* I'm currently experimenting with TextMate as an alternative to xemacs and have encountered a problem in the python bundle. * The problem is that PyMate is providing its own sitecustomize.py to hook various functions. * This conflicts with our company's production/testing platforms. They also uses sitecustomize to make site-specific customizations (such as hooking the logging module handlers etc). * I'm sure our approach isn't unusual. Unfortunately TextMate's usage of it for *application* specific reasons prevents our own site customisations from loading. * Is a possible alternative for TextMate to use a launcher script approach? eg something that - hooks the desired functions as currently - hacks sys.argv and execfiles into the target file, such as
# remove us from the argument list, set __file__ to be the script to run then exec it del sys.argv[0] __file__ = sys.argv[0] execfile(sys.argv[0])
This should have the same effect and ensure that a platforms sitecustomize is loaded. I'm happy to work on and submit a patch to the appropriate people if desired (not sure who that would be)
- I'm currently experimenting with TextMate as an alternative to
xemacs and have encountered a problem in the python bundle.
- The problem is that PyMate is providing its own sitecustomize.py
to hook various functions.
- This conflicts with our company's production/testing platforms.
They also uses sitecustomize to make site-specific customizations (such as hooking the logging module handlers etc).
- I'm sure our approach isn't unusual. Unfortunately TextMate's
usage of it for *application* specific reasons prevents our own site customisations from loading.
- Is a possible alternative for TextMate to use a launcher script
approach? eg something that
hooks the desired functions as currently
hacks sys.argv and execfiles into the target file, such as
# remove us from the argument list, set __file__ to be the
script to run then exec it del sys.argv[0] __file__ = sys.argv[0] execfile(sys.argv[0])
This should have the same effect and ensure that a platforms sitecustomize is loaded. I'm happy to work on and submit a patch to the appropriate people if desired (not sure who that would be)
I have implemented what you've suggested here in svn. You can either update the Python bundle yourself, or wait until the next Cutting-Edge Textmate.
If the new implementation of PyMate causes any problems for anyone, I'd like to hear about it!
– Alex