Dear all,
First, thanks to Allan and everyone at Macromates for an amazingly stable alpha release, with lots of new goodies/features to use.
Second, a couple of specific queries:
* I note that the emacs binding C-k deletes from the caret to the end of the line, but C-y just inserts "TODO"; I assume that's a message from the developer, but I want to check...
* Another emacs-related keybinding I miss is using C-s to continue searching after the first use of C-s. Now, it seems that you have to use <tab> after you first use C-s to bring up the search-in-doc box at the bottom of the window.
Finally, more generally, is there any documentation for what can go into a .tm_properties file, either official or just samizdat?
Thanks, and appropriately happy holidays to all,
On Dec 24, 2011, at 6:22 AM, Andrew Jaffe wrote:
Finally, more generally, is there any documentation for what can go into a .tm_properties file, either official or just samizdat?
Check out
and especially the additional links under the section "The Settings." An example of a .tm_properties file may be found at
under the heading "An excellent example of a .tm_properties file."
-- Phil
On 24/12/2011 13:41, Phil Schumm wrote:
On Dec 24, 2011, at 6:22 AM, Andrew Jaffe wrote:
Finally, more generally, is there any documentation for what can go into a .tm_properties file, either official or just samizdat?
Check out
Aha! That is not an obviously descriptive headline -- I thought it was about configuring "git"... It should probably be called "Git-Style Configuration" (note the hyphen to make a compound adjective), or, perhaps just "New Textmate Configuration Files"!!!
and especially the additional links under the section "The Settings." An example of a .tm_properties file may be found at
under the heading "An excellent example of a .tm_properties file."
-- Phil
textmate mailing list
On Dec 24, 2011, at 6:18 AM, Andrew Jaffe wrote:
Aha! That is not an obviously descriptive headline -- I thought it was about configuring "git"... It should probably be called "Git-Style Configuration" (note the hyphen to make a compound adjective), or, perhaps just "New Textmate Configuration Files"!!!
It confused the heck out of me at first too, especially since Git isn't the only software to use a "specific overrides the general" priority scheme. Cascading Style Sheets, for instance.
Oh yes. Easy forward and backward incremental search is perhaps Emacs' finest feature. Worth emulating for sure.
On Dec 24, 2011, at 3:22 AM, Andrew Jaffe wrote:
- Another emacs-related keybinding I miss is using C-s to continue searching after the first use of C-s. Now, it seems that you have to use <tab> after you first use C-s to bring up the search-in-doc box at the bottom of the window.
On 24 Dec 2011, at 12:22, Andrew Jaffe wrote:
[…] using C-s to continue searching after the first use of C-s. Now, it seems that you have to use <tab> after you first use C-s to bring up the search-in-doc box at the bottom of the window.
In addition to tab/shift-tab you can also use ⌘G/⇧⌘G.
The main reason that ⌃S is not among the keys you can use is that the search box is a standard Cocoa text field and a frustrating amount of custom code is required to grab the ⌃S/⌃⇧S keys (to the best of my knowledge) — so given that ⌘G is already standard, this will have to do for now.
Emacs incremental search uses a completely different approach. If you haven't seen it, it's worth having an emacs user show it to you. Granted, that feature is not enough to make emacs my primary editor, but I do miss it.
On Dec 25, 2011, at 1:12 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
The main reason that ⌃S is not among the keys you can use is that the search box is a standard Cocoa text field and a frustrating amount of custom code is required to grab the ⌃S/⌃⇧S keys (to the best of my knowledge) — so given that ⌘G is already standard, this will have to do for now.
Hi Allan,
On 25/12/2011 21:12, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 24 Dec 2011, at 12:22, Andrew Jaffe wrote:
[…] using C-s to continue searching after the first use of C-s. Now, it seems that you have to use<tab> after you first use C-s to bring up the search-in-doc box at the bottom of the window.
In addition to tab/shift-tab you can also use ⌘G/⇧⌘G.
The main reason that ⌃S is not among the keys you can use is that the search box is a standard Cocoa text field and a frustrating amount of custom code is required to grab the ⌃S/⌃⇧S keys (to the best of my knowledge) — so given that ⌘G is already standard, this will have to do for now.
One of the best things about the emacs-style ^S incremental search is exactly that the "find" and "find next" are the same key combination (perhaps the way to think of it is "find the current incremental-search target"). TM1 did this, as does (sorry) BBedit, and I note that Safari has the same paradigm, albeit usingΩ ⌘F.
I don't know about other TM users, but this is far and away my most common use of any "find" feature.
So I would like to make a feature request that this be re-instated in TM2, even if not using ^S.
just cmd-g (find again). made sense to me once I started using it
- Another emacs-related keybinding I miss is using C-s to continue searching after the first use of C-s. Now, it seems that you have to use <tab> after you first use C-s to bring up the search-in-doc box at the bottom of the window.