Hello, I'am a new member.
I found a bug in version 2.0-alpha.9495 when I have the $parent variable and press tab after that, I get autocomplete I did not expect:
- When the $parent variable in the function in a class, such as the example below:
class myClass { public function myFunction ($attr ='') { $parent{tab} } }
Will produce:
class myClass { public function myFunction ($attr ='') { $parent::myFunction($attr); } }
- When the variable in the class, such as the example below:
class myClass { public $parent{tab} }
Will result in:
class myClass { public $ }parent
- When the variable in the php file, not in the last line, such as the example below:
<?php $parent{tab}
function myFunction () { } ?>
Will result in:
<?php $
function myFunction () { } ?>parent
- When the variable below the function , such as the example below:
<?php function myFunction () { } $parent{tab} ?>
Will result in:
<?php function myFunction () { } $parent::myFunction(); ?>
However, if $parent variable in the empty php file and the last line, will result in a tab character should be.
How can I disable the autocomplete function on the tab?
Thank you