There are quite some commands that when invoked result in an error. The error itself is correct in a way, but most of the time not very helpful, and I think they can be avoided by adding some preconditions to these commands.
Take for example "Browse Annotated File (Blame)"; when running without having a file open or selected in the filebrowser, it displays the following error:

Or the scm gutter; when deleting or renaming a folder outside of TextMate, but which is currently open in TextMate, then after deleting closing one of the tabs displays the following error:

I think all these kinds of errors have to be solved at bundle level, but like to hear some opinions before I start opening pull requests.
– Koen
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On 29 Dec 2016, at 15:11, Koen Punt wrote:
There are quite some commands that when invoked result in an error. The error itself is correct in a way, but most of the time not very helpful, and I think they can be avoided by adding some preconditions to these commands. […] I think all these kinds of errors have to be solved at bundle level, but like to hear some opinions before I start opening pull requests.
You are correct in that the bundle items themselves should catch these errors, if they do not want TextMate to show the command as having failed.
And I also agree that a few failures are not really “command” failures and ought to be handled, so would welcome pull requests for this.