Hi all,
I have just committed 2 changes to the support dir.
I have introduced tm_interactive_input.dylib which allows any process using it to request input from the user in the normal way (e.g. gets in Ruby or read in Bash) and have TM present a dialog to the user allowing them to enter input. You can read a little bit more about this dylib @ http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Tools/tm_interactive_input/usage.md .
I have also changed scriptmate to use this new feature, so any scriptmate implementation for a particular language automatically inherits this new functionality.
If you maintain a bundle and have a command that could benefit from this new feature, then checkout the usage doc link above or take a gander at what scriptmate does to set this up. I am on the IRC channel fairly frequently so you can usually catch me there if you are having problems using it.