I would like to add an engine lualatex in the preferences of the latex bundle. How to do that ?
Alain Matthes
Alain Matthes wrote:
I would like to add an engine lualatex in the preferences of the latex bundle. How to do that ?
Alain Matthes
Hi Alain,
I've only been using TextMate for a few days and I don't use lualatex, so I can't guarantee this will work, but I've managed to compile with XeLaTeX by changing the typesetting engine under Bundles > LaTeX > File Preferences > Set Typesetting Engine.
HTH, Antonio
Le 5 juin 2011 à 05:52, Antonio Fortin a écrit :
Alain Matthes wrote:
I would like to add an engine lualatex in the preferences of the latex bundle. How to do that ?
Alain Matthes
Hi Alain,
I've only been using TextMate for a few days and I don't use lualatex, so I can't guarantee this will work, but I've managed to compile with XeLaTeX by changing the typesetting engine under Bundles > LaTeX > File Preferences > Set Typesetting Engine.
Thanks for your answer Yes I can add %!TEX TS-program = lualatex directly but my question was to add lualatex not with Set Typesetting Engine but inside the Latex Preferences.
Typesetting Default Engine : the choice is pdflatex, latex, xelatex and texexec. I will be interesting to have lualatex and perhaps xetex and luatex
Best regards
Alain Matthes