Hi-- Have been having problems with TM today; getting repeated crashes on start and can't figure out problem. Tried restarting machine, but didn't work. Here are the details from the crash log:
Date/Time: 2010-08-22 18:07:03 +0900 OS Version: 10.6.4 (Build 10F569) Architecture: x86_64 Report Version: 6
Command: TextMate Path: /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/MacOS/TextMate Version: 1.5.8 (1509) Parent: launchd [77]
PID: 173 Event: hang Duration: 3.28s (sampling started after 2 seconds) Steps: 13 (100ms sampling interval)
Pageins: 31 Pageouts: 0
Process: TextMate [173] Path: /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/MacOS/TextMate UID: 501
Process: Activity Monitor [176] Path: /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor.app/Contents/MacOS/Activity Monitor UID: 501
Thread bfe3b7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in Activity Monitor + 6996) [0x100001b54] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f2c5f8] 11 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f338d3] 11 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 11 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 11 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 10 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 10 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 10 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 10 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 10 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] 1 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 148 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df67d] 1 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 1 __CFRunLoopRun + 6488 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d54678] 1 __NSFireTimer + 114 (in Foundation) [0x7fff83492a2d] 1 ??? (in Activity Monitor + 38458) [0x10000963a] 1 ??? (in Activity Monitor + 29653) [0x1000073d5] 1 -[NSTableView _doSelectIndexes:byExtendingSelection:indexType:funnelThroughSingleIndexVersion:] + 1823 (in AppKit) [0x7fff88009350] 1 -[NSTableView rowsInRect:] + 42 (in AppKit) [0x7fff88009a2f] 1 -[NSTableView tile] + 435 (in AppKit) [0x7fff88001932] 1 -[NSTableView setFrameSize:] + 260 (in AppKit) [0x7fff88002101] 1 -[NSControl setFrameSize:] + 91 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f74566] 1 -[NSView setFrameSize:] + 998 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f4c8f6] 1 -[NSView _postFrameChangeNotification] + 158 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f528b7] 1 -[NSClipView _reflectDocumentViewFrameChange] + 91 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87fe65d7] 1 -[NSClipView _scrollTo:animate:] + 1121 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87fe6bbc] 1 -[NSScrollView scrollClipView:toPoint:] + 350 (in AppKit) [0x7fff880a8bc6] 1 -[NSClipView scrollToPoint:] + 229 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8806bc05] 1 -[NSClipView _immediateScrollToPoint:] + 3761 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8806cb3e] 1 -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 969 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f9dff6] 1 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 2683 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8802479a] 1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:] + 767 (in AppKit) [0x7fff880283c6] 1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2199 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8802a05e] 1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 1325 (in AppKit) [0x7fff88029cf4] 1 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:] + 3390 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8802b081] 1 -[NSTableView drawRect:] + 1302 (in AppKit) [0x7fff88035058] 1 -[NSOutlineView drawRowIndexes:clipRect:] + 131 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8803652c] 1 -[NSTableView drawRowIndexes:clipRect:] + 369 (in AppKit) [0x7fff880366ab] 1 -[NSTableView drawRow:clipRect:] + 1242 (in AppKit) [0x7fff88036db8] 1 -[NSOutlineView _drawContentsAtRow:column:withCellFrame:] + 95 (in AppKit) [0x7fff88037c95]
1 _NSDrawTextCell + 252 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8802e57e]
1 __NSGetStringAndAttributesFromTextCell + 45 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87fc3e89]
1 -[NSCell _hasAttributedStringValue] + 140 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87fc4314]
1 -[NSNumberFormatter attributedStringForObjectValue:withDefaultAttributes:] + 79 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8353873e]
1 -[NSNumberFormatter stringForObjectValue:] + 337 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8345fcbd]
1 CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithNumber + 104 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d88488]
1 CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithValue + 1081 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d88919]
1 CFStringCreateWithCharacters + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d10ef6]
1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 2501 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d0c805] 2 -[NSApplication run] + 474 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f33922] 2 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4719 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f9cee2] 2 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 5409 (in AppKit) [0x7fff88067763] 1 -[NSToolbarItemViewer mouseDown:] + 5017 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8817a3c1] 1 -[NSToolbarButton sendAction:to:] + 75 (in AppKit) [0x7fff885091d3] 1 ??? (in Activity Monitor + 107773) [0x10001a4fd] 1 NSBeginAlertSheet + 206 (in AppKit) [0x7fff881c26a5] 1 _NXDoLocalRunAlertSheet + 822 (in AppKit) [0x7fff881c23d4] 1 -[NSApplication _commonBeginModalSessionForWindow:relativeToWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:] + 714 (in AppKit) [0x7fff881a6df7] 1 -[NSApplication _orderFrontModalWindow:relativeToWindow:] + 734 (in AppKit) [0x7fff881a738f] 1 -[NSWindow _reallyDoOrderWindow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:] + 1291 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f66118] 1 -[NSWindow(NSSheets) _orderFrontRelativeToWindow:] + 200 (in AppKit) [0x7fff881ad7f0] 1 -[NSMoveHelper(NSSheets) _moveParent:andOpenSheet:] + 1753 (in AppKit) [0x7fff881adefc] 1 -[NSMoveHelper _doAnimation] + 1117 (in AppKit) [0x7fff881af9bd] 1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] 1 -[NSControl mouseDown:] + 624 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8814d4b5] 1 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 555 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8817f536] 1 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 1129 (in AppKit) [0x7fff8814e7c1] 1 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 1 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 1 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 1 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 1 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 12 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f] 1 lo_allintrs + 302 [0x29eb5e] 1 interrupt + 171 [0x2a8033] 1 lapic_interrupt + 126 [0x2af602] 1 intel_startCPU + 405 [0x2b0bd2] 1 sync_iss_to_iks + 124 [0x2a7939]
Thread 8bb67a8 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 86703d4 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread 90fdb7c User stack: 12 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 12 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 12 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread 97f0000 User stack: 12 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 12 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 12 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8343ce8d] 12 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 1540 (in AppKit) [0x7fff880b9619] 12 usleep + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fecaf] 12 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 12 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread a144000 User stack: 12 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 12 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 12 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10002dff7 com.apple.ActivityMonitor 10.6 (212) <3695EF1D-2370-2826-2219-8B0F81F7F900> /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor.app/Contents/MacOS/Activity Monitor 0x7fff8342c000 - 0x7fff836adfef com.apple.Foundation 6.6.3 (751.29) <DAEDB589-9F59-9556-CF8D-07556317937B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879b1000 - 0x7fff87caffe7 com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <CF0C8524-FA82-3908-ACD0-A9176C704AED> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff87f2a000 - 0x7fff88920fff com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <7BDD335D-5425-0354-5AD6-41C4F1B4A2F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Process: activitymonitord [179] Path: /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor.app/Contents/MacOS/activitymonitord UID: 0
Process: AirPort Base Station Agent [102] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/AirPort Base Station Agent.app/Contents/MacOS/AirPort Base Station Agent UID: 501
Thread 9dab000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in AirPort Base Station Agent + 5692) [0x10000163c] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f2c5f8] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f338d3] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 86143d4 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 9db93d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100027fff com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent 1.5.5 (155.2) <00010203-0405-0607-0809-0A0B0C0D0E0F> /System/Library/CoreServices/AirPort Base Station Agent.app/Contents/MacOS/AirPort Base Station Agent 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879b1000 - 0x7fff87caffe7 com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <CF0C8524-FA82-3908-ACD0-A9176C704AED> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff87f2a000 - 0x7fff88920fff com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <7BDD335D-5425-0354-5AD6-41C4F1B4A2F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Process: AppleSpell [161] Path: /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell UID: 501
Thread a0457a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in AppleSpell + 4816) [0x1000012d0] 13 ??? (in AppleSpell + 5472) [0x100001560] 13 -[NSSpellServer run] + 72 (in Foundation) [0x7fff834ab78a] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 958e000 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x1000a9fe7 com.apple.AppleSpell 1.6.2 (62.2) <B3C504CB-5E66-639E-9F2A-2F184565496A> /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell 0x7fff8342c000 - 0x7fff836adfef com.apple.Foundation 6.6.3 (751.29) <DAEDB589-9F59-9556-CF8D-07556317937B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: autofsd [41] Path: /usr/libexec/autofsd UID: 0
Thread 86843d4 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in autofsd + 5340) [0x1000014dc] 13 ??? (in autofsd + 6461) [0x10000193d] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8692000 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 9781b7c User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100001ff7 autofsd ??? (???) <E07FB03F-038C-D995-51F3-FF8A686F645B> /usr/libexec/autofsd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: bash [167] Path: /bin/bash UID: 501
Thread 8bb23d4 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in bash + 3800) [0x100000ed8] 13 ??? (in bash + 12424) [0x100003088] 13 ??? (in bash + 13518) [0x1000034ce] 13 ??? (in bash + 76739) [0x100012bc3] 13 ??? (in bash + 65997) [0x1000101cd] 13 ??? (in bash + 123817) [0x10001e3a9] 13 __wait4 + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83912412] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100098fe7 bash ??? (???) <ACD27835-E506-DDF5-63B3-6207AD1FC513> /bin/bash 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: blued [40] Path: /usr/sbin/blued UID: 0
Thread 86847a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in blued + 6468) [0x100001944] 13 ??? (in blued + 154202) [0x100025a5a] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 77 (in Foundation) [0x7fff834778f7] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (in Foundation) [0x7fff83477a18] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8bb6b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 886f3d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100048fe7 blued ??? (???) <068B2E13-FC01-B62A-805A-578C75BCFA12> /usr/sbin/blued 0x7fff8342c000 - 0x7fff836adfef com.apple.Foundation 6.6.3 (751.29) <DAEDB589-9F59-9556-CF8D-07556317937B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: configd [13] Path: /usr/libexec/configd UID: 0
Thread 7f70000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in configd) [0x100000cf0] 13 main + 2051 (in configd) [0x100001506] 13 server_loop + 72 (in configd) [0x100001d5c] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 7f47000 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 7f703d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 plugin_exec + 1440 (in configd) [0x1000034c3] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 7f903d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread 80033d4 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread 8586000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 _io_pm_force_active_settings + 2266 (in PowerManagement) [0x10050f968] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 87a9000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 pppcntl_run_thread + 1595 (in PPPController) [0x1005be90d] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100026ff7 configd ??? (???) <771131C9-9E29-105A-3430-8BCA23E72400> /usr/libexec/configd 0x10050c000 - 0x10051dfff com.apple.SystemConfiguration.PowerManagement 160.0.0 (160.0.0) <691A8193-3BE4-69C5-71D0-6D4BC738998D> /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/PowerManagement.bundle/Contents/MacOS/PowerManagement 0x1005ac000 - 0x1005d5fff com.apple.SystemConfiguration.PPPController 1.5 (1.5) <900FD5A8-2F19-6919-1AF2-71C70F36E834> /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/PPPController.bundle/Contents/MacOS/PPPController 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: coreaudiod [74] Path: /usr/sbin/coreaudiod UID: 202
Thread 94e83d4 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in coreaudiod + 2964) [0x100000b94] 13 ??? (in coreaudiod + 26320) [0x1000066d0] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9546b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 8bb3b7c User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread 95463d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) + 125 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8422baf5] 13 HALRunLoop::OwnThread(void*) + 152 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8423eaf6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10001fff7 coreaudiod ??? (???) <9A14795C-2B28-130F-43A3-183AB48F75D8> /usr/sbin/coreaudiod 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff8420d000 - 0x7fff8428cfef com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 3.2.2 (3.2.2) <243E456E-7A74-BE76-FF18-E589BDCAA785> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: coreservicesd [52] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd UID: 0
Thread 860d000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in coreservicesd + 3756) [0x100000eac] 13 _CoreServicesServerMain + 522 (in CarbonCore) [0x7fff8091117e] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8bb7b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 85bb7a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 read + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ce8e6] Kernel stack: 13 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 13 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 13 read_nocancel + 158 [0x495760] 13 write + 312 [0x494fe4] 13 get_pathbuff + 3054 [0x3039e7] 13 tsleep + 105 [0x486de7] 13 wakeup + 786 [0x4869c0] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 8684000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 fmodWatchConsumer + 347 (in CarbonCore) [0x7fff808c512a] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread def27a8 User stack: 10 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 10 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 10 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100000fff coreservicesd ??? (???) <D1BE53BF-7BF0-E255-A49F-A65DAD544BB2> /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd 0x7fff80861000 - 0x7fff80b94fe7 com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 861.13 (861.13) <BC2F9B4E-D305-D717-D97E-EC78C7DE9EE9> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: cvmsComp_x86_64 [178] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/cvmsComp_x86_64 UID: 501
Thread 9f27b7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in cvmsComp_x86_64 + 2740) [0x100000ab4] 13 llvm::CVMSMemoryManager::getDlsymTable() const + 3295 (in cvmsComp_x86_64) [0x1000035ed] 13 mach_msg_server + 539 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83940bfe] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c4306] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100005ff7 cvmsComp_x86_64 ??? (???) <965837DC-1547-4DFB-E512-6BF8922E7B9A> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/cvmsComp_x86_64 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: cvmsServ [64] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/cvmsServ UID: 0
Thread 8707b7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in cvmsServ + 4100) [0x100001004] 13 ??? (in cvmsServ + 23081) [0x100005a29] 13 mach_msg_server + 539 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83940bfe] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c4306] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread c0047a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in cvmsServ + 16132) [0x100003f04] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100008fff cvmsServ ??? (???) <9CF80EF0-5735-4774-ED76-77309056C1DD> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/cvmsServ 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: dbfseventsd [135] Path: /Applications/Dropbox.app/Contents/Resources/dbfseventsd UID: 0
Process: DirectoryService [15] Path: /usr/sbin/DirectoryService UID: 0
Thread 85867a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in DirectoryService) [0x10000d6f0] 13 main + 3086 (in DirectoryService) [0x10000e306] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 860d7a8 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 85bb000 DispatchQueue 6 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 239 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de751] 13 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839001b0] 13 syscall + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839007ae] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread 860d3d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 DSLThread::_RunWrapper(void*) + 67 (in DirectoryServiceCore) [0x10017834b] 13 DSCThread::Run() + 36 (in DirectoryServiceCore) [0x1001780ac] 13 CPluginRunLoopThread::ThreadMain() + 150 (in DirectoryService) [0x10001cea0] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9db9b7c User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread c004000 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100120fef DirectoryService ??? (???) <A800DF24-EC31-C580-A744-0E36C9CC0928> /usr/sbin/DirectoryService 0x100170000 - 0x100181fff com.apple.DirectoryServiceCore.Framework 3.6 (621.3) <A4F83099-A653-C631-48C9-9FED4E5D7806> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DirectoryServiceCore.framework/Versions/A/DirectoryServiceCore 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: diskarbitrationd [12] Path: /usr/sbin/diskarbitrationd UID: 0
Thread 7f737a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in diskarbitrationd + 4064) [0x100000fe0] 13 ??? (in diskarbitrationd + 32876) [0x10000806c] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 7f90b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 9f3e7a8 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10001bfef diskarbitrationd ??? (???) <E59D4CB3-3CC5-03AD-DE45-91F98CC6B2F2> /usr/sbin/diskarbitrationd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: distnoted [16] Path: /usr/sbin/distnoted UID: 1
Thread 85bbb7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in distnoted + 3620) [0x100000e24] 13 ??? (in distnoted + 3717) [0x100000e85] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 85bb3d4 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 94aab7c User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100000fff distnoted ??? (???) <ED7D08C2-A54F-AF74-1E30-42E549DDBE70> /usr/sbin/distnoted 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: Dock [81] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock UID: 501
Thread 9546000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in Dock + 20476) [0x100004ffc] 13 ??? (in Dock + 21572) [0x100005444] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 95ceb7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 9853b7c User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in Dock + 90843) [0x1000162db] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100172fff com.apple.dock 1.7 (769) <9AE0ECFC-1D9B-17AE-06E3-1FA9E27E88E4> /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: Dropbox [117] Path: /Applications/Dropbox.app/Contents/MacOS/Dropbox UID: 501
Process: dynamic_pager [34] Path: /sbin/dynamic_pager UID: 0
Thread 865e000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? [0x1000013ec] 13 ??? [0x1000023eb] 13 ??? [0x100001cae] 13 ??? [0x100001a30] 13 ??? [0x10000198f] 13 ??? [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Process: Finder [83] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS/Finder UID: 501
Thread 958eb7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in Finder + 23680) [0x100005c80] 13 ??? (in Finder + 23741) [0x100005cbd] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f2c5f8] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f338d3] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8baa3d4 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 8bb73d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 63 (in CarbonCore) [0x7fff80867ea1] 13 TSystemNotificationTask::SystemNotificationTaskProc(void*) + 514 (in DesktopServicesPriv) [0x7fff855d9636] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9768b7c User stack: 13 ??? [0x111bb52dd] 13 thread_suspend + 71 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8394a663] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 special_handler_continue + 0 [0x22e968]
Thread 97817a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread a0453d4 User stack: 2 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 2 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 2 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread a045b7c User stack: 2 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 2 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 2 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x1003acff7 com.apple.finder 10.6.5 (10.6.5) <C4E681D1-F9D2-F06E-CF5A-9D643A621E16> /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS/Finder 0x7fff80861000 - 0x7fff80b94fe7 com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 861.13 (861.13) <BC2F9B4E-D305-D717-D97E-EC78C7DE9EE9> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff855d7000 - 0x7fff856bdfe7 com.apple.DesktopServices 1.5.7 (1.5.7) <8A697128-B6CA-E4A8-C200-6520D5A35FBE> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/DesktopServicesPriv 0x7fff879b1000 - 0x7fff87caffe7 com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <CF0C8524-FA82-3908-ACD0-A9176C704AED> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff87f2a000 - 0x7fff88920fff com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <7BDD335D-5425-0354-5AD6-41C4F1B4A2F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Process: fontd [86] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Support/fontd UID: 501
Thread 95ce000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in fontd + 16156) [0x100003f1c] 13 main_handler + 3928 (in libATSServer.dylib) [0x7fff84025309] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 96b0b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread bfe3000 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100003fff fontd ??? (???) <07B33FAE-719B-26CC-060E-E584A1CE846B> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Support/fontd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff83f9b000 - 0x7fff84050fe7 libATSServer.dylib ??? (???) <A98BE8D4-8B40-A4A8-3A9F-3042D5DB277D> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libATSServer.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: fseventsd [32] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/Support/fseventsd UID: 0
Thread 865e7a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 5508) [0x100001584] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 8712) [0x100002208] 13 mach_msg_server + 539 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83940bfe] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c4306] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8ba53d4 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 8670b7c User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 39124) [0x1000098d4] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 38379) [0x1000095eb] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 8ba4000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 25920) [0x100006540] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8ba5b7c User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 28857) [0x1000070b9] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 8bac7a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 read + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ce8e6] Kernel stack: 13 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 13 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 13 read_nocancel + 158 [0x495760] 13 write + 312 [0x494fe4] 13 get_pathbuff + 3054 [0x3039e7] 13 tsleep + 105 [0x486de7] 13 wakeup + 786 [0x4869c0] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 94e8b7c User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 28857) [0x1000070b9] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 9760b7c User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 28857) [0x1000070b9] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 977a000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 28857) [0x1000070b9] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 977a3d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 28857) [0x1000070b9] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 977a7a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 28857) [0x1000070b9] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread deee3d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in fseventsd + 28857) [0x1000070b9] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10000ffff fseventsd ??? (???) <F9413D1F-636B-FBBE-FBE9-0BE50DA27AD7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/Support/fseventsd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: GoogleTalkPlugin [158] Path: /Library/Application Support/Google/GoogleTalkPlugin.app/Contents/MacOS/GoogleTalkPlugin UID: 501
Process: GrowlHelperApp [147] Path: /Library/PreferencePanes/Growl.prefPane/Contents/Resources/GrowlHelperApp.app/Contents/MacOS/GrowlHelperApp UID: 501
Process: hidd [31] Path: /usr/libexec/hidd UID: 0
Thread 865eb7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in hidd + 3756) [0x100000eac] 13 ??? (in hidd + 3822) [0x100000eee] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8684b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread deeeb7c User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100000fff hidd ??? (???) <1C01AA01-DEB4-F9FA-942F-5EE13C3217C0> /usr/libexec/hidd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: iTunesHelper [113] Path: /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/Resources/iTunesHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunesHelper UID: 501
Thread 9f487a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in iTunesHelper + 4912) [0x100001330] 13 ??? (in iTunesHelper + 9879) [0x100002697] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9dabb7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 9f483d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100022ffb com.apple.iTunesHelper 9.2.1 (9.2.1) <0AF932AA-287C-320F-B005-8F863C765E4A> /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/Resources/iTunesHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunesHelper 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: KernelEventAgent [29] Path: /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent UID: 0
Thread 86553d4 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in KernelEventAgent) [0x100001174] 13 main + 1130 (in KernelEventAgent) [0x1000030aa] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 860db7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 86157a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread 8bb63d4 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100006ff7 KernelEventAgent ??? (???) <20952F40-244C-DE8B-B7BA-05B8118647CF> /usr/sbin/KernelEventAgent 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: kextd [10] Path: /usr/libexec/kextd UID: 0
Thread 7f907a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in kextd + 5592) [0x1000015d8] 13 ??? (in kextd + 9525) [0x100002535] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 7f92b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10001afff kextd ??? (???) <8B6656DD-7F84-E05A-1F26-8AB4BD1038A8> /usr/libexec/kextd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: launchd [77] Path: /sbin/launchd UID: 501
Thread 94aa7a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in launchd) [0x1000011e0] 13 main + 1841 (in launchd) [0x1000075f4] 13 launchd_runtime + 450 (in launchd) [0x10000b0ce] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 86153d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100029fff launchd ??? (???) <1BDA9056-183E-3BA7-528E-9DCEC77E75ED> /sbin/launchd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: launchd [1] Path: /sbin/launchd UID: 0
Thread 7f8ab7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in launchd) [0x1000011e0] 13 main + 1841 (in launchd) [0x1000075f4] 13 launchd_runtime + 450 (in launchd) [0x10000b0ce] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 7f713d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread 7f793d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 update_thread + 22 (in launchd) [0x1000076f2] 13 sleep + 61 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8394bb14] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100029fff launchd ??? (???) <1BDA9056-183E-3BA7-528E-9DCEC77E75ED> /sbin/launchd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: login [166] Path: /usr/bin/login UID: 0
Thread 95a53d4 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in login + 5180) [0x10000143c] 13 __wait4 + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83912412] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100003fff login ??? (???) <0B8EC10A-8A68-E906-BAAA-5E4218868494> /usr/bin/login 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: loginwindow [28] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow UID: 501
Thread 86557a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in loginwindow + 18256) [0x100004750] 13 ??? (in loginwindow + 19686) [0x100004ce6] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f338d3] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8692b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100077fff com.apple.loginwindow 6.1 (6.1) <31E86909-E2B6-D4A9-5E92-05C5E02CD8C2> /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879b1000 - 0x7fff87caffe7 com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <CF0C8524-FA82-3908-ACD0-A9176C704AED> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff87f2a000 - 0x7fff88920fff com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <7BDD335D-5425-0354-5AD6-41C4F1B4A2F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Process: Mail [116] Path: /Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail UID: 501
Thread 9f957a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in Mail + 6184) [0x100001828] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f2c5f8] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f338d3] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 96b0000 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 8670000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8343ce8d] 13 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 297 (in Foundation) [0x7fff834bc4c3] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 97547a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread 9bdd3d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8343ce8d] 13 -[RSSInterchange _runManager] + 1445 (in Message) [0x7fff866e550d] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 77 (in Foundation) [0x7fff834778f7] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (in Foundation) [0x7fff83477a18] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9db9000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8343ce8d] 13 +[_NSSocket _runIOThread] + 78 (in Message) [0x7fff86718198] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 77 (in Foundation) [0x7fff834778f7] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (in Foundation) [0x7fff83477a18] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread a04cb7c User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100337fe7 com.apple.mail 4.3 (1081) <B5D3B6C6-46AF-8F26-A083-77095AC1BC96> /Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail 0x7fff8342c000 - 0x7fff836adfef com.apple.Foundation 6.6.3 (751.29) <DAEDB589-9F59-9556-CF8D-07556317937B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff866c7000 - 0x7fff86a07fef com.apple.MessageFramework 4.3 (1081) <FC5FED57-0802-EE26-266A-D04B870CD3E2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Message.framework/Versions/B/Message 0x7fff879b1000 - 0x7fff87caffe7 com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <CF0C8524-FA82-3908-ACD0-A9176C704AED> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff87f2a000 - 0x7fff88920fff com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <7BDD335D-5425-0354-5AD6-41C4F1B4A2F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Process: mate [171] Path: /usr/bin/mate UID: 501
Thread 9f277a8 DispatchQueue 100 User stack: 13 ??? (in mate + 5429) [0x2535] 13 ??? (in mate + 5658) [0x261a] 13 ??? (in mate + 10316) [0x384c] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 156 (in AppKit) [0x94d782ca] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 847 (in AppKit) [0x94d78a89] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 81 (in HIToolbox) [0x91fa9bd6] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 354 (in HIToolbox) [0x91fa9d51] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 392 (in HIToolbox) [0x91fa9f9c] 13 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbaec1] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbb094] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 6523 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbd10b] 13 __CFMachPortPerform + 338 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cc13a2] 13 LSScheduleNotificationReceiveMessageCallbackFunc(__CFMachPort*, void*, long, void*) + 232 (in LaunchServices) [0x900816aa] 13 applicationStatusSubsystemCallback + 635 (in AppKit) [0x954cc8fd] 13 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 128 (in Foundation) [0x963a2090] 13 _CFXNotificationPostNotification + 186 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cd9dca] 13 __CFXNotificationPost + 947 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cda3c3] 13 _nsnote_callback + 345 (in Foundation) [0x963ad26c] 13 ??? (in mate + 6881) [0x2ae1] 13 ??? (in mate + 6636) [0x29ec] 13 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 50 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cf93b2] 13 ___forwarding___ + 1108 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cf9884] 13 -[NSDistantObject forwardInvocation:] + 411 (in Foundation) [0x96405ca1] 13 -[NSConnection sendInvocation:internal:] + 2587 (in Foundation) [0x96406842] 13 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbaec1] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbb094] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 2079 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbbfaf] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95d9b0fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 97f03d4 DispatchQueue 1634545000 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 30 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc0b86] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 390 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc0d41] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 240 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc12be] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 163 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc1519] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc1942] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Binary Images: 0x1000 - 0x4fff mate ??? (???) <00010203-0405-0607-0809-0A0B0C0D0E0F> /usr/bin/mate 0x9003b000 - 0x900d8fe3 com.apple.LaunchServices 362.1 (362.1) <885D8567-9E40-0105-20BC-42C7FF657583> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices 0x91f75000 - 0x92299fef com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <0A5F56E2-9AF3-728D-70AE-429522AEAD8A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x94d30000 - 0x95610ff7 com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <6F28C335-6DC2-AE0E-B79A-F256DBD0BB45> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x95d9a000 - 0x95f40feb libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <3441F338-2218-6D36-3F95-3A16FBF6713D> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x96397000 - 0x96607ffb com.apple.Foundation 6.6.3 (751.29) <E77D3906-99F4-FEF4-FBB0-86FB3C94073E> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x97c7f000 - 0x97df9fe3 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <00373783-3744-F47D-2191-BEEA658F0C3D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: mDNSResponder [27] Path: /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder UID: 65
Thread 8655b7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 33 (in mDNSResponder) [0x100030b89] 13 _start + 224 (in mDNSResponder) [0x100001032] 13 main + 2954 (in mDNSResponder) [0x100001bcc] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 886f000 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 8bb77a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100064ff7 mDNSResponder ??? (???) <C2D8A172-B85F-7D30-F180-92F4DB1D44E5> /usr/sbin/mDNSResponder 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: mds [26] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support/mds UID: 0
Thread 8642000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in mds + 20372) [0x100004f94] 13 ??? (in mds + 52170) [0x10000cbca] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 87073d4 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 12 kevent + 97 [0x4701de] 1 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 1 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 1 kevent + 95 [0x4701dc] 1 kqueue_scan + 1643 [0x4700d4] 1 kqueue_scan + 415 [0x46fc08] 1 thread_block_parameter + 32 [0x227161] 1 thread_block_reason + 309 [0x2270e0] 1 thread_go + 1982 [0x2264bc] 1 thread_setrun + 1351 [0x2256d2] 1 machine_idle + 239 [0x2a9ade]
Thread 8614b7c DispatchQueue 62 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838debb4] 13 _dispatch_queue_drain + 251 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ded52] 13 work_fun + 623 (in SpotlightIndex) [0x10013fd91] 13 runLoop + 54 (in SpotlightIndex) [0x100130a05] 13 executeSearchContextCracked_2(SISearchCtx*, search_ctx*) + 119 (in SpotlightIndex) [0x1001b0dbd] 13 SISearchCtx_METADATA::performSearch(PartialQueryResults*) + 187 (in SpotlightIndex) [0x1001b73e5] 13 _performSearch(SISearchCtx_METADATA*, PartialQueryResults*) + 894 (in SpotlightIndex) [0x1001b6897] 13 ctx_checkAccessAndScopesForOids(SISearchCtx_METADATA*, long long*, char*, unsigned char*, unsigned long) + 388 (in SpotlightIndex) [0x1001b2b69] 13 checkAccessAndScopesForOIDs + 2938 (in SpotlightIndex) [0x100121713] 13 si_checkAccessAndScopesForOIDs + 57 (in SpotlightIndex) [0x100144425] 13 fsctl + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83941fc2] Kernel stack: 13 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 13 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 13 fsctl + 336 [0x2e283a] 13 getxattr + 1474 [0x2e2523] 13 VNOP_IOCTL + 220 [0x2fad97] 13 hfs_vnop_ioctl + 2762 [0x425440] 9 hfs_vnop_blockmap + 2917 [0x423f5a] 9 hfs_vnop_blockmap + 1766 [0x423adb] 8 CompareCatalogKeys + 12554 [0x415857] 8 hfs_create_attr_btree + 3316 [0x410e43] 8 BTSearchRecord + 684 [0x4452ce] 8 SearchTree + 111 [0x448a07] 8 GetNode + 66 [0x446ac2] 8 netboot_mountroot + 10522 [0x410036] 7 buf_biowait + 97 [0x2c8cae] 7 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 7 wakeup + 334 [0x4867fc] 7 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 7 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 7 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 7 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 7 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27] 1 buf_meta_bread + 53 [0x2cbaf7] 1 buf_getblk + 2089 [0x2cba83] 1 VNOP_STRATEGY + 47 [0x2f60fe] 1 hfs_vnop_strategy + 52 [0x4233ef] 1 buf_strategy + 966 [0x2ca3bc] 1 spec_strategy + 426 [0x307e55] 1 com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily 1.6.1 + 59514 [0xf3a87a] 1 IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::prepare(IODirection) + 90 [0x555926] 1 IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::wireVirtual(IODirection) + 415 [0x555493] 1 CompareCatalogKeys + 12621 [0x41589a] 1 hfs_create_attr_btree + 7546 [0x411ec9] 1 BTSearchRecord + 684 [0x4452ce] 1 SearchTree + 111 [0x448a07] 1 GetNode + 66 [0x446ac2] 1 netboot_mountroot + 10522 [0x410036] 1 buf_biowait + 97 [0x2c8cae] 1 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 1 wakeup + 334 [0x4867fc] 1 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 1 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 1 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 1 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 1 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27] 4 hfs_vnop_blockmap + 3765 [0x4242aa] 3 hfs_vnop_blockmap + 1766 [0x423adb] 3 CompareCatalogKeys + 12621 [0x41589a] 3 hfs_create_attr_btree + 7546 [0x411ec9] 3 BTSearchRecord + 684 [0x4452ce] 3 SearchTree + 111 [0x448a07] 3 GetNode + 66 [0x446ac2] 3 netboot_mountroot + 10522 [0x410036] 3 buf_biowait + 97 [0x2c8cae] 3 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 3 wakeup + 334 [0x4867fc] 3 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 3 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 3 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 3 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 3 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27] 1 hfs_vnop_blockmap + 1740 [0x423ac1] 1 hfs_owner_rights + 714 [0x434541] 1 hfs_checkdeleted + 699 [0x41763b] 1 lck_rw_lock_shared_gen + 404 [0x29e04c] 1 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 1 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 1 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 1 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 8ba43d4 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread 8babb7c User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread 9bb5000 User stack: 6 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 6 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 6 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x1000ccff7 mds ??? (???) <FDF0A099-7599-2A5E-F5DB-240B4224EF53> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support/mds 0x100101000 - 0x100226fef com.apple.spotlight.index 10.6.3 (507.10) <1CA00CA9-73D6-FB6C-0C35-C378312869F9> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpotlightIndex.framework/Versions/A/SpotlightIndex 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: mdworker [142] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker UID: 501
Thread 87077a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in mdworker + 7096) [0x100001bb8] 13 ??? (in mdworker + 36657) [0x100008f31] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread a1443d4 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 87a93d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in mdworker + 44371) [0x10000ad53] 13 ??? (in mdworker + 45262) [0x10000b0ce] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x10003cfff mdworker ??? (???) <1ECEB0FE-26FE-B777-BCF5-5EE058430CF7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdworker 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: notifyd [11] Path: /usr/sbin/notifyd UID: 0
Thread 7f79000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? [0x100000cec] 13 ??? [0x100002200] 13 ??? [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 7f71000 User stack: 13 ??? [0x7fff838fd309] 13 ??? [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? [0x100002417] 13 ??? [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Process: ntpd [18] Path: /usr/sbin/ntpd UID: 0
Thread 8614000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in ntpd + 6356) [0x1000018d4] 13 ??? (in ntpd + 36998) [0x100009086] 13 __sigsuspend + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8392432e] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100056fef ntpd ??? (???) <3BCDB850-F8F7-CF24-9E18-61AAE7668E14> /usr/sbin/ntpd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: pboard [94] Path: /usr/sbin/pboard UID: 501
Thread 90fd7a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in pboard + 5860) [0x1000016e4] 13 ??? (in pboard + 6062) [0x1000017ae] 13 mach_msg_server + 468 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83940bb7] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100001fff pboard ??? (???) <64C19BF7-8D99-3E13-79F3-3313E9404EBB> /usr/sbin/pboard 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: Safari [115] Path: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari UID: 501
Thread 9f95b7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in Safari + 38924) [0x10000980c] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f2c5f8] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f338d3] 13 ??? (in Safari + 88384) [0x100015940] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9dd3b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN$NOCANCEL + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839094de] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread 86927a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in Safari + 191785) [0x10002ed29] 13 ??? (in Safari + 191897) [0x10002ed99] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8bb3000 User stack: 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 8bb33d4 User stack: 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 97683d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 WebCore::IconDatabase::iconDatabaseSyncThread() + 172 (in WebCore) [0x7fff84359d7c] 13 WebCore::IconDatabase::syncThreadMainLoop() + 249 (in WebCore) [0x7fff8435dc79] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 97f07a8 User stack: 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 98533d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread 9bddb7c User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in Safari + 191785) [0x10002ed29] 13 ??? (in Safari + 191897) [0x10002ed99] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9efd7a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8343ce8d] 13 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 297 (in Foundation) [0x7fff834bc4c3] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread c0157a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 thread_fun + 34 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff86ec1b22] 13 CA::Render::Server::server_thread(void*) + 177 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff86ec1be2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread ccbab7c User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x1006adfe7 com.apple.Safari 5.0.1 (6533.17.8) <638C4B83-D91D-E257-40DD-4A16DA94F27F> /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari 0x7fff8342c000 - 0x7fff836adfef com.apple.Foundation 6.6.3 (751.29) <DAEDB589-9F59-9556-CF8D-07556317937B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff84357000 - 0x7fff84fcaff7 com.apple.WebCore 6533.17 (6533.17.8) <995065B2-41C3-2A3C-3357-DC7BC9AAFC56> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/WebCore 0x7fff86e6f000 - 0x7fff87208ff7 com.apple.QuartzCore 1.6.2 (227.22) <76EE0A32-B20B-F316-ADDD-4230329253D5> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore 0x7fff879b1000 - 0x7fff87caffe7 com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <CF0C8524-FA82-3908-ACD0-A9176C704AED> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff87f2a000 - 0x7fff88920fff com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <7BDD335D-5425-0354-5AD6-41C4F1B4A2F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Process: securityd [23] Path: /usr/sbin/securityd UID: 0
Thread 8642b7c DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in securityd + 4644) [0x100001224] 13 ??? (in securityd + 6989) [0x100001b4d] 13 ??? (in securityd + 26119) [0x100006607] 13 ??? (in securityd + 27127) [0x1000069f7] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c4306] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8bab3d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in securityd + 32490) [0x100007eea] 13 ??? (in securityd + 32642) [0x100007f82] 13 ??? (in securityd + 27127) [0x1000069f7] 13 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c4306] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x1000e5fff securityd ??? (???) <B75D30B1-03A3-4ECF-C53D-82FCCEC8B0E9> /usr/sbin/securityd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: Skype [110] Path: /Applications/Skype.app/Contents/MacOS/Skype UID: 501
Process: spindump [180] Path: /usr/sbin/spindump UID: 0
Thread 8655000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in spindump + 3664) [0x100000e50] 13 ??? (in spindump + 6339) [0x1000018c3] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 9 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 9 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] 4 __CFRunLoopRun + 3640 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d53b58] 4 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 37 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8391223c] 4 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain_till_empty + 9 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838df5ff] 4 _dispatch_queue_drain + 251 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ded52] 4 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839001b0] 4 ??? (in spindump + 10002) [0x100002712] 4 ??? (in spindump + 10564) [0x100002944] 4 AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize + 143 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8423096b] 4 HALSystem::CheckOutInstance() + 364 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8420e442] 4 HALSystem::InitializeDevices() + 9 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8421252d] 4 HALPlugInManagement::Initialize() + 362 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff842126aa] 4 HALPlugInManagement::CreateHALPlugIn(HALCFPlugIn const*) + 1031 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff842138fb] 4 HP_HardwarePlugIn_InitializeWithObjectID(AudioHardwarePlugInInterface**, unsigned int) + 66 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84214744] 3 IOA_HWDeviceManager::Initialize() + 208 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84217012] 3 IOA_HWDeviceManager::IOServiceMatchingHandler(IOA_HWDeviceManager*, unsigned int) + 333 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84217169] 3 IOA_PlugIn::HWDevicesAdded(std::vector<IOA_HWDevice*, std::allocator<IOA_HWDevice*> > const&) + 252 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff842190fc] 3 AudioObjectsPublishedAndDied + 277 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8421e323] 3 HALSystem::ObjectsPublishedAndDied(unsigned int, unsigned int const*, unsigned int, unsigned int const*) + 535 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84220417] 3 HALDeviceList::DeviceCreated(HALDevice*) + 28 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84222d4e] 3 HALDeviceList::AddDevice(HALDevice*) + 95 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84222e3f] 3 HALDevice::IsHidden() const + 62 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff842230f8] 3 HALDevice::HasProperty(AudioObjectPropertyAddress const&) const + 585 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8422336f] 3 HALObject::HasProperty(AudioObjectPropertyAddress const&) const + 115 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff842151b1] 3 HALPlugIn::ObjectHasProperty(HALObject const&, AudioObjectPropertyAddress const&) const + 39 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff842233b5] 3 HP_HardwarePlugIn_ObjectHasProperty(AudioHardwarePlugInInterface**, unsigned int, AudioObjectPropertyAddress const*) + 271 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84223541] 3 IOA_SingleDevice::HasProperty(AudioObjectPropertyAddress const&) const + 665 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8422381b] 3 IOA_Device::HWPlugIn_DeviceHasProperty(AudioObjectPropertyAddress const&) const + 44 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff842238cc] 3 IOA_SingleDevice::GetHWPlugInForProperty(AudioObjectPropertyAddress const&) const + 17 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84223959] 3 IOA_SingleDevice::LoadDriverPlugIns() + 251 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84223a63] 3 IOA_HWPlugIn::IOA_HWPlugIn(__CFString const*, AudioDriverPlugInHostInfo const&) + 500 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84223d84] 3 AudioDriverPlugInOpen + 9 (in AppleHDAHALPlugIn) [0x10078a433] 3 AudioDriverPlugInClose + 180 (in AppleHDAHALPlugIn) [0x10078a39d]
3 ??? (in AppleHDAHALPlugIn + 3959) [0x100789f77]
3 AudioDriverPlugInOpen + 7454 (in AppleHDAHALPlugIn) [0x10078c148]
3 AudioDriverPlugInOpen + 6448 (in AppleHDAHALPlugIn) [0x10078bd5a]
3 AudioDriverPlugInOpen + 3801 (in AppleHDAHALPlugIn) [0x10078b303]
3 AudioDriverPlugInOpen + 4937 (in AppleHDAHALPlugIn) [0x10078b773]
3 CFPreferencesSynchronize + 75 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d6938b]
3 -[CFXPreferencesPropertyListSource synchronize] + 480 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d41c40]
2 fsync + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83905d0a]
1 -[CFXPreferencesPropertyListSource writePlistToDisk] + 804 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d6c544]
1 __chmod + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83905e06] 1 IOA_PlugIn::InitializeWithObjectID(unsigned int) + 25 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84214791] 1 IOA_HWDevice::InitializeClass() + 95 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff8421607f] 1 CACFMachPort::CACFMachPort(void (*)(__CFMachPort*, void*, long, void*), void*) + 112 (in CoreAudio) [0x7fff84215eea] 1 CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource + 199 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d3bf87] 1 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow + 134 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83900389] 1 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c4336] Kernel stack: 9 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f] 3 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 2 unix_syscall64 + 932 [0x4edc33] 2 throttle_lowpri_io + 134 [0x307f48] 2 IOSleep + 25 [0x52a567] 2 delay_for_interval + 49 [0x2195c9] 2 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 2 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 2 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 2 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27] 1 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 1 chmod + 111 [0x2e5f51] 1 fchmod_extended + 502 [0x2e5ebd] 1 chown + 235 [0x2e5b85] 1 vnode_setattr + 277 [0x2fa053] 1 VNOP_SETATTR + 112 [0x2f866a] 1 hfs_file_is_compressed + 3264 [0x43e1eb] 1 hfs_owner_rights + 24192 [0x43a0f7] 1 hfs_owner_rights + 714 [0x434541] 1 hfs_checkdeleted + 716 [0x41764c] 1 lck_rw_lock_exclusive_gen + 749 [0x29e4c9] 1 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 1 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 1 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 1 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27] 1 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread a1447a8 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 9 kevent + 97 [0x4701de] 4 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 4 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 4 kevent + 95 [0x4701dc] 4 kqueue_scan + 1643 [0x4700d4] 4 kqueue_scan + 415 [0x46fc08] 4 thread_block_parameter + 32 [0x227161] 4 thread_block_reason + 309 [0x2270e0] 4 thread_go + 1982 [0x2264bc] 4 thread_setrun + 1351 [0x2256d2] 4 machine_idle + 239 [0x2a9ade]
Thread <multiple> DispatchQueue 17 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838debb4] 13 _dispatch_queue_drain + 261 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ded5c] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 _dispatch_source_invoke + 273 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838df873] 13 ??? (in spindump + 15912) [0x100003e28] 13 syscall + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839007ae] Kernel stack: 13 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 13 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 13 stack_snapshot + 92 [0x45f727] 13 stack_snapshot2 + 154 [0x45f639]
Thread ceb77a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in spindump + 8731) [0x10000221b] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread def2b7c User stack: 10 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 10 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 10 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread 977ab7c User stack: 9 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 9 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 9 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread <multiple> DispatchQueue 14 User stack: 3 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 3 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 3 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 3 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838debb4] 3 _dispatch_queue_drain + 251 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ded52] 3 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839001b0] 1 ??? (in spindump + 18913) [0x1000049e1] 1 ??? (in spindump + 14520) [0x1000038b8] 1 ??? (in spindump + 35870) [0x100008c1e] 1 ??? (in spindump + 12937) [0x100003289] 1 ??? (in spindump + 13906) [0x100003652] 1 _CFBundleCreateWithExecutableURLIfLooksLikeBundle + 187 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d9547b] 1 _CFBundleCreateIfLooksLikeBundle + 14 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d9556e] 1 _CFBundleCreate + 697 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d138e9] 1 CFBundleGetInfoDictionary + 74 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d1b2aa] 1 _CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectoryWithVersion + 1371 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d1b80b] 1 CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource + 185 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d229a9] 1 close + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ce8fa] 1 ??? (in spindump + 12968) [0x1000032a8] 1 CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey + 37 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d37425] 1 CFBundleGetLocalInfoDictionary + 133 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d374f5] 1 CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource + 185 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d229a9] 1 close + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ce8fa] Kernel stack: 2 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 2 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 2 close_nocancel + 141 [0x46b57e] 2 fdrelse + 317 [0x46b4ad] 2 closef_locked + 329 [0x4696fc] 2 vn_close + 399 [0x2f0a3b] 2 vnode_put + 31 [0x2dc810] 2 vnode_put_locked + 106 [0x2dc7a0] 2 VNOP_INACTIVE + 95 [0x2fa2e7] 2 hfs_checkdeleted + 4483 [0x418503] 2 hfs_owner_rights + 24192 [0x43a0f7] 2 hfs_owner_rights + 714 [0x434541] 2 hfs_checkdeleted + 716 [0x41764c] 2 lck_rw_lock_exclusive_gen + 749 [0x29e4c9] 2 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 2 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 2 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 2 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27] 1 thread_exception_return + 0 [0x29e695]
Thread 977ab7c DispatchQueue 27 User stack: 2 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 2 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 2 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 2 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838debb4] 2 _dispatch_queue_drain + 251 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ded52] 2 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839001b0] 2 ??? (in spindump + 18913) [0x1000049e1] 2 ??? (in spindump + 14847) [0x1000039ff] 2 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow + 134 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83900389] 2 semaphore_wait_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c4336] Kernel stack: 2 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 977ab7c DispatchQueue 11 User stack: 1 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 1 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 1 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838debb4] 1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 251 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ded52] 1 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839001b0] 1 ??? (in spindump + 18925) [0x1000049ed] 1 ??? (in spindump + 19042) [0x100004a62] 1 dispatch_barrier_sync_f + 79 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838f943b] 1 ??? (in spindump + 19165) [0x100004add] 1 ??? (in spindump + 19625) [0x100004ca9] 1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 1 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread deee000 DispatchQueue 19 User stack: 1 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 1 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 1 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838debb4] 1 _dispatch_queue_drain + 261 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ded5c] 1 _dispatch_queue_push_list_slow + 39 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839f73bb] 1 _dispatch_wakeup + 22 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd0a8] 1 _dispatch_mgr_wakeup + 16 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838df38b] 1 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 1 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 1 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 1 kevent + 95 [0x4701dc] 1 kqueue_scan + 843 [0x46fdb4] 1 fp_getfkq + 99 [0x46a5e3]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100010ff7 spindump ??? (???) <24C0FF50-48A5-C7DB-3E18-D8EBA0057073> /usr/sbin/spindump 0x100789000 - 0x10078ffff com.apple.audio.AppleHDAHALPlugIn 1.8.7 (1.8.7f1) <97D7045E-CFD7-AD5C-6954-3B7C3F367C63> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff8420d000 - 0x7fff8428cfef com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 3.2.2 (3.2.2) <243E456E-7A74-BE76-FF18-E589BDCAA785> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: spindump_symbolicator [181] Path: /usr/libexec/spindump_symbolicator UID: 0
Thread 91513d4 DispatchQueue <multiple> User stack: 9 ??? (in spindump_symbolicator + 5772) [0x10000168c] 9 ??? (in spindump_symbolicator + 6159) [0x10000180f] 9 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 9 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 9 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 9 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] 1 ??? [0x100015c4e] 1 ??? [0x100010411] 1 posix_spawnp + 434 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83989132] 1 __posix_spawn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff8390ab72] Kernel stack: 9 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f] 1 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 1 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 1 posix_spawn + 2132 [0x4730e5] 1 kco_ma_init + 2870 [0x472440] 1 vn_rdwr + 108 [0x2f0899] 1 vn_rdwr_64 + 321 [0x2f07ce] 1 VNOP_READ + 157 [0x2fafc8] 1 hfs_vnop_read + 241 [0x424765] 1 decmpfs_read_compressed + 1155 [0x312397] 1 decmpfs_hides_rsrc + 1523 [0x31074a] 1 com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0d1 + 16332 [0x90afcc] 1 com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0d1 + 14545 [0x90a8d1] 1 com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0d1 + 4899 [0x908323] 1 VNOP_GETXATTR + 119 [0x2f7d8d] 1 hfs_vnop_makenamedstream + 9442 [0x44281b] 1 vnode_put + 31 [0x2dc810] 1 vnode_put_locked + 106 [0x2dc7a0] 1 VNOP_INACTIVE + 95 [0x2fa2e7] 1 hfs_checkdeleted + 4483 [0x418503] 1 hfs_owner_rights + 23863 [0x439fae] 1 MacToVFSError + 408 [0x43364c] 1 journal_start_transaction + 439 [0x2fffd3] 1 lck_mtx_lock + 504 [0x298328] 1 lck_mtx_lock_wait_x86 + 330 [0x29d846] 1 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 1 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 1 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 1 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread ce97b7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 9 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 9 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 9 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 9 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 9 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 9 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread c0043d4 User stack: 2 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 2 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 2 cleaner_thread_main(void*) + 36 (in CoreSymbolication) [0x7fff842f00d5] 2 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 2 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100001fff spindump_symbolicator ??? (???) <A33BE080-E0C0-6D71-6117-4152A3C56D0D> /usr/libexec/spindump_symbolicator 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff842e4000 - 0x7fff84356fef com.apple.CoreSymbolication 2.0 (23) <06F8561E-4B36-7BF6-31BA-64091B3D8058> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/Versions/A/CoreSymbolication 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: syslogd [14] Path: /usr/sbin/syslogd UID: 0
Thread 81973d4 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in syslogd + 2444) [0x10000098c] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread 8197000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in syslogd + 45284) [0x10000b0e4] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 85863d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in syslogd + 35937) [0x100008c61] 13 _vprocmgr_log_drain + 80 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839f002e] 13 vproc_mig_log_drain + 95 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff839f0a1f] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8586b7c User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 ??? (in syslogd + 46429) [0x10000b55d] 13 ??? (in syslogd + 36870) [0x100009006] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838feeb6] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100013fff syslogd ??? (???) <294E71C5-F936-2D72-B70F-01399F9DFB3E> /usr/sbin/syslogd 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: SystemUIServer [82] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SystemUIServer UID: 501
Thread 95a57a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in SystemUIServer + 69452) [0x100010f4c] 13 ??? (in SystemUIServer + 71108) [0x1000115c4] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f338d3] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 958e3d4 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 9dd3000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread bfe37a8 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Thread cf143d4 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 __workq_kernreturn + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddeaa] Kernel stack: 13 bsdthread_create + 1313 [0x4c9daa]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100066ff7 com.apple.systemuiserver 1.6 (298.7) <8C0C1370-356E-7689-A990-CDF1B79372FD> /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SystemUIServer 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879b1000 - 0x7fff87caffe7 com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <CF0C8524-FA82-3908-ACD0-A9176C704AED> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff87f2a000 - 0x7fff88920fff com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <7BDD335D-5425-0354-5AD6-41C4F1B4A2F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Process: Terminal [164] Path: /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal UID: 501
Thread 8baa7a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in Terminal + 4572) [0x1000011dc] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f2c5f8] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f338d3] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 8bb2000 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 8bab000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8343ce8d] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 95a5000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8343ce8d] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83907dce] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread cf14000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8343ce8d] 13 read + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ce8e6] Kernel stack: 13 lo64_unix_scall + 77 [0x29f43d] 13 unix_syscall64 + 617 [0x4edaf8] 13 read_nocancel + 158 [0x495760] 13 write + 312 [0x494fe4] 13 pipeinit + 532 [0x4968b1] 13 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x4867fc] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100093fe7 com.apple.Terminal 2.1.1 (273) <0D89DC6E-FFCE-E03E-BF6F-1F5616167F2E> /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal 0x7fff8342c000 - 0x7fff836adfef com.apple.Foundation 6.6.3 (751.29) <DAEDB589-9F59-9556-CF8D-07556317937B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879b1000 - 0x7fff87caffe7 com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <CF0C8524-FA82-3908-ACD0-A9176C704AED> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff87f2a000 - 0x7fff88920fff com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <7BDD335D-5425-0354-5AD6-41C4F1B4A2F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Process: TISwitcher [118] Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/TextInput.menu/Contents/SharedSupport/TISwitcher.app/Contents/MacOS/TISwitcher UID: 501
Thread 94aa000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in TISwitcher + 6592) [0x1000019c0] 13 NSApplicationMain + 364 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f2c5f8] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 395 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f338d3] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6dbed] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 708 (in AppKit) [0x7fff87f6e29e] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df5d8] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 310 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df71f] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 333 (in HIToolbox) [0x7fff879df91a] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9dab7a8 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100003fff com.apple.TISwitcher 1.0 (1.0) <15CE1323-EC61-DA49-4C14-A4AA76FD82D7> /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/TextInput.menu/Contents/SharedSupport/TISwitcher.app/Contents/MacOS/TISwitcher 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879b1000 - 0x7fff87caffe7 com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <CF0C8524-FA82-3908-ACD0-A9176C704AED> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7fff87f2a000 - 0x7fff88920fff com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <7BDD335D-5425-0354-5AD6-41C4F1B4A2F4> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Process: Transmission [125] Path: /Users/pdenlinger/Downloads/Transmission.app/Contents/MacOS/Transmission UID: 501
Process: Tweetie [145] Path: /Users/pdenlinger/Downloads/Tweetie.app/Contents/MacOS/Tweetie UID: 501
Process: usbmuxd [20] Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/usbmuxd UID: 213
Thread 86147a8 DispatchQueue 100 User stack: 13 ??? (in usbmuxd + 4013) [0x1fad] 13 ??? (in usbmuxd + 4224) [0x2080] 13 ??? (in usbmuxd + 9168) [0x33d0] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 84 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cc0fd4] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbb094] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 2079 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbbfaf] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95d9b0fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 893f000 DispatchQueue 1634545000 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 30 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc0b86] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 390 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc0d41] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 240 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc12be] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 163 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc1519] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc1942] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 8baa000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc86a2] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc881d] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dba086] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Binary Images: 0x1000 - 0xcfff usbmuxd ??? (???) <2036E06A-C07D-341C-64AF-DB418CAD1045> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/usbmuxd 0x95d9a000 - 0x95f40feb libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <3441F338-2218-6D36-3F95-3A16FBF6713D> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c7f000 - 0x97df9fe3 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <00373783-3744-F47D-2191-BEEA658F0C3D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: UserEventAgent [96] Path: /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent UID: 501
Thread 8bb47a8 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 ??? (in UserEventAgent + 3740) [0x100000e9c] 13 ??? (in UserEventAgent + 6152) [0x100001808] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9f3eb7c DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 9f27000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 __NSThread__main__ + 1429 (in Foundation) [0x7fff8343ce8d] 13 RegisterAppTracker + 11112 (in ACRRDaemon) [0x1000460e8] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 77 (in Foundation) [0x7fff834778f7] 13 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 270 (in Foundation) [0x7fff83477a18] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100001fff UserEventAgent ??? (???) <D7E00D4C-D72A-B658-5BA2-3E0B9A6FA3EA> /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent 0x100042000 - 0x100048ff7 com.apple.CrashReporter.ACRRDaemonPlugin 10.6.3 (250) <C69F0751-F557-726A-0F25-8F0991A08FF6> /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/ACRRDaemon.plugin/Contents/MacOS/ACRRDaemon 0x7fff8342c000 - 0x7fff836adfef com.apple.Foundation 6.6.3 (751.29) <DAEDB589-9F59-9556-CF8D-07556317937B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: WebKitPluginAgent [155] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKitPluginAgent UID: 501
Thread 9db97a8 DispatchQueue 6 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 239 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de751] 13 __sigsuspend_nocancel + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff83936b5a] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Thread 97603d4 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Binary Images: 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Process: WebKitPluginHost [157] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKitPluginHost.app/Contents/MacOS/WebKitPluginHost UID: 501
Thread 91517a8 DispatchQueue 100 User stack: 13 ??? (in WebKitPluginHost + 4173) [0x350c204d] 13 ??? (in WebKitPluginHost + 5135) [0x350c240f] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 821 (in AppKit) [0x94d3a55b] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 156 (in AppKit) [0x94d782ca] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 847 (in AppKit) [0x94d78a89] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 81 (in HIToolbox) [0x91fa9bd6] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 354 (in HIToolbox) [0x91fa9d51] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 392 (in HIToolbox) [0x91fa9f9c] 13 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbaec1] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbb094] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 2079 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbbfaf] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95d9b0fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread ccba3d4 DispatchQueue 1634545000 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 30 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc0b86] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 390 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc0d41] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 240 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc12be] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 163 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc1519] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc1942] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 96b03d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc86a2] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc881d] 13 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dba086] Kernel stack: 13 sleep + 52 [0x486bac]
Binary Images: 0x350c1000 - 0x350dcfe7 com.apple.WebKit.PluginHost 6533 (6533.13) <F9AFB15C-0EEF-3CB1-1E76-D8357B53DE79> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKitPluginHost.app/Contents/MacOS/WebKitPluginHost 0x91f75000 - 0x92299fef com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <0A5F56E2-9AF3-728D-70AE-429522AEAD8A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x94d30000 - 0x95610ff7 com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <6F28C335-6DC2-AE0E-B79A-F256DBD0BB45> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x95d9a000 - 0x95f40feb libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <3441F338-2218-6D36-3F95-3A16FBF6713D> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c7f000 - 0x97df9fe3 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <00373783-3744-F47D-2191-BEEA658F0C3D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: WebKitPluginHost [156] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKitPluginHost.app/Contents/MacOS/WebKitPluginHost UID: 501
Thread c0153d4 DispatchQueue 100 User stack: 13 ??? (in WebKitPluginHost + 4173) [0x17e804d] 13 ??? (in WebKitPluginHost + 5135) [0x17e840f] 13 -[NSApplication run] + 821 (in AppKit) [0x94d3a55b] 13 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 156 (in AppKit) [0x94d782ca] 13 _DPSNextEvent + 847 (in AppKit) [0x94d78a89] 13 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 81 (in HIToolbox) [0x91fa9bd6] 13 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 354 (in HIToolbox) [0x91fa9d51] 13 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 392 (in HIToolbox) [0x91fa9f9c] 13 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbaec1] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbb094] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 2079 (in CoreFoundation) [0x97cbbfaf] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95d9b0fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 94e8000 DispatchQueue 1634545000 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 30 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc0b86] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 390 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc0d41] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 240 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc12be] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 163 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc1519] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc1942] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 95ce3d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc86a2] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc881d] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44904 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e1a8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44638 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e09e] 13 ??? (in FlashPlayer-10.6 + 1951855) [0x1373686f] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44321 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398df61] 13 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95df7848] 13 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95d9b15a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread 9dd33d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc86a2] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc881d] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44904 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e1a8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44638 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e09e] 13 ??? (in FlashPlayer-10.6 + 103076) [0x135732a4] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44383 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398df9f] 13 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 73 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dca9b8] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc9066] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread c015000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc86a2] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc881d] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44904 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e1a8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44638 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e09e] 13 ??? (in FlashPlayer-10.6 + 103076) [0x135732a4] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44383 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398df9f] 13 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 73 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dca9b8] 13 __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc9066] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread ccba7a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc86a2] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc881d] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44904 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e1a8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44638 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e09e] 13 ??? (in FlashPlayer-10.6 + 3327480) [0x138865f8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44321 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398df61] 13 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95df7848] 13 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95d9b15a] Kernel stack: 12 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270] 1 lo_mach_scall + 280 [0x29f018] 1 get_user_regs + 548 [0x293b71] 1 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 48 [0x22ab8a] 1 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap_internal + 226 [0x22ab35] 1 semaphore_destroy + 703 [0x22a5b7] 1 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 1 thread_block_reason + 309 [0x2270e0] 1 thread_go + 1982 [0x2264bc] 1 thread_setrun + 1351 [0x2256d2] 1 machine_idle + 239 [0x2a9ade]
Thread ce743d4 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc86a2] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc881d] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44904 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e1a8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44638 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e09e] 13 ??? (in FlashPlayer-10.6 + 3327480) [0x138865f8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44321 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398df61] 13 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95df7848] 13 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95d9b15a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread ce747a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc86a2] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc881d] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44904 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e1a8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44638 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e09e] 13 ??? (in FlashPlayer-10.6 + 3327480) [0x138865f8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44321 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398df61] 13 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95df7848] 13 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95d9b15a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Thread ceb7000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 34 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc86a2] 13 _pthread_start + 345 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95dc881d] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44904 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e1a8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44638 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398e09e] 13 ??? (in FlashPlayer-10.6 + 3327480) [0x138865f8] 13 unregister_ShockwaveFlash + 44321 (in FlashPlayer-10.6) [0x1398df61] 13 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95df7848] 13 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x95d9b15a] Kernel stack: 13 semaphore_wait_continue + 0 [0x22a270]
Binary Images: 0x17e7000 - 0x1802fe7 com.apple.WebKit.PluginHost 6533 (6533.13) <F9AFB15C-0EEF-3CB1-1E76-D8357B53DE79> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKitPluginHost.app/Contents/MacOS/WebKitPluginHost 0x1355a000 - 0x13ef6fe3 com.macromedia.FlashPlayer-10.6.plugin (1.0.4f15) <4265185F-17E1-F029-9590-CEE2EEFB3EA5> /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/PlugIns/FlashPlayer-10.6.plugin/Contents/MacOS/FlashPlayer-10.6 0x91f75000 - 0x92299fef com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.3 (???) <0A5F56E2-9AF3-728D-70AE-429522AEAD8A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x94d30000 - 0x95610ff7 com.apple.AppKit 6.6.6 (1038.29) <6F28C335-6DC2-AE0E-B79A-F256DBD0BB45> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x95d9a000 - 0x95f40feb libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <3441F338-2218-6D36-3F95-3A16FBF6713D> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c7f000 - 0x97df9fe3 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <00373783-3744-F47D-2191-BEEA658F0C3D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: WindowServer [58] Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/WindowServer UID: 88
Thread 8bb4000 DispatchQueue 1 User stack: 13 start + 52 (in WindowServer) [0x100000f18] 13 main + 9 (in WindowServer) [0x100000f29] 13 CGXGetRootAdminCredentials + 0 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816cc856] 13 CGXServerLoop + 139 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff81701d4a] 13 CGXRunOneServicesPass + 672 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816f8e4d] 11 CGXRunOneServerPass + 262 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816fbc7a] 11 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] 1 CGXRunOneServerPass + 208 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816fbc44] 1 mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c4306] 1 CGXRunOneServerPass + 451 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816fbd37] 1 CGXPostPortData + 175 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816fbf2d] 1 eventNotificationHandler + 98 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816fbfd6] 1 CGXRunOneEventPass + 171 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816f94c9] 1 CGXGetNextEvent + 133 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816f9589] 1 CGXFilterEvent + 73 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816f97de] 1 sHIDContinuation + 528 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816f9a40] 1 CGXProcessHIDEvent + 164 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816f9c57] 1 CGXFilterEvent + 73 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816f97de] 1 sPostContinuation + 357 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816fa1b6] 1 CGXFindWindow + 264 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816fb22f] 1 CGXIsPointInWindow + 1095 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816ea62b] 1 _CGXIsPointInSurface + 256 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff818b38a9] 1 CA::Render::Context::hit_test(CGPoint, unsigned int) + 43 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff8705a0b3] 1 CA::Render::LayerNode::hit_test(CGPoint const&, unsigned int) + 304 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff870621a8] Kernel stack: 12 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f] 1 lo_allintrs + 302 [0x29eb5e] 1 interrupt + 171 [0x2a8033] 1 lapic_interrupt + 126 [0x2af602] 1 intel_startCPU + 405 [0x2b0bd2] 1 sync_iss_to_iks + 124 [0x2a7939]
Thread 8ba5000 DispatchQueue 2 User stack: 13 start_wqthread + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838ddf25] 13 _pthread_wqthread + 353 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de088] 13 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 252 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838de75e] 13 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 185 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dec34] 13 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838dd08a] Kernel stack: 13 kevent + 97 [0x4701de]
Thread 86427a8 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 eventThread + 470 (in CoreGraphics) [0x7fff816de73e] 13 CFRunLoopRun + 70 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d525d6] 13 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d5284f] 13 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698 (in CoreFoundation) [0x7fff87d533c2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Thread 9754000 User stack: 13 thread_start + 13 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd309] 13 _pthread_start + 331 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838fd456] 13 thread_fun + 34 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff86ec1b22] 13 CA::Render::Server::server_thread(void*) + 177 (in QuartzCore) [0x7fff86ec1be2] 13 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff838c42fa] Kernel stack: 13 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210c2f]
Binary Images: 0x100000000 - 0x100000fff WindowServer ??? (???) <339853D7-1BCB-51F6-24DA-7615FFB3DDEB> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/WindowServer 0x7fff81611000 - 0x7fff81d0e067 com.apple.CoreGraphics 1.543.50 (???) <46A7D60C-0500-B96C-ECAD-1D658487D213> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics 0x7fff838c3000 - 0x7fff83a83fef libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <95E02DD0-ADEA-745B-E7FA-ABA064E4658C> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff86e6f000 - 0x7fff87208ff7 com.apple.QuartzCore 1.6.2 (227.22) <76EE0A32-B20B-F316-ADDD-4230329253D5> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore 0x7fff87d07000 - 0x7fff87e7cff7 com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6.3 (550.29) <48810602-63C3-994D-E563-DD02B16E76E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Process: kernel_task [0] Path: kernel_task UID: 0 Version: Darwin Kernel Version 10.4.0: Fri Apr 23 18:28:53 PDT 2010; root:xnu-1504.7.4~1/RELEASE_I386
Thread 0
Thread 863a80 Kernel stack: 13 vm_pageout_continue + 0 [0x276c2d]
Thread 7dcd000 Kernel stack: 13 thread_stack_enqueue + 90 [0x22e4a1]
Thread 7dcd3d4 Kernel stack: 13 thread_daemon_init + 214 [0x22e20e]
Thread 7dcd7a8 Kernel stack: 13 assert_wait_deadline + 271 [0x227b4f]
Thread 7dcdb7c Kernel stack: 13 idle_thread + 0 [0x228015]
Thread 7dce000 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7dce3d4 Kernel stack: 13 com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall 2.1.11 + 23895 [0x13c8d57]
Thread 7dce7a8 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7dceb7c Kernel stack: 13 thread_call_initialize + 354 [0x22f966]
Thread 7f473d4 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 13 com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement 105.10.0 + 23324 [0x1121b1c] 13 IOLockSleep + 39 [0x52b2ab] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 7f477a8 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f47b7c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f4e000 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 13 buf_strategy + 1042 [0x2ca408] 13 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x4867fc] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 7f4e3d4 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f4e7a8 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f4eb7c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f56000 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f563d4 Kernel stack: 13 idle_thread + 0 [0x228015]
Thread 7f567a8 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f707a8 Kernel stack: 13 ifnet_detach + 582 [0x319a17]
Thread 7f70b7c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f717a8 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f71b7c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f72000 Kernel stack: 13 aio_return + 295 [0x4633fd]
Thread 7f723d4 Kernel stack: 13 aio_return + 295 [0x4633fd]
Thread 7f727a8 Kernel stack: 13 aio_return + 295 [0x4633fd]
Thread 7f72b7c Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 13 ifnet_detach_protocol + 1603 [0x31a281] 13 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x4867fc] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 7f73000 Kernel stack: 13 aio_return + 295 [0x4633fd]
Thread 7f733d4 Kernel stack: 13 m_freem + 15868 [0x4a6802]
Thread 7f73b7c Kernel stack: 12 thread_call_initialize + 663 [0x22fa9b] 1 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 1 thread_call_initialize + 896 [0x22fb84] 1 IOTimerEventSource::timeoutAndRelease(void*, void*) + 144 [0x54b846] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 15457 [0x101fc61] 1 IOCommandGate::runAction(int (*)(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 271 [0x548cf9] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 27754 [0x1022c6a] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 27438 [0x1022b2e] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 26789 [0x10228a5] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 200884 [0x104d0b4] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 150792 [0x1040d08] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 154608 [0x1041bf0] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 199333 [0x104caa5] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 153522 [0x10417b2] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.8.7f1 + 170942 [0x1045bbe] 1 com.apple.iokit.IOHDAFamily 1.8.7f1 + 5951 [0xf6473f] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController 1.8.7f1 + 7578 [0xf6bd9a] 1 IOWorkLoop::runAction(int (*)(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*), OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*) + 59 [0x547337] 1 com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController 1.8.7f1 + 34131 [0xf72553] 1 IORecursiveLockSleepDeadline + 93 [0x52b1ed] 1 lck_mtx_sleep_deadline + 104 [0x221340] 1 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 1 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 1 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 1 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 7f797a8 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 13 ux_handler_init + 475 [0x4d0b5f] 13 mach_msg_receive + 168 [0x216e31] 13 ipc_mqueue_receive + 101 [0x211aa8] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 7f79b7c Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 13 audit_worker_init + 956 [0x45ed2d] 13 _audit_cv_wait + 50 [0x44fee1] 13 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x4867fc] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 7f8a000 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f8a3d4 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f90000 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f92000 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f923d4 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 7f927a8 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 8003b7c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 801e000 Kernel stack: 13 memory_object_recover_named + 18276 [0x26f7d5]
Thread 801e3d4 Kernel stack: 13 vm_pageout_internal_start + 945 [0x275514]
Thread 801e7a8 Kernel stack: 13 vm_pageout_internal_start + 80 [0x2751b3]
Thread 801eb7c Kernel stack: 13 thread_call_initialize + 663 [0x22fa9b]
Thread 8197b7c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 8615b7c Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 13 ifnet_detach_protocol + 1603 [0x31a281] 13 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x4867fc] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 865e3d4 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 13 ifnet_detach_protocol + 1603 [0x31a281] 13 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 13 wakeup + 334 [0x4867fc] 13 lck_mtx_sleep + 87 [0x221948] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 86923d4 Kernel stack: 12 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe] 1 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 1 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 188 [0x547d7a] 1 thread_block_parameter + 32 [0x227161] 1 thread_block_reason + 309 [0x2270e0] 1 thread_go + 1982 [0x2264bc] 1 thread_setrun + 1351 [0x2256d2] 1 machine_idle + 239 [0x2a9ade]
Thread 8707000 Kernel stack: 13 vm_pageout_internal_start + 80 [0x2751b3]
Thread 893f7a8 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 8ba47a8 Kernel stack: 12 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe] 1 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 1 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 26 [0x547cd8] 1 IOWorkLoop::runEventSources() + 90 [0x54787e] 1 IOInterruptEventSource::checkForWork() + 183 [0x54884d] 1 com.apple.NVDAResman 6.1.6 + 448528 [0x9d3810] 1 com.apple.NVDAResman 6.1.6 + 1658655 [0xafaf1f] 1 com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal 6.1.6 + 1233311 [0x14f819f] 1 com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal 6.1.6 + 1188626 [0x14ed312] 1 com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal 6.1.6 + 1184602 [0x14ec35a] 1 com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal 6.1.6 + 1045132 [0x14ca28c] 1 com.apple.NVDAResman 6.1.6 + 410492 [0x9ca37c]
Thread 8ba4b7c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 8ba57a8 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 8bac000 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 8bac3d4 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 8bacb7c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 8bb43d4 Kernel stack: 13 call_continuation + 28 [0x29e6cc] 13 com.apple.filesystems.autofs 2.1.0 + 24145 [0x12b2e51] 13 msleep + 157 [0x486eef] 13 wakeup + 286 [0x4867cc] 13 lck_mtx_sleep_deadline + 104 [0x221340] 13 thread_block + 33 [0x227184] 13 thread_block_reason + 331 [0x2270f6] 13 thread_dispatch + 1966 [0x226e57] 13 machine_switch_context + 753 [0x2a6a27]
Thread 8bb4b7c Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 8bb6000 Kernel stack: 13 IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 [0x547cbe]
Thread 90fd000 Kernel stack: 13 thread_call_initialize + 663 [0x22fa9b]
Thread 9151000 Kernel stack: 13 thread_call_initialize + 663 [0x22fa9b]
Model: MacBookPro3,1, BootROM MBP31.0070.B07, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.16f11 Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT, GeForce 8600M GT, PCIe, 256 MB Memory Module: global_name AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x87), Atheros 5416: Bluetooth: Version 2.3.3f8, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1 PCI Card: pci168c,24, sppci_othernetwork, PCI Slot 5 Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS542525K9SA00, 232.89 GB Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-857E USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8502, 0xfd400000 USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x021a, 0x5d200000 USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x5d100000 USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8205, 0x1a100000
Hope that you can help. Thank you.
On 22 Aug 2010, at 12:13, Paul Denlinger wrote:
Have been having problems with TM today; getting repeated crashes on start [...] Command: TextMate [...] Event: hang
By “crash” I assume you mean “hang”.
[ Sampling of all processes on your system except TextMate ]
Please see http://wiki.macromates.com/Troubleshooting/101 on how to do a sample of just TextMate.
That page also give other troubleshooting advice.