On Sep 15, 2006, at 3:19 PM, Christopher Brewster wrote:
When I press apple button+R to typeset and view, I get transferred to the Preview window but it does not show me the current pdf only the previous one. Is there someway to correct this so that it refreshes the pdf it is displaying?
Do you mean that it will not refresh the pdf after changes have happened to it and you have recompiled, or that if you compile a completely different file? If it is the former, then it is Preview.app's fault, and the only solutions I can think of would involve using AppleScript and slightly hacking Preview.app to allow AppleScript to drive it.
The former - it does not refresh the pdf after a recompile. I do not know how to write AppleScript or hack Preview.app :(
I would suggest using a different previewer, and in particular TeXniscope. Or you could use the TeXShop previewer, though that does not do pdfsync with TextMate (to my knowledge).
Yes I have tried TeXniscope several times. 2 problems: - there is no search facility and this is important often to find unresolved bibliography entries etc. - it crashes frequently
This is why I have repeated returned to Preview.app. I have not tried the TeXShop previewer. Is anyone using Adobe Reader? Would that work better?