I've been playing with Textmate's latex capabilities and I am impressed. But I am unable to get any graphics. Here is an example (TMExample):
\PSforPDF{ \usepackage{pdftricks} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{pst-plot} \usepackage{pstricks-add} }
\pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \PSforPDF {% \begin{pspicture}(-5,-5)(5,5) \psaxes[linecolor=blue,tickstyle=top]% {<->}% (0,0)(-5,-5)(5,5) \end{pspicture} }
Out of this I get a rectangle in the viewer saying:
Can’t show picture #1 because TMExample-pics.pdf not found. Create it from TMExample.dvi using dvips and ps2pdf!
I am not sure what to do with this.
Tom Vawter wrote:
I've been playing with Textmate's latex capabilities and I am impressed. But I am unable to get any graphics. Here is an example (TMExample):
Out of this I get a rectangle in the viewer saying:
Can’t show picture #1 because TMExample-pics.pdf not found. Create it from TMExample.dvi using dvips and ps2pdf!
I am not sure what to do with this.
I don't know much about postscript drawing, but is it possible that it wouldn't work because of TextMate using pdflatex instead of plain latex?
In that case you might want to play around with the Shell variable TEX in TextMate. You should try setting it to "latexmk.pl"[1] or "latex". This will cause TextMate to use that command as the latex command (latexmk.pl is included in the distribution of TextMate).
To set that variable, go to TextMate's preferences, select the Advanced tab and then click on the Shell Variables button. Changes take effect immediately.