I recently switched from fink to Macports and reinstalled a bunch of stuff, including Ruby and Ruby Gems. Ruby works fine on the system: I can run "ruby", "irb", "gems", and "env ruby". (This is the Macports install, so all Ruby binaries are now in /opt/local/bin.) However, When I try to compile a LaTeX file from inside Textmate I get the following error:
env: ruby: No such file or directory
Presumably Textmate is still looking for my old version of Ruby. Where can I change this setting?
On Oct 23, 2009, at 9:24 AM, W.P. McNeill wrote:
You need to set your PATH variable for TextMate to find the Ruby in / opt/local/bin. See here:
Did you erase the ruby in /usr/bin/ruby? Some things (beyond just TextMate) can depend on that being around, so it is best not to erase it. You can install multiple copies of Ruby and choose which one you want active by changing the order that directories in PATH are listed.