Hi Allan and others,
Lately there hasn't been any (public) development of TextMate.
So I'm wondering if there's an update to be expected anytime soon?
I'm currently expecting performance issues with tab switching, closing, and opening (CMD+T) of files. Is this a known issue, or how can I investigate what is causing this?
– Koen
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I have no notion what the use case for these performance issues might be. I don't deny that such issues may exist, but I would just like to say, on the other end of the scale, that I wrote the latest editions of my iOS 10 books (listed in my .sig, below) using TextMate 2 and my AsciiDoc bundle, and had no problems whatever. And you can bet your booties that I exercise TextMate very hard and use it very nimbly when I'm working on a book. m.
On Feb 28, 2017, at 8:39 AM, Koen Punt koen@koenpunt.nl wrote:
I'm currently expecting performance issues with tab switching, closing, and opening (CMD+T) of files
-- matt neuburg, phd = http://www.apeth.net/matt/ pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei Programming iOS 10! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920055235.do iOS 10 Fundamentals! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920055211.do RubyFrontier! http://www.apeth.com/RubyFrontierDocs/default.html