding TM's adherence to unix philosophy, it seems weird to me one cannot execute a command in background. Setting output to "Discard" is supposed to do just that, while it actually freezes TM until command exits. This virtually rules out any long running command in TM. I know "Show as html" will behave that way, but it's more a (ugly) workaround. I'd like to see it fixed or at least a "Discard and close" option added.
Thank you, Federico Galassi
On 13 Aug 2008, at 11:26, Federico Galassi wrote:
Regarding TM's adherence to unix philosophy, it seems weird to me one cannot execute a command in background. Setting output to "Discard" is supposed to do just that, while it actually freezes TM until command exits.
Did you try to use a final '&' in your command?
e.g.: 'curl bla foo &'
"Discard" only means that nothing will show up to the user.