I'm watching Putting Flickr on Rails ( and see the presenter using TextMate with completion for a new HTML file. Great! How do I "turn it on"?
Just want to set it and use it. I open a new doc, "application.rhml" in my rails tree in folder, "layout" and type "doctype" and hit "esc"...nothing happens - no, I take that back. Textmate beeps at me.
I don't want to become a textmate expert or wade through a lot of documentation. Is it a bundle setting? A keystroke sequence? Bad karma? I've gotten pretty good at BBedit in my day, so I'm not daunted by configuration, but I don't want to (re-)learn unix or vm or whatever to understand this.
And searching the list archine ( isn't quickly, concisely yeilding the answer (in the first two pages of results for "how to use completion".
Please answer this probably incredibly simple question, or point me to the tutuorial, thread, post or URL where the answer is found.
Textmate List User Ivy wrote:
I'm watching Putting Flickr on Rails ( and see the presenter using TextMate with completion for a new HTML file. Great! How do I "turn it on"?
To imitate that screencast, you want to:
1. type doctype⇥ (that's "doctype", then the tab key), then select the doctype from the list that pops up. 2. go down a bit, and type html ⌃< (that's type "html", then press ctrl-shift-, if you're on a US keyboard layout) 3. type head⇥ (again "head" + tab key) 4. type the page title, and press ⇥ again 5. etc. etc.
There's no "turning on" you need to do. It's all a combination of commands and snippets, using tab triggers and regular keyboard shortcuts.
On 25/9/2006, at 5:45, Textmate List User Ivy wrote:
[...] I don't want to become a textmate expert or wade through a lot of documentation.
As you don’t seem to mind screencasts, there is a bunch specific for TextMate [1], one of them explicitly about inserting HTML tags [2].
[1] [2]
The single simplest tip I can think of is: tab expands a "snippet", which is what you're looking for. "Esc" only does completion based on other words in the open document.
The large things which expand and then let you tab through them, inserting values all over the shop, are "snippets" - you can check them out in the snippets editor (Command-Opt-Ctrl-S) if you want to find out what's available within each language grammar, or if you want to write your own.
On 25/09/06, Textmate List User Ivy wrote:
I'm watching Putting Flickr on Rails ( and see the presenter using TextMate with completion for a new HTML file. Great! How do I "turn it on"?
Just want to set it and use it. I open a new doc, "application.rhml" in my rails tree in folder, "layout" and type "doctype" and hit "esc"...nothing happens - no, I take that back. Textmate beeps at me.
I don't want to become a textmate expert or wade through a lot of documentation. Is it a bundle setting? A keystroke sequence? Bad karma? I've gotten pretty good at BBedit in my day, so I'm not daunted by configuration, but I don't want to (re-)learn unix or vm or whatever to understand this.
And searching the list archine ( isn't quickly, concisely yeilding the answer (in the first two pages of results for "how to use completion".
Please answer this probably incredibly simple question, or point me to the tutuorial, thread, post or URL where the answer is found.
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