I have a question re Citation (Ref-TeX Style) completion or BibDesk. The completion doesn't occur in TM2, while it continues to work fine in TM1, without having to open BibDesk, via the BibDeskTMCompletions script which I put in a ~/bin folder.
Any suggestion as to why it doesn't work in TM 2 alpha? Is it because tooltips might not be working yet, or do I need to point the LaTeX bundle towards my bib files (and how?)? Any hint greatly appreciated by this non-coder.
N.B. Two "likes". I very much appreciate TM2's highly configurable browser window from which I can start TeXShop on whatever file I want to work on, with latexmk giving me automated processing. And the input of Greek, Hebrew, etc. is working beautifully. No need for other editors for that purpose now. --Gildas