Hi all.
I've just finished the 0.1 release of a command I've been working on tonight, based on Tom Counsell's (http://tom.counsell.org/view/ ExcelToLatexTableConvertor) excel2latex, that will take an excel table from clipboard (copy from excel. doesn't work for selected text yet.) and run by typing excel[tab] (excel⇥'). It requires that the longtable package is included, but if you're working with tables, you'll probably want that anyway. This isn't perfect, you'll probably want to change the '\begin{longtable}{c c c c c c }' to format the rows how you like, but it seems to work for me.
let me know what you think. I know this saves me a lot of time, so I hope it will for you too.
Cheers, Al. ☠☢✯☢☠