So I figured out what was wrong with my GTDalt installation: 1) I had the GTD file with a suffix of .txt instead of .gtd. I suppose I should have figured this out, but I don't remember reading it in any of the instructions. 2) I had to upgrade the dialog plugin. As a newbie, I typically rely on Get Bundle to fetch my packets, but with a plug-in you need to do it through Subversion and the command line. I also needed to create a folder in Application Support/Textmate called "PlugIns."
Now everything words as it should except: Ical sync continues to create calendars, but not add to do items. I get this error msg: /Users/lawrencegoodman/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/GTDAlt.tmbundle/Support/bin/gtdalt_ical_synchronization.scpt: execution error: /Users/lawrencegoodman/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/GTDAlt.tmbundle/Support/bin/get_lists.rb:5:in `require': No such file to load -- ../lib/GTD.rb (LoadError) from /Users/lawrencegoodman/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/GTDAlt.tmbundle/Support/bin/get_lists.rb:5 (1)
Anyone know what this means? Thanks for the help.
On Nov 17, 2006, at 8:14 PM, Lawrence Goodman wrote:
So I figured out what was wrong with my GTDalt installation:
- I had the GTD file with a suffix of .txt instead of .gtd. I
suppose I should have figured this out, but I don't remember reading it in any of the instructions. 2) I had to upgrade the dialog plugin. As a newbie, I typically rely on Get Bundle to fetch my packets, but with a plug-in you need to do it through Subversion and the command line. I also needed to create a folder in Application Support/Textmate called "PlugIns."
Yes, this plugins problem should be fixed with the next TM update.
Now everything words as it should except: Ical sync continues to create calendars, but not add to do items. I get this error msg: /Users/lawrencegoodman/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/ GTDAlt.tmbundle/Support/bin/gtdalt_ical_synchronization.scpt: execution error: /Users/lawrencegoodman/Library/Application Support/ TextMate/Bundles/GTDAlt.tmbundle/Support/bin/get_lists.rb:5:in `require': No such file to load -- ../lib/GTD.rb (LoadError) from /Users/lawrencegoodman/Library/Application Support/TextMate/ Bundles/GTDAlt.tmbundle/Support/bin/get_lists.rb:5 (1)
Anyone know what this means? Thanks for the help.
I just found the mistake and committed a fix. It should work fine if you update again.