Hi there,
I can't get the Obj-C documentation (⌃H) to work. I always get “No documentation found...”. Looking in the Bundle Editor to see how it works, I think the doc_references.txt is not correct anymore : the paths in this file are different than in my /Developer/ADC Reference Library directories...
I'm using Xcode 2.4
Thanks in advance :)
On 27/8/2006, at 14:54, guerom00 wrote:
[...] I think the doc_references.txt is not correct anymore : the paths in this file are different than in my /Developer/ADC Reference Library directories...
I'm using Xcode 2.4
If you look in TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/Objective- C.tmbundle/Support then there is a make_doc_references.rb with instructions in the top about how to call it.
For now you may want to update the references locally yourself -- I will update the default set when I upgrade to 2.4.
Allan Odgaard <throw-away-1@...> writes:
If you look in TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/Objective- C.tmbundle/Support then there is a make_doc_references.rb with instructions in the top about how to call it.
For now you may want to update the references locally yourself -- I will update the default set when I upgrade to 2.4.
OK, I have created the doc_references file by using this find command :
find /Developer/ADC\ Reference\ Library/documentation/ Cocoa/Reference -path '*/Classes/*' -name '*.html'
because the original command didn't find anything nearly. They completely changed the structure, I think. It's rather OK but I am not sure if I didn't miss some things or picked up spurious ones...
Thanks anyway :)