I've been thinking about doing a smart codecompletion thing for HTML. Then maybe CSS too.
The way it would work would be similar to how CSSEdit and Dreamweaver code completion works. Inside of an HTML tag, you hit space to bring up a list of attributes that are valid for that tag. Outside of an HTML tag you hit a key command or tab completion to bring up a list of tags.
Also, it should be smart enough to insert xhtml tags or html4.0 tags depending on the doctype.
Pretty simple really, but I'm not sure if people really want me to share this or just do it for myself.
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message. Please also reply with what other features you'd like to see in this.
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
I'd think i like it ..and would use it..sounds great to me.... Would it also be possible to make when you type a char the list shrinks ?
Regards J.
On Aug 1, 2007, at 01:18 , Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
I've been thinking about doing a smart codecompletion thing for HTML. Then maybe CSS too.
The way it would work would be similar to how CSSEdit and Dreamweaver code completion works. Inside of an HTML tag, you hit space to bring up a list of attributes that are valid for that tag. Outside of an HTML tag you hit a key command or tab completion to bring up a list of tags.
Also, it should be smart enough to insert xhtml tags or html4.0 tags depending on the doctype.
Pretty simple really, but I'm not sure if people really want me to share this or just do it for myself.
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message. Please also reply with what other features you'd like to see in this.
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
On Jul 31, 2007, at 5:18 PM, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
I'm in.
Please also reply with what other features you'd like to see in this.
At least basic preliminary support for (X)HTML5 would be nice, stuff like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <article> etc. "Basic preliminary support" as in at least not marked as invalid when used with a proper doctype.
john wrote:
At least basic preliminary support for (X)HTML5 would be nice, stuff like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <article> etc. "Basic preliminary support" as in at least not marked as invalid when used with a proper doctype.
That's a grammar issue, unrelated to what subtleGradient is talking about. But I think TM should probably move to preferring html5 creation document creation in the nearish future (over html 4.01 strict, that is), as it's backwards-compatible, and better defined.
Is Infininight still planning on making a better HTML grammar? *wink*
I would most definitely welcome such an implementation. I think there are a lot of people who use Textmate for HTML development that would love to see this.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can help with actual development, as, well, I only know HTML & CSS and not much else.
I suppose if you needed a tester, I could do that.
On 8/1/07, Jacob Rus jacobolus@gmail.com wrote:
john wrote:
At least basic preliminary support for (X)HTML5 would be nice, stuff like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <article> etc. "Basic preliminary support" as in at least not marked as invalid when used with a proper doctype.
That's a grammar issue, unrelated to what subtleGradient is talking about. But I think TM should probably move to preferring html5 creation document creation in the nearish future (over html 4.01 strict, that is), as it's backwards-compatible, and better defined.
Is Infininight still planning on making a better HTML grammar? *wink*
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
On 01/08/2007, at 9:18 am, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Oh yeah.
On 1 Aug 2007, at 00:18, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message. Please also reply with what other features you'd like to see in this.
I'd be keen on something like that, but curious as to if it might work within include files for PHP (e.g. no doctype in the file...)
and would it cope with embedded and inline css as well?
I think it's a great idea. I think just a few more HTML friendly features would bring a lot more people over to Textmate that are currently using Dreamweaver or BBedit.
A wishlist I would think of, but not sure if possible:
- Can it auto close the tag when you hit the closing bracket? It would need to be sophisticated enough to know when NOT to close a tag, say if you had an IMG for instance.
- For the HTML editor, would it be possible to draw up a list of the classes in your attached stylesheet when you type CLASS=""? Same goes for ID.
- Can we make the tab key indent text, instead of ALT + TAB? Might not be possible, just worth a check!
- I keep whinging about code coloring and I know it's not the end of the world, but the ability to target specific tags in your color theme would be great!
- Special Characters, is there any way to go through the document and replace or find them all automatically? That would be handy.
- It would be nice to be able to target certain types of files in the search and replace.
Of course, I have no idea what's out of the scope and what's possible for you, so apologies if I am asking too much! I have no idea how to do any of this myself either, but I'd love to help with testing if it's a help.
Thanks for doing this!
On 01/08/07, Tony Crockford tonyc@boldfish.co.uk wrote:
On 1 Aug 2007, at 00:18, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message. Please also reply with what other features you'd like to see in this.
I'd be keen on something like that, but curious as to if it might work within include files for PHP (e.g. no doctype in the file...)
and would it cope with embedded and inline css as well?
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
On 1 Aug 2007, at 08:20, Tim Mansour wrote:
On 01/08/2007, at 9:18 am, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Oh yeah.
I'd certainly use it, if it was extended to ActionScript as well.
-- Junkets for bunterish lickspittles since 1998! http://www.playr.co.uk/
- Can it auto close the tag when you hit the closing bracket? It
would need to be sophisticated enough to know when NOT to close a tag, say if you had an IMG for instance.
Just FYI, we kind of already have this w/ cmd-opt-period
That keystroke auto-closes the last open tag.
Me too.
On 01/08/2007, at 9:18 am, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Oh yeah.Tim Mansour tim@neologica.com.au
Me too I'd use it. I dream of a textmate with a truth codeSense like that Eclipse.
Le 1 août 07 à 16:44, Timothy Bates a écrit :
Me too.
On 01/08/2007, at 9:18 am, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Oh yeah.Tim Mansour tim@neologica.com.au
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
On Jul 31, 2007, at 7:52 PM, Jacob Rus wrote:
john wrote:
At least basic preliminary support for (X)HTML5 would be nice, stuff like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <article> etc. "Basic preliminary support" as in at least not marked as invalid when used with a proper doctype.
That's a grammar issue, unrelated to what subtleGradient is talking about.
Thanks for the clarification. I use TextMate everyday, but I'm still a little fuzzy on how the division of labor works and assumed that code completion was handled within the same mechanism as code highlighting. I suppose someday I should read the manual cover to cover, so I don't further embarrass myself.
Still sounds like an exciting project though.
On 7/31/07 7:18 PM, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
2007/8/1, Timothy Bates timothy.c.bates@gmail.com:
Me too.
On 01/08/2007, at 9:18 am, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Oh yeah.Tim Mansour tim@neologica.com.au
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
On 03.08.2007, at 10:23, Alex Greif wrote:
2007/8/1, Timothy Bates timothy.c.bates@gmail.com:
Me too.
On 01/08/2007, at 9:18 am, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Oh yeah.Tim Mansour tim@neologica.com.au
_ For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Yes, please!
On Aug 3, 2007, at 3:32 AM, Oliver Hagmann wrote:
On 03.08.2007, at 10:23, Alex Greif wrote:
2007/8/1, Timothy Bates timothy.c.bates@gmail.com:
Me too.
On 01/08/2007, at 9:18 am, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Oh yeah.Tim Mansour tim@neologica.com.au
__ For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
_ For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Paul Collins wrote:
I think it's a great idea. I think just a few more HTML friendly features would bring a lot more people over to Textmate that are currently using Dreamweaver or BBedit.
A wishlist I would think of, but not sure if possible:
- Can it auto close the tag when you hit the closing bracket? It
would need to be sophisticated enough to know when NOT to close a tag, say if you had an IMG for instance.
As mentioned, ⌃> does this now.
- For the HTML editor, would it be possible to draw up a list of the
classes in your attached stylesheet when you type CLASS=""? Same goes for ID.
yes, it would be possible.
- Can we make the tab key indent text, instead of ALT + TAB? Might not
be possible, just worth a check!
What's the benefit? Just use ⌘] or ⌥⇥
- I keep whinging about code coloring and I know it's not the end of
the world, but the ability to target specific tags in your color theme would be great!
Yes, this will be possible as soon as someone makes a new HTML grammar. Feel free to do it if you have the time. Otherwise Infin has been saying he'd do it sometime for the last year… maybe next month will be the lucky month. Maybe we should come up with some sort of monetary bounty thing to encourage people to work on such jobs--if it was worth a few pizzas, I might take a crack at it. ;)
- Special Characters, is there any way to go through the document and
replace or find them all automatically? That would be handy.
Yes, sure. What exactly do you want it to do?
- It would be nice to be able to target certain types of files in the
search and replace.
This won't really be possible until TM 2.0, AFAIK.
Of course, I have no idea what's out of the scope and what's possible for you, so apologies if I am asking too much! I have no idea how to do any of this myself either, but I'd love to help with testing if it's a help.
Pretty much all your requests are possible… they just take some work to implement. Feel free to get started any time. ;)
On 4. Aug 2007, at 01:15, Jacob Rus wrote:
- I keep whinging about code coloring and I know it's not the end of
the world, but the ability to target specific tags in your color theme would be great!
Yes, this will be possible as soon as someone makes a new HTML grammar. Feel free to do it if you have the time. Otherwise Infin has been saying he'd do it sometime for the last year… maybe next month will be the lucky month. [...]
I think I have leaked too much 2.0 info related to grammars, so Infin refuses to work under the current crappy conditions ;)
On Aug 4, 2007, at 1:56 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 4. Aug 2007, at 01:15, Jacob Rus wrote:
Yes, this will be possible as soon as someone makes a new HTML grammar. Feel free to do it if you have the time. Otherwise Infin has been saying he'd do it sometime for the last year… maybe next month will be the lucky month. [...]
I think I have leaked too much 2.0 info related to grammars, so Infin refuses to work under the current crappy conditions ;)
I think Apple may have a good reason to keep a lid on their unreleased stuff. If I know what was coming in 10.6 Bobcat it'd be tough to get excited about Leopard, and especially not Tiger. thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
Thanks for your reply Jacob. I guess my list was just nice to have type things that would make it easier for people to migrate to Textmate from other HTML coding apps. There are a lot of great things about Textmate, just a few things that need a bit of getting used to.
- Can it auto close the tag when you hit the closing bracket? It
would need to be sophisticated enough to know when NOT to close a tag, say if you had an IMG for instance.
As mentioned, ⌃> does this now.
- Can we make the tab key indent text, instead of ALT + TAB? Might not
be possible, just worth a check!
What's the benefit? Just use ⌘] or ⌥⇥
Just on those two, I think most HTML editors use the shortcuts mentioned above and probably the most painful thing when you migrate is trying to get used to a whole new group of shortcuts. I think the ⌃> works better in some ways for closing tags as you don't have to tab back in to add an ID or class to a DIV you just closed. The ⌘] or ⌥⇥ shortcut is a pain for indenting though and I still hit TAB everytime and delete my text. These are only small things, but when using on a day to day basis can be annoying.
- I keep whinging about code coloring and I know it's not the end of
the world, but the ability to target specific tags in your color theme would be great!
Yes, this will be possible as soon as someone makes a new HTML grammar. Feel free to do it if you have the time. Otherwise Infin has been saying he'd do it sometime for the last year…
I did try and target specific tags in the theme, I played around with it for a while, but couldn't get anywhere. If I knew how to do it, I would do it myself!
- Special Characters, is there any way to go through the document and
replace or find them all automatically? That would be handy.
Yes, sure. What exactly do you want it to do?
This would be some kind of button/command where you could click the button and it would go through all text and replace the invalid characters with character entities (according to the doctype). So for eg; in an XTHML doc it would replace a £ with £ It may be worth having a sub-function where it goes through them one by one, like a spell checker, in case there are conflicts.
- It would be nice to be able to target certain types of files in the
search and replace.
This won't really be possible until TM 2.0, AFAIK.
I am really looking forward to TM 2.0, I find the search and replace a bit limiting at the minute. In fact, I still haven't found one that compares to Homesite.
Thanks again for all your help. Paul
On 04/08/07, Jacob Rus jacobolus@gmail.com wrote:
Paul Collins wrote:
I think it's a great idea. I think just a few more HTML friendly features would bring a lot more people over to Textmate that are currently using Dreamweaver or BBedit.
A wishlist I would think of, but not sure if possible:
- Can it auto close the tag when you hit the closing bracket? It
would need to be sophisticated enough to know when NOT to close a tag, say if you had an IMG for instance.
As mentioned, ⌃> does this now.
- For the HTML editor, would it be possible to draw up a list of the
classes in your attached stylesheet when you type CLASS=""? Same goes for ID.
yes, it would be possible.
- Can we make the tab key indent text, instead of ALT + TAB? Might not
be possible, just worth a check!
What's the benefit? Just use ⌘] or ⌥⇥
- I keep whinging about code coloring and I know it's not the end of
the world, but the ability to target specific tags in your color theme would be great!
Yes, this will be possible as soon as someone makes a new HTML grammar. Feel free to do it if you have the time. Otherwise Infin has been saying he'd do it sometime for the last year… maybe next month will be the lucky month. Maybe we should come up with some sort of monetary bounty thing to encourage people to work on such jobs--if it was worth a few pizzas, I might take a crack at it. ;)
- Special Characters, is there any way to go through the document and
replace or find them all automatically? That would be handy.
Yes, sure. What exactly do you want it to do?
- It would be nice to be able to target certain types of files in the
search and replace.
This won't really be possible until TM 2.0, AFAIK.
Of course, I have no idea what's out of the scope and what's possible for you, so apologies if I am asking too much! I have no idea how to do any of this myself either, but I'd love to help with testing if it's a help.
Pretty much all your requests are possible… they just take some work to implement. Feel free to get started any time. ;)
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Just to mention a few things ...
Just on those two, I think most HTML editors use the shortcuts mentioned above and probably the most painful thing when you migrate is trying to get used to a whole new group of shortcuts. I think the ⌃> works better in some ways for closing tags as you don't have to tab back in to add an ID or class to a DIV you just closed.
I just wanted to be clear (maybe the initial reply was buried by the avalanche of replies to the code sense :-) but it's not ⌃> that does what you'd like the "closing bracket type-hit" to do, but rather ⌘⌥. (<- that period is part of the keystroke, not the end of the sentence). (<- this period is the end of the sentence)
The two are quite a bit different, and both very handy.
The ⌘] or ⌥⇥ shortcut is a pain for indenting though and I still hit TAB everytime and delete my text. These are only small things, but when using on a day to day basis can be annoying.
One thing to keep in mind here is that the ⌘] key combo has been the defacto Mac OS key combination to indent highlighted text since way back when Steve Jobs was wearing diapers. So it's not TextMate that has to change, but rather the other OS X apps that brought their windows shortcuts along with them ;-)
Thanks for your reply Steve...
I just wanted to be clear (maybe the initial reply was buried by the avalanche of replies to the code sense :-) but it's not ⌃> that does what you'd like the "closing bracket type-hit" to do, but rather ⌘⌥. (<- that period is part of the keystroke, not the end of the sentence). (<- this period is the end of the sentence)
I can't seem to get that shortcut to work, maybe I've somehow changed the settings when I was playing about!
One thing to keep in mind here is that the ⌘] key combo has been the defacto Mac OS key combination to indent highlighted text since way back when Steve Jobs was wearing diapers. So it's not TextMate that has to change, but rather the other OS X apps that brought their windows shortcuts along with them ;-)
You are right, that is true. I think even in Dreamweaver on Mac, it is set for ⌥⇥ by default, I always go in and change it when I install as I have come from PC to Mac a little while back, probably like a lot of people. I can get used to it eventually, but it would be nice if there was the option to change it as I am used to using a single keystroke to indent text! I guess all of these things are just to make it easier to migrate to textmate. Only a want rather than a need.
Thanks again
On 07/08/07, Steve Lianoglou lists@arachnedesign.net wrote:
Just to mention a few things ...
Just on those two, I think most HTML editors use the shortcuts mentioned above and probably the most painful thing when you migrate is trying to get used to a whole new group of shortcuts. I think the ⌃> works better in some ways for closing tags as you don't have to tab back in to add an ID or class to a DIV you just closed.
I just wanted to be clear (maybe the initial reply was buried by the avalanche of replies to the code sense :-) but it's not ⌃> that does what you'd like the "closing bracket type-hit" to do, but rather ⌘⌥. (<- that period is part of the keystroke, not the end of the sentence). (<- this period is the end of the sentence)
The two are quite a bit different, and both very handy.
The ⌘] or ⌥⇥ shortcut is a pain for indenting though and I still hit TAB everytime and delete my text. These are only small things, but when using on a day to day basis can be annoying.
One thing to keep in mind here is that the ⌘] key combo has been the defacto Mac OS key combination to indent highlighted text since way back when Steve Jobs was wearing diapers. So it's not TextMate that has to change, but rather the other OS X apps that brought their windows shortcuts along with them ;-)
-steve ______________________________________________________________________ For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Hi Paul,
I just wanted to be clear (maybe the initial reply was buried by the avalanche of replies to the code sense :-) but it's not ⌃> that does what you'd like the "closing bracket type-hit" to do, but rather ⌘⌥. (<- that period is part of the keystroke, not the end of the sentence). (<- this period is the end of the sentence)
I can't seem to get that shortcut to work, maybe I've somehow changed the settings when I was playing about!
Jump into your HTML bundle via the bundle editor. You should see a command entitled "Insert Close Tag".
Check to see that it's there and its scope (mine is empty/global) and Activation settings are correct.
Hope that helps, -steve
Thanks for your reply Steve. That one isn't there for some reason. I've got "open/close tag with current word", but not just "close tag". How can I add it?
Thanks again Paul
On 07/08/07, Steve Lianoglou lists@arachnedesign.net wrote:
Hi Paul,
I just wanted to be clear (maybe the initial reply was buried by the avalanche of replies to the code sense :-) but it's not ⌃> that does what you'd like the "closing bracket type-hit" to do, but rather ⌘⌥. (<- that period is part of the keystroke, not the end of the sentence). (<- this period is the end of the sentence)
I can't seem to get that shortcut to work, maybe I've somehow changed the settings when I was playing about!
Jump into your HTML bundle via the bundle editor. You should see a command entitled "Insert Close Tag".
Check to see that it's there and its scope (mine is empty/global) and Activation settings are correct.
Hope that helps, -steve ______________________________________________________________________ For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Hey Paul,
Thanks for your reply Steve. That one isn't there for some reason. I've got "open/close tag with current word", but not just "close tag". How can I add it?
Strange ... or is it? Maybe mine being there is an artifact from some old bundle I had.
Anyway, I'm attaching the command here -- you should be able to install this file into textmate (by dragging it to textmate? or double clicking it from the desktop -- something similarly easy).
That's got it, thanks for your help Steve!
On 07/08/07, Steve Lianoglou lists@arachnedesign.net wrote:
Hey Paul,
Thanks for your reply Steve. That one isn't there for some reason. I've got "open/close tag with current word", but not just "close tag". How can I add it?
Strange ... or is it? Maybe mine being there is an artifact from some old bundle I had.
Anyway, I'm attaching the command here -- you should be able to install this file into textmate (by dragging it to textmate? or double clicking it from the desktop -- something similarly easy).
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Paul Collins wrote:
- Special Characters, is there any way to go through the document and
replace or find them all automatically? That would be handy.
Yes, sure. What exactly do you want it to do?
This would be some kind of button/command where you could click the button and it would go through all text and replace the invalid characters with character entities (according to the doctype). So for eg; in an XTHML doc it would replace a £ with £ It may be worth having a sub-function where it goes through them one by one, like a spell checker, in case there are conflicts.
Note that the "convert characters to entities" command already does this (⌘&).
Jacob Rus wrote:
This would be some kind of button/command where you could click the button and it would go through all text and replace the invalid characters with character entities (according to the doctype). So for eg; in an XTHML doc it would replace a £ with £ It may be worth having a sub-function where it goes through them one by one, like a spell checker, in case there are conflicts.
Note that the "convert characters to entities" command already does this (⌘&).
I wish there was a way to convert characters to decimal numeric character references, since these have better browser support and equivalents for all Unicode characters not just some common ones. At the moment I use:
But it would be nice to have an integrated tool.
-- Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
On Aug 12, 2007, at 4:59 AM, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
I wish there was a way to convert characters to decimal numeric character references, since these have better browser support and equivalents for all Unicode characters not just some common ones. At the moment I use:
But it would be nice to have an integrated tool.
Creating such a tool wouldn't be much work at all, if someone makes a better set of entity tools they can definitely be included in the bundle.
The real reason I think no one has bothered is nowadays it's just simpler to use UTF-8 documents and just type the actual characters. I haven't actually used entities for webpages in years (except for &<> of course). Not really any reason to anymore.:)
In saying this I'm sure there are still languages where using some odd encoding is the standard, so couldn't hurt to have the tools improved.
On Aug 12, 2007, at 4:59 AM, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
[...] I wish there was a way to convert characters to decimal numeric character references, since these have better browser support and equivalents for all Unicode characters not just some common ones.
We do output numeric entities for those where we do not have a symbolic name -- it’s rather simple to change the command to always do the numeric entities.
I do wonder though if this browser compatibility is not just a myth -- and as was said in this thread, entities are really not required today with UTF-8.
On 12/08/2007, at 11:59, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
Note that the "convert characters to entities" command already does this (⌘&).
I wish there was a way to convert characters to decimal numeric character references, since these have better browser support and equivalents for all Unicode characters not just some common ones. At the moment I use:
But it would be nice to have an integrated tool.
Sorry for ressurecting an old thread, but for more sophisticated Unicode-related works there is a really handy and free app called UnicodeChecker, http://earthlingsoft.net/UnicodeChecker/. It integrates with [Application] -> Services menu, adding a Unicode entry with helpful tools. Among them is changing HTML entities to Unicode and vice versa. Works with TextMate correctly.
I would like to follow up to this old one as well. Subtlegradient, are you still working on this?
Hope I'm not being pushy, just asking?!
Does anyone know of any other good HTML bundles floating around?!
On 23/08/07, Rafał Komorowski komor@mac.com wrote:
On 12/08/2007, at 11:59, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
Note that the "convert characters to entities" command already does this (⌘&).
I wish there was a way to convert characters to decimal numeric character references, since these have better browser support and equivalents for all Unicode characters not just some common ones. At the moment I use:
But it would be nice to have an integrated tool.
Sorry for ressurecting an old thread, but for more sophisticated Unicode-related works there is a really handy and free app called UnicodeChecker, http://earthlingsoft.net/UnicodeChecker/. It integrates with [Application] -> Services menu, adding a Unicode entry with helpful tools. Among them is changing HTML entities to Unicode and vice versa. Works with TextMate correctly.
Rafał Komorowski komor@mac.com GG: 4083718 http://homepage.mac.com/komor/iblog/
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
It's done and released. You just have to upgrade to the latest subversion bundles, which I highly recommend that you not bother with. Just wait until the next unstable version of TextMate and you should be good to go.
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — bundleForge
On Sep 5, 2007, at 6:36 PM, Paul Collins wrote:
I would like to follow up to this old one as well. Subtlegradient, are you still working on this?
Hope I'm not being pushy, just asking?!
Does anyone know of any other good HTML bundles floating around?!
Thanks for your quick reply Thomas, I guess I will await the next unstable version of textmate to get into it :)
Thanks for looking after us HTMLers, too!
On 05/09/07, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) oblivious@subtlegradient.com wrote:
It's done and released. You just have to upgrade to the latest subversion bundles, which I highly recommend that you not bother with. Just wait until the next unstable version of TextMate and you should be good to go.
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — bundleForge
On Sep 5, 2007, at 6:36 PM, Paul Collins wrote:
I would like to follow up to this old one as well. Subtlegradient, are you still working on this?
Hope I'm not being pushy, just asking?!
Does anyone know of any other good HTML bundles floating around?!
For new threads USE THIS: textmate@lists.macromates.com (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
I never would have added it if I didn't want it for myself ;) thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — bundleForge
On Sep 5, 2007, at 7:13 PM, Paul Collins wrote:
Thanks for your quick reply Thomas, I guess I will await the next unstable version of textmate to get into it :)
Thanks for looking after us HTMLers, too!