tracing a message to source.
the message in question is:
Type your password to allow TextMate to make changes.
the heart of the message is as i would see it is:
((((((( to allow ))))))))))) (((((( TextMate ))))))) ((((((( make changes )))))))))
i do apologize for the excess use of parentheses to emphasize.
i have been dealing with this situation for a while now. in a few forums.
any way , the words the code developer used to convey a message are:
" to allow TextMate to make changes "
what is text mate changing ???
it would be nice to know.
this situation revolves around the action of placing a textMate file in XAMPP htdocs.
I could chase answers over here and chase answers over there. etc.
but what would be really cool is if the code developer could stimulate some reference to a file or a process or some other lead.
are there any command line utilities that could show the last known file that executed action to the screen.
Thank you.
On Nov 10, 2011, at 10:44 , trout swim wrote:
this situation revolves around the action of placing a textMate file in XAMPP htdocs.
I suspect your htdocs folder is not owned by your user.
Try ls -l htdocs and see if you are the owner. If not, TextMate needs to escalate to root in order to save to a folder it does not have write access to.
On 10 November 2011 03:44, trout swim wrote:
tracing a message to source.
the message in question is:
Type your password to allow TextMate to make changes.
the heart of the message is as i would see it is:
((((((( to allow ))))))))))) (((((( TextMate ))))))) ((((((( make changes )))))))))
i do apologize for the excess use of parentheses to emphasize.
i have been dealing with this situation for a while now. in a few forums.
any way , the words the code developer used to convey a message are:
" to allow TextMate to make changes "
what is text mate changing ???
TextMate wants to change the file you are saving, but it can't since it is not owned by you.