Along a thread similar to Kai Wood's comments on installing an external bundle, I am trying to get the bundle for Julia working. To this end I have now created the Pristine\ Copy subdir in ~/Library/Application Support/Avian/. Then I created the subdir Bundles and then used the script:
sudo cp -r Julia.tmbundle ~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/Pristine\ Copy/Bundles
to copy the julia-supplied bundle to hopefully the right place. I then restarted TM2 but did not see Julia on the bundles list. So I looked on the Bundles list and Julia does not appear. However, when I go to Bundles-> Edit Bundles I see julia mentioned. Selecting that I only see an entry for Language Grammars. The check for Enable This Item is already in place.
So, can you guys please help me get the Julia bundle usable?
Thanks very much.
On 28.01.2014, at 16:03, Comer Duncan comer.duncan@gmail.com wrote:
I guess you mean the one coming with the Julia distribution in the contrib/ folder. The bundle seems to work fine, but there is nothing more than a little bit of language grammar. You can open a .jl file or select the language with the mouse (there is no keyboard shortcut set) - but that’s it.
Hi Kai,
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 6:16 AM, Kai Wood lists@kwood.eu wrote:
But there is no Julia in the list of Bundles. So selecting it with a .jl file already up is not possible. That is why I thought the installation of the tm bundle in the contrib file did not work, even after making the subdirectories you suggested. Please explain. Sorry if I am missing something obvious.
On 29 Jan 2014, at 21:52, Comer Duncan wrote:
As I understood, the bundle only has a language grammar.
This means opening a .jl file should give you syntax highlight but no actions.
The grammar should appear in the bottom status bar, but since there are no actions, no bundle will show in the Bundles menu.